The Libyans are begining to fight for the freedom they had under Muammar Gadaffi.
Muammar Gadaffi did say;'you can destroy my body,but not my soul;cause its in the heart of nine million Libyans.Even if I am not hear to fight,Libyans will fight for their future.We will never sell our lands to the colonialists'.
Today,Libyans are fighting for themselves,and am certain Nato,and her Western liars will be forced to leave Libya compulsorily,with their rebel government.
Muammar Gadaffi did say;'you can destroy my body,but not my soul;cause its in the heart of nine million Libyans.Even if I am not hear to fight,Libyans will fight for their future.We will never sell our lands to the colonialists'.
Today,Libyans are fighting for themselves,and am certain Nato,and her Western liars will be forced to leave Libya compulsorily,with their rebel government.
Libyans are used to freedom,and wont stay put being led like sheeps by some idiotic Libyans who want to serve the greedy aims of Obama,and his masters.
Libyans will get back their nation.
Today,Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens a man who helped spy for six years on Muammar Gadaffi has been killed.He failed his eminent destiny.Such awaits every single man who profits from death,and destruction. 
Contrary to mainstream media,this terrorist and spy was lynched to death.