The valley the tigers live in has the potential to hold several hundred tigers, but rebuilding it requires tackling illegal hunting and more funds.

CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE: An Indochinese tiger. The tigers are stuck among battles between Myanmar's army and the Kachin Independence Army. (Photo: Jimin Lai/AFP)
YANGON — Efforts to stop Myanmar's tigers being hunted to
extinction are under threat from a civil war raging in a region home to the
world's biggest sanctuary for the endangered cats, experts warn.
The former junta in 2010 expanded the tiger reserve to about
8,450 square miles (22,000 square kilometers) — an area roughly the size of Israel
— in the remote Hukaung
Valley, where about 50-70
tigers are estimated to remain.
But fighting over the past year between the military and
ethnic minority rebels has hindered efforts to prevent the animals from being
wiped out in one of Southeast Asia's last
frontiers for wildlife conservation.
While most of the clashes are further east near the border
with China, the rebel Kachin
Independence Army (KIA)
controls part of the Hukaung
Valley, one of the
world's richest biodiversity areas but for now off limits to foreigners.
Although the KIA supported the creation of the reserve, it
is considered too risky for guards to venture deep into the forest because of
the conflict, which has displaced tens of thousands of people in Kachin state.
"It's very difficult to patrol actively right
now," said Robert
Tizard, an expert in Yangon
with the New York-based
Conservation Society, which works with the Myanmar government to train rangers
in the reserve.
"Our guys wear camouflage fatigues and have a lot of
equipment like the army or the KIA, so if one of our teams came across one of
the armed groups and nobody knew what was going on the chance for an accident
is pretty high."
Conservationists say the valley has the potential to hold
several hundred tigers, but rebuilding the population requires tackling illegal
hunting of both the animals — whose body parts are prized for Chinese medicines
— and their prey.
"The tigers are in terrible shape," said Alan Rabinowitz,
chief executive of wild cat protection group Panthera who helped to create the
reserve but now fears the tiger population there is in rapid decline.
"The tiger is still valuable and the indigenous people
there such as the Lisu and the Kachin are very much tied into the Chinese
trade, and they've been killing off tigers," he told AFP by telephone from
the United States.
"I'm not convinced frankly that we're going to be able
to save the tigers there. We're going to try because it's a big enough area and
we know there are still tigers in some of the more remote regions in the far
north," he added.
A lack of funds has been another problem, although a recent
easing of Western sanctions has raised hopes that more money will become
available to pay for the patrols needed for such a big area, the expert said.
"You need law enforcement, protection and guards —
that's the number one thing," added Rabinowitz, who led the first ever
biological expedition in the area in 1999.
As many as 100,000 tigers prowled Asia's
forests and grasslands a century ago, but numbers have slumped mainly because
of poaching and loss of habitat. Worldwide the wild tiger population is thought
to have fallen as low as 3,000.
The Indochinese tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti),
the type found in Myanmar, Thailand,
Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and
southwest China, is close to critically endangered status, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
The Hukaung
Valley is said to be one
of the region's last closed forests — an area with dense tree cover — and there
are hopes the reserve could also protect other large mammals such as clouded leopards
and Asian elephants.
government says it is committed to trying to save the tigers and is recruiting
staff to protect the reserve. It says surprise checks on local markets are also
deterring the sale of wild animal meat.
"Sanctuary staff, the Tiger Conservation Police Force
and Wildlife Conservation Society are working together in restricting and
taking action on hunting and penetrating into the area," the Nature and
Wildlife Conservation Division said in a statement to AFP.
By hiring indigenous peoples as guards, it is hoped that
local communities will grow to learn about the importance of saving the big
But their value means locals are not the only ones hunting
the animals — poachers are also believed to come from elsewhere in the region.
"You're talking tens of thousands of dollars at this
point for a tiger and it's very specialized work because there are so few of
them and they're so hard to track down," said Tizard.
Despite the huge challenges, conservationists remain hopeful
that if and when fighting ends in northern Myanmar,
the tigers in the Hukaung
Valley will be left in
"They're big [...] cats. They breed — if you give them
enough to eat, and if you stop people coming in trying to target them,"
said Colin
Poole, director for the WCS in Asia.
"It's a big chunk of habitat perfect for tigers. They
need to just be allowed space. But that's not going to happen until there's
some level of peace there and security."
Daniel Rook.
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