
Tuesday 10 September 2013

New-York times wants SYRIAN invasion.

Obama's the latest in a long line of US warrior presidents. He exceeds
the worst of all his predecessors. He jeopardizes world peace. They
risks global war.
New York Times editors and columnists support his lawlessness. They
do it shamelessly. They do it unapologetically. They betray their
readers in the process.
Rule of law principles are spurned. Advancing America's imperium
matters most. So does supporting racketeering war profiteers.
George Seldes called them "merchants of death. (T)he healthfulness of
their business depends on slaughter," he said. "The more wars," the
greater their profits. They love endless ones best of all.
Con men like Obama manipulate public sentiment for war. Media
scoundrels like Times editors and columnists support what demands
Don't expect them to explain. They support all US wars. They do so
disgracefully. They ignore fundamental rule of law principles. They
suppress evidence of unconscionable human slaughter.
They call crimes of war, against humanity and genocide responsibility
to protect (R2P). They lie saying so. They're doing it again now.
They hyped bogus threats throughout Syria's conflict. They point
fingers the wrong way consistently. They blame Assad for Western-
enlisted death squad crimes.
They lie for imperial interests. They suppress vital truths. They
misportray Assad. They call him a ruthless despot. He's polar
opposite. He's an accidental leader. He's a trained opthalmologist.
He intended to practice medicine. He never planned for what he's now
doing. It was thrust on him after his father's death.
He's intelligent, soft spoken, thoughtful, levelheaded and honest. It
shows in what he says and how. He has overwhelming popular
It's for good reason. Syrians rely on him against foreign invaders.
He's their last line of defense. At stake is saving national
Obama wants it ravaged and destroyed. Don't expect Times editors
and columnists to explain. They're selling war. They support mass
killing and destruction. They lie to readers doing so.
On September 7, The Times headlined "With the World Watching, Syria
Amassed Nerve Gas," saying:
"Syria's top leaders amassed one of the world's largest stockpiles of
chemical weapons with help from the Soviet Union and Iran, as well
as Western European suppliers and even a handful of American
companies, according to American diplomatic cables and declassified
intelligence records."
Whatever Syria may or may not have, alleged US cables and
intelligence fall short of reliably explaining.
Independently verifiable evidence alone is credible. The Times cited
none. It accepts US sources a gospel. It does it no matter how many
times prior information was fake.
Former Times columnist Judith Miller was a virtual conflict of
interest. She was a weapon of mass destruction. Her daily feature
columns sold war on Iraq. She did so based on lies.
She was a stenographer for power. Her writing reflected agenda
politics. She sank to the level of straight Pentagon handouts. She
cited a Noah's ark of scam artists doing so.
She knew what she was doing. So did Times editors. Daily
propaganda supported Bush's rage for war.
Other columnists repeated lies against Gaddafi. They're featured again
now. They target Assad. They do it maliciously. They do every time
America plans war.
According to The Times, Assad "exploited large loopholes, lax
enforcement and a far greater international emphasis on limiting the
spread of nuclear weapons."
Who knows what's true or false. Where's the proof? None was cited.
Former Bush administration Deputy National Security Advisor Juan
Zarate was The Times corroborating expert.
Independent ones are scrupulously avoided. According to The Times,
Obama officials "grew increasingly alarmed by the ease with which
Mr. Assad was using a network of front companies to import the
precursors needed to make VX and sarin."
US government documents allege he "built up a huge stockpile by
creating companies with the appearance of legitimacy, importing
chemicals that had many legitimate uses and capitalizing on the
chaos that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union."
DNI head James Clapper was cited. He's an admitted perjurer. He told
Congress that Syria "remains dependent on foreign sources for key
elements" of its program.
He cited Iran, Russia, and China. He claimed Beijing at times operates
through North Korea. He named some Western nations. He said US
companies supply restricted chemical and biological agents.
America has huge stockpiles of the most toxic chemical and
biological weapons. Key is less how many and which ones than clear
evidence they're used. Washington does so freely.
It's done at home and abroad. A previous article explained. CIA
operatives experimented illegally with toxic substances. Human
subjects were used.
US agencies conducted numerous human radiation experiments. VA
hospital patients and others were unwitting guinea pigs.
Chemical and biological agents were secretly released in US cities.
Military personnel are given experimental vaccines and toxic drugs.
They're administered without their knowledge.
Numerous experiments subject human subjects to toxic gases,
ionizing radiation, psychochemicals, hallucinogens, and other
dangerous substances.
Radiation's injected into newborns. Children are infected with
hepatitis. Prisoners get horrific treatment.
Inmates are subjected to torture, illegal medical experiments, and
other forms of abuse.
Agent Orange's deadly legacy remains. It's one of the most toxic
known substances. It's a potent carcinogenic human immune system
suppressant. Minute amounts cause serious health problems and
It kills. It accumulates in adipose tissue and the liver. It alters living
cell genetic structures. Exposure results in congenital disorders and
birth defects. It causes cancer, type two diabetes, and numerous other
It remains toxic for decades. It affected millions of Southeast Asians.
Many others were disabled and/or suffer from chronic illnesses.
Future generations are affected like earlier ones.
Around three million US servicemen and women were harmed. So were
many American civilians. Many died. Living victims suffer from
diseases, birth defects, and other ill effects.
Depleted and enriched uranium weapons are used freely. Radiation
poisoning kills. It causes grievous illnesses, disfiguration, and birth
Times editors and columnists don't explain. They suppress America's
worst crimes. They support its war on humanity. They ignore how
horrifically its waged.
On September 8, The Times headlined "On Both Sides, Syrians Make
Pleas to US."
A suspect video from insurgent-held Kafranbel village shows
"residents who have lost family members in (Assad's) crackdown on
the Syrian uprising as they plead for American military strikes on
their own country."
Odds are it made on a Hollywood sound stage replica. Videos, photos
and other alleged visual evidence are easy to fake. TV viewers see
examples nightly.
"(T)he publicity war among Syrians to get their message out isâ
€¦reaching a crescendo. (It) focuse(s) on Capitol Hill and the
American public," said The Times.
"Grass-roots activists are building on expertise developed over the
past two years as they used the Internet and social media to get
information out about Syria."
"Informal armies of antigovernment activists have long pumped out
videos of dead children being pulled from rubble, of warplanes
attacking neighborhoods, and of security forces torturing prisoners,
even as government supporters have shared videos of rebels killing
prisoners or desecrating shrines."
"Beyong (video) soaring music and images of children, its script aims
directly at American skepticism about another war and recent protests
that featured antiwar slogans."
"If you are really against the war, then you should support the US
strikes that can actually end (it)," said Kenan Rahmani.
He's a Syrian-American. He spoke from Kafranbel. He's selling war.
His video comments urged it. He turned logic on its head. Odds are
he was enlisted to do it.
He claimed waging war's the way to end it. He said the opposite of
what's true. Times editors and columnists don't explain. They're on
the wrong side of history.
The Times featured political science professor Ian Hurd's op-ed. He's
selling war. He headlined "Bomb Syria, Even if It Is Illegal."
He wrongfully blamed Assad for tens of thousands of Syrian deaths.
He wants him punished.
He claimed there's "widespread confusion over the legal basis for the
use of force in these terrible circumstances."
"There are moral reasons for disregarding the law," he said. He
"believe(s) the Obama administration should intervene in Syria."
Fact check
Morality, ethics and/or other considerations don't justify lawlessness.
International, constitutional and US statute laws are clear and
unequivocal. They're inviolable.
No nation may attack another except in self-defense. It may do so
until the Security Council acts. It has final say.
No exceptions exist. None for any reason. Hurd's argument rings
hollow. It's worse than that. He supports war based on lies.
"There is no doubt that Mr. Assad’s government has violated
humanitarian principles throughout the two-year-old war, including
the prohibition on the indiscriminate killing of civilians," he said.
False! Syria is Washington's war. Regime change is planned. It's
longstanding US policy. Western-backed death squads are Obama's
shock troops. They bear full responsibility for mass killing and
Syrian forces contest them. They do so responsibly. They do it in self-
defense. They're obligated to do it. They're waging war against foreign
There's nothing civil about Syria's conflict. So-called "rebels" are
imported death squad killers.
They're Al Qaeda, Al Nusra and other extremist terrorists. Routing
them matters most. Assad's responsible for doing so. He's obligated
to do it as Syria's leader.
Hurd didn't explain. He turned truth on its head. Times editors gave
him a platform to do so. Peace activists are shunned.
Hurd said humanitarian intervention justifies war "under the concept
of the 'responsibility to protect.' " He claims it's "widely accepted by
the United Nations and most governments."
Fact check
UN Charter provisions prohibit military force for humanitarian
interventions. No exceptions exist. Justifying them as R2P doesn't
wash. Doing so is illegal.
UN Charter Chapter VI calls for resolving conflicts peacefully. If
unattainable, Chapter VII authorizes the Security Council to impose
boycotts, embargoes, blockades and severing diplomatic ties.
It prohibits war and other violent means. No exceptions exist. None
for moral, ethical, humanitarian or other reasons. Violence begets
more of it.
War assures more war. Peace depends on working for it nonviolently.
No other way works.
Hurd claims otherwise. He calls lawless intervention "legitimate." He
urges what he calls "constructive noncompliance."
"Since Russia and China won't help, Mr. Obama and allied leaders
should declare that international law has evolved and that they don't
need Security Council approval to intervene in Syria."
"This would be popular in many quarters, and I believe it's the right
thing to do," he said.
He's wrong. He's dead wrong for the wrong reasons. Violating rule of
law principles can't be tolerated. Doing so supports law of the jungle
Laws can't be rewritten or ignored to justify policy. Doing it to wage
war on victims makes things worse. Hurd didn't explain.
Times editors never do. They're in lockstep with imperial lawlessness.
They support America's worst crimes. They do so disgracefully. They
do it every time.
They do it by turning truth on its head. Managed news
misinformation substitutes. It's longstanding Times policy.
A Final Comment
The NYTimes eXaminer is "an antidote to the 'paper of record.' " On
August 27, it headlined "The NYT's Evolving Drive for War on Syria."
Numerous examples explain. "Kerry Cites Clear Evidence of Chemical
Weapon Use" is one of many. In 24 hours prior to publishing, it
underwent "22 revisions."
Some were minor. Others inconsequential. Most were "considerable."
They reflected "hawkish, pro-war bias." They twisted truth to do so.
Readers are deceived. The Times "shap(ed) the article as a public
relations piece on behalf of" anti-Syrian supporters. Lies substituted
for truth.
Opposite views were shut out. Rule of law principles were ignored. No
evidence was provided to corroborate what's claimed.
"(T)he NYT article is a morphing argument for war," said NYTimes
eXaminer. It's a propaganda puff piece. Nearly two dozen revisions
shaped its duplicitous narrative. Readers were systematically
Times editors spurn truth and full disclosure. They promoted war on
Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. They're selling it on Syria.
They blame victims for Washington's crimes. They're on the wrong
side of history. It's longstanding Times policy. It makes "all the news
fit to print" not fit to read.

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