Francisco Gil-White
Accusations against
President Bush Jr.’s administration that it used phony intelligence to sell the
current invasion and occupation of Iraq have become a growing clamor in the
media, helping produce a consensus in the public that the officially stated reasons
for going to war were lies. In consequence, there is a growing crescendo now in
the United States about getting out of Iraq. For example, on 28 November 2005
Newsweek ran the headline:
AT THE TIPPING POINT: A hawkish Democrat calls for an Iraq withdrawal setting
off a bitter fight in Washington over how, and when, the troops should come
The text of the
article explains:
months of debate over the question of how the country got into Iraq -- who knew
what and when about the absence of WMD [Weapons of Mass Destruction] -- the
political center of gravity suddenly shifted to another question: how we get
“The one-man tipping
point,” according to Newsweek, is Jack Murtha of Pennsylvania. Murtha had been
for the war, now he is loudly against, and his hawkish credentials -- he is “a
favorite of the Pentagon generals” -- plus the growing anti-Bush climate, we
are told, changed the debate. This could be the beginning of the end for the US
troops in Iraq. So, with the public’s attention on Iraq thus focused, this is
probably a good time for HIR to do what it does best: provide the historical
context needed to understand the present and to produce reasonably constrained
hypotheses about the future.
Given that a growing
number of people no longer believe that the Bush administration’s officially
stated reasons for attacking Iraq -- finding and destroying Saddam Hussein's
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) -- were the real reasons, let us ask this
question: Why did the US invade Iraq?
Opinions differ. A
popular view is that the US invasion of Iraq has something to do with the
appetite of the US ruling elite for cheap oil. This will seem like a natural
hypothesis to many because opponents of the elder Bush accused that his
1991 war on Iraq -- the Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm) -- was driven by
hunger for oil. And now Warner Brothers has released a George Clooney
production, Syriana, arguing that US foreign policy in the Middle East
is generally a consequence of hunger for oil. But I don’t think the oil
hypothesis is right. Oh, I will not deny that the US ruling elite likes making
money with oil. And neither will I deny that keeping control over the Iranian
oil fields was the main motivator of the 1953 CIA-engineered coup in Iran. But
since 1979, I will argue, the main goal of US policy in Asia and the Middle
East has been the growth of Islamist terrorism. So, with regard to the current
war on Iraq, the hypothesis I will defend is the following:
George W. Bush
attacked Iraq in order to ensure the continued growth of Islamist terrorism in
the Middle East.
Here’s how I will go
about it. I will argue that in order to understand Bush Jr.’s war on Iraq, one
must first understand Bush Sr.’s 1991 Gulf War against the same country.
And that war was not fought for oil; rather, it was launched to
protect Islamist Iran. In order to show this, I need to examine US policy
towards the Iran-Iraq war that came immediately before the Gulf War, and this
will take us as far back as 1979, when the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
installed himself in Iran as the supreme leader in an Islamist coup d’État,
after which he immediately provoked the Iran-Iraq war. In fact, we will have to
dig even further back to the 1953 CIA coup that installed Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
as the US’s right-wing repressive puppet in Iran, sowing the seeds of
discontent that led to the Iranian Revolution of 1979 which Khomeini (another
US asset) right away betrayed. The coming articles will construct and document
this in some detail, but here is the claim:
Since 1979, US foreign
policy towards Iraq
has been consistently pro-Islamist, pro-terrorist, and pro-Iranian.
In other words, HIR’s
series of articles will aim to show that if we look at Iraq from Iran, as I
claim the US planners do, US foreign policy towards Iraq makes perfect sense,
with nary a leftover absurdity. This is important, because political analysis
requires inferring the intentions of the various actors. Their behaviors will
appear absurd if we assign to them intentions that they probably didn't have,
so the ability to resolve apparent absurdities is what reveals a political
analysis to be on the right track. This is, in fact, the only test of a
political analysis (though it is seldom applied).
HIR's articles on Iraq
and Iran will be appearing in the coming weeks. Immediately, below, I will give
you an introductory taste for why the view I defend makes sense, using a few
things that Newsweek says to motivate my reflections.
The first hypothesis about any policy must be that its actual effects were intended; the effect of US policy in Iraq is to strengthen Islamist terrorism in general, and Iranian Islamism in particular.
As you may know, there
is a bloody civil war going on in Iraq, which the British daily The Guardian
describes as follows:
rate of suicide bombings in Iraq continues its relentless rise: some days there
are more than five attacks. Jihadist leaders are taking full advantage of the
anger and despair of the many Iraqis who have lost family members at the hands
of the occupation. The recruiters convince them that taking revenge is the way
to please God and to defeat the infidels.”
In other words, the
actual effect of the US invasion is to feed the growth of Islamist terrorism in
But there are other
sources of violence. Iraq is an ethnic and religious mosaic (see map at right).
The main religious division is between Sunni Muslims (the backbone of Saddam
Hussein's erstwhile power) and Shia Muslims (like those in Iran). What
distinguishes Sunni from Shia Muslims is less important than the fact of their
not getting along very well. There is a long history of Iranian support for
armed Shia rebellions in Iraq, and the pattern continues. It is a major issue.
For example, Newsweek tells us that, just recently, “[Mowaffaq al-] Rubbaie,
Iraq’s national-security adviser,” made an official trip to Iran. He,
other Iraqi officials, chastised Iran for supporting Shiite militias [in Iraq]
and aggravating the insurgency [i.e. the ongoing civil war in Iraq]. More
gently, they asked for Tehran’s help… Rubbaie returned home with what he
regards as an important prize: a memorandum of understanding with Tehran that
commits the two governments to cooperate on sensitive intelligence-
sharing matters, counterterrorism and cross-border infiltration of Qaeda figures.”
sharing matters, counterterrorism and cross-border infiltration of Qaeda figures.”
Now, this is a bit
strange. Will the Iraqi hens improve their security by having a chat with the
Iranian wolf? I find it improbable, to put it mildly, that Iran will really
honor an agreement to share intelligence against its own client militias in
Iraq. I will therefore assume what is most likely: that Iran will continue to
support them.
With this assumption,
let us ask: Since these militias are fighting to install Iranian-style Shiite
Islamism in Iraq, what is the likelihood of a Shiite Islamist government under
Iran’s influence when the US soldiers leave? The answer is ‘relatively high,’
because the population of Iraq is about 60-65% Shiite, according to US Intelligence.
Could a Shia-dominated
Islamist Iraq under Iran’s influence be what the US ruling elite wants?
Consider something
else that Newsweek says:
interference continues to haunt future scenarios for an independent, stable
Iraq. [US ambassador to Iraq Zalmay] Khalilzad, echoing other US officials,
said he is hoping for a ‘significant withdrawal’ of US troops from Iraq next
year. But the Bush administration worries that a fractured Iraq under weak
leadership will be Tehran’s playground.”
It appears that Iraq
is indeed expected to become “Tehran’s playground.” So the actual effect of the
US invasion of Iraq will be to turn it into an Islamist puppet state of Iran.
But the text above
bears scrutiny. If Khalilzad is “echoing other US officials” when he says he
would like a major troop withdrawal by next year, then which “Bush
administration” is it that “worries that a fractured Iraq...will be Tehran’s
playground”? Isn’t the Bush administration composed of “US officials”? And
isn’t Khalilzad, the US Ambassador to Iraq, supposed to be mouthing the US’s
official policy towards Iraq? And if the growth of Iranian power is not what
the US ruling elite wants, then why are Khalilzad and other US officials
calling for withdrawing the troops, a policy that will abandon Iraq to Iran?
The above excerpt from
Newsweek appears to be an example of what George Orwell, in his novel 1984,
called Newspeak: contradictions tumble one after another in sequence, as if
nothing, there to impair the reader's ability to reason. Here's how it works.
The reader assumes relative honesty, and basic intelligence, and so the
hypothesis that total absurdities are in fact maliciously intended by a
major publication such as Newsweek will not be put on the table. For to
consider this hypothesis would be to challenge explicitly the very order of
reality that the reader takes for granted: that the press is (at least
reasonably) free. So the reader’s mind refuses, at some level, the
exercise of skeptical analysis, passing over the contradictions in a haze. This
is the opposite of reasoning, and it pushes the reader's mind into a kind of
torpor of illogic that will accept anything -- the intended effect.
In this way, the
reader is left with an invalid interpretation, because a valid one would
have to take any apparent absurdities head on and resolve them. This is what
HIR aims to produce. So, what we need is a hypothesis that will explain why:
1) on the one hand, US
officials call for policies that will effectively give Iraq to Iran; and
2) on the other hand,
these same officials claim in public that the US government would deplore this
very outcome, which its policies are designed to produce.
Here is one such
hypothesis: The US ruling elite favors the spread of Iranian-style Islamist
terrorism, but cannot tell this to the American public, because the American
public would be horrified to find that its own government is sponsoring the
spread of Islamist terrorism.
Of course, this
interpretation requires believing that US officials are misleading the American
Shocking as that idea may be, Jared Israel of Emperors clothes
has already produced a mountain of documentation and analysis to support his
hypothesis that US geostrategy in Asia is generally geared towards the
promotion of Islamist terrorism because it destabilizes the Asian giants --
Russia (earlier, the Soviet Union), China, and India -- which compete with the
US for power there. The strategy works because the Asian giants have Muslim
populations on their borders, inside and outside, so sponsoring Islamist
terrorist movements in Asia is conducive to producing border conflicts and
civil wars that drive these large countries to collapse.
From the perspective
of Jared Israel’s hypothesis, then, US policy towards Iraq, which is to grind
it down and serve it up for Iran to swallow, is just the latest installment in
the overall game plan to promote Islamist terrorism as a tool of semi-covert
imperialism. The US ruling elite will pull the troops out of Iraq in order
to give Iraq to Iran, but will complain publicly about the outcome, giving
the appearance of withdrawing the troops under pressure from the US public.
Consistent with this
view, consider what the Toronto Star wrote on 24 November 2005, in an article
titled “White House sets stage for pullback of troops”:
Khalilzad, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, also told CNN this week he believed it
would be possible to begin a withdrawal of American forces next year. The
change in tone appears to be an acknowledgement of the increasing unpopularity
of the war, with one national poll this week indicating 65 per cent of
Americans would like to see the troops home by the end of 2006.”
The word “also” is
appended to Khalilzad's opinion because he was echoing Pentagon officials and
US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, whose identical views were reported in
the same article. But perhaps you will notice the contradiction in what the
Daily News reported Khalilzad as saying only four days later:
ambassador to Iraq warned yesterday that pulling out of the country early would
be disastrous. ‘Terrorists could take over part of this country and expand from
here,’ Zalmay Khalilzad told Newsweek. ‘And given the resources of Iraq, given
the technical expertise of its people, it will make Afghanistan look like
child’s play.’
Since a withdrawal
needs to be planned, and since Zalmay Khalilzad's preferred date for a major
withdrawal -- “next year” -- is already upon us (this is November), Khalilzad
is in fact calling for an immediate troop withdrawal even as he explains
that “pulling out...early would be disastrous.” An absurdity? Not under my
hypothesis: the US ruling elite wants the “disastrous” result, but knows
that the American public will deplore it, so US officials must appear to
deplore it also, and to be pulling out of Iraq reluctantly, under pressure from
the American public. This is precisely why US government statements about
impending withdrawal did not come before the polls began to show a strong US
majority for it, as we see above.
Also consistent with
my hypothesis is all this business about the missing Weapons of Mass
Destruction (WMDs). Clearly, the US ruling elite wanted the world to think that
it didn't have a good reason to attack Iraq. Why do I say this? Because when
the US ruling elite attacked Serbia, it had no problem mobilizing the Western
press to allege that the Serbs were committing a genocide against ethnic
Albanians in Kosovo, even though no such genocide took place. The official
figures of NATO and The Hague Tribunal show that, contrary to NATO's claims of
100,000 and then 500,000 Albanian civilians supposedly murdered by the Serbian
not a single Albanian civilian murdered by
Serbian forces was ever produced,despite NATO complete military control over
Kosovo,and despite forensic investigators being hirelings of Natos Hague
. You read correctly: not one body. Hence, there
is simply no evidence to support the NATO allegations of Serbian massacres of
Albanian civilians in Kosovo. In sharp contrast, evidence is not lacking for
murders of innocent Serbs and Albanians by the US-supported KLA (Kosovo
Liberation Army), and by the NATO bombs themselves (consult the above
footnote). But where is the scandal in the media about how the public was lied
to in order to justify a war against the Serbs? Nowhere to be seen. The
media covered for NATO in Kosovo.
What follows?
If the Western mass
media can make up a genocide that didn't happen in Kosovo, and cover up the
slaughters of Serbs that did happen, in order to make it look like NATO
had a good reason to attack Serbia, then it can make up WMDs in Iraq, even if
they weren't there. But the media told us instead that the government had lied
about WMDs, and the government went out of its way to look guilty, so it
appears that the US ruling elite wants its controlled media generating the
impression that there was no good reason to attack Iraq. This has two main
practical effects. The first is to make the US ruling elite appear to be
directing gratuitous violence against Muslims, which will feed anti-Americanism
and in consequence make the job of recruitment into Islamist terrorist
organizations easier. The second is to feed domestic opposition in the US to
the war on Iraq, allowing the US ruling elite to appear as if it will be
reluctantly pulling out, under public pressure, deploring all the time in its
official statements the mess that it will be leaving behind. But this mess is
what it really wants: for Iran to swallow up Iraq.
The fact that Zalmay
Khalilzad is the US official calling for a significant troop withdrawal next
year is a good reason for expecting one. As Jared Israel has documented,
Khalilzad is extremely powerful, and what Khalilzad says tends to get done.
Right after the Iran-Iraq war, for example, when Iraq ended stronger relative
to Iran in 1988, Zalmay Khalilzad argued forcefully for “strengthening Iran and
containing Iraq.” And guess what happened? Immediately -- as the
geopolitical clock ticks -- the Gulf War of 1991 followed, and it indeed
destroyed Iraq, thereby strengthening, indeed, Iran’s theocratic Shiite
government relative to its main rival: Iraq’s secular Baathist government.
Then, for many years, US policy towards Iraq was indeed that of containment. In
other words, it all happened just like Zalmay Khalilzad recommended, and
consistent with the secret and illegal US arms shipments to Iran during the
immediately preceding Iran-Iraq war (the 'Iran-gate' or 'Iran-Contra' scandal).
Once you adopt the
hypothesis that the US ruling elite wants Iranian-style Islamist terrorism to
spread westwards, it is no longer absurd that Newsweek should quote Khalilzad
saying that Iran is “advancing its long-term goal of establishing [regional]
domination,” even as he explains that he would like the US troops immediately
withdrawn. Neither is it surprising to find Newsweek adding that “Iraqi
officials are all too aware of how deeply Iran has infiltrated Baghdad.” The
deed is done: Iraq belongs to Iran. All that remains is to withdraw the troops,
as Khalilzad wants.
In sum, given
that the highly probable outcome of this US intervention will be to make Iran
the regional Islamist hegemon; and
that this will be consistent with all previous US policy towards Iraq and Iran
since 1979 (as I will aim to show),
then it is reasonable
to conclude that fostering the spread of Islamist terrorism has been the real
goal of Bush Jr.’s war on Iraq.
Moreover, given
1) that Muslim
fundamentalism is antisemitic;
2) that there has
always been a very close relationship between the Iranian mullahs and the PLO
(as we shall see); and
3) that the Iranian
president of late has been making loud calls for Israel to be “wiped off the
map,” which is precisely what the PLO Charter has also always called for,
then if the US abandons
Iraq to Iran it gets harder to argue that US foreign policy is pro-Israel,
doesn’t it.
Looka to me that you are putting your money on what American politicians say and> Kalizad for instance is powerful but is highly suspected by the ruling elite of being of dual loyalties, as every muslim is in US government.
ReplyDeleteMost importantly here it is not US politicians who call the shots in regard to foreign policy. In fact US politician's opinions are rarely counted. The drivers of US foreign policy are in Tel Aviv, not in Washington.