The Queen inherited uranium mines. Or to be more precise she inherited stolen land under which uranium was
later found.
In International Law,
the term ''Illegal Weapon Of Mass Destruction''
means any weapon or device that has the capability to
cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people
through the release, dissemination or impact of radiation or radioactivity.
Once released Depleted
Uranium (DU or Dirty Ammo) stays in the soil and water for thousands of
years, making it impossible to grow clean food - or produce healthy
In his very first Prime Minister's Question Time
Gordon Brown confirmed Her Majesties intention to continue refusing
proper investment in safe, cheap power systems in favour of increasing
the royal fortune by building more uranium burning Chernobyl's in Great
Britain - to produce even more
illegal Depleted Uranium (Dirty Ammo) Weapons Of Mass Destruction.
Queen's Prime Mouthpiece Brown
Hansard http://www.publications.parliament. Column 995
October 13, 2011
Brown's replacement, as the Queens Prime Mouthpiece, her cousin Doris
Cameron, continues ignoring the ongoing casualties of Chernobyl and
Fukushima. What more do you need to know?
A Little History
In 1939
over one million acres of Great Britain were
commandeered for battle troop training. Farm owners, home owners,
village tenants and tenant farmers received seven days notice of their
coming evictions.
Crown Notification Order(s) carried the enlightening explanation.
'Emergency Powers Act: All Land And Property Reverts To The Crown.'
After WW2 old established landowners
received ample compensation (tax-payers
money). Ninety-nine-point-nine-percent, of all those evicted, received
sweet nothing. 1986. The accident at Chernobyl scattered 70 tons of
nuclear waste. Fall-out poisoned 8,000 square miles. Two million had to
leave the area. We now have over 900,000 tons of nuclear waste stored at
Sellafield. Sizewell B which the Queen ordered in 1989, three years
after Chernobyl is now adding to the problem.
Should the Suicide Club pay a flying visit to Her Majesties
nuclear dustbin every square inch of Britain will become unfit for
human habitation. Not that that would worry the royals - who have escape
planes standing-by for just such an event.
The main beneficiary of
Britain’s nuclear industry is the Crown. To be precise; forty-seven
members of the so-called "royal family," who, through the royal maze of
banker \ nominee’s, own the controlling interest, or are heavily
invested in every type of nuclear outfit operating in Great Britain.
As all land reverts to the Crown, in whatever the Crown decides is an emergency, who do
YOU think will profit most if Sellafield's plutonium hits-the-fan and turns Great Britain into an International Nuclear Dump?
Chernobyl's Ghost Towns 2011
years-on a nuclear poisoned forest is taking-over
The Nuclear Ghost Town of Pripyat
thousand pregnant women were among the forty-five-thousand townsfolk of
Pripyat evacuated the day after the Chernobyl accident.
Sixty-five-percent miscarried or gave birth to deformed children who
lived very short lives.
The "powers that be" stopped the British &
American media reporting what man-made uranium poison does to the human
reproductive system.
CBC, ABC, the BBC ect.. Never report the true amount of
Chernobyl's ever increasing victims suffering uranium induced abortions,
miscarriages, deformed births and childhood & adult cancers leading
to early deaths. Pripyat
is one of 2,000 towns and villages permanently contaminated with fatal,
invisible, isotopes of uranium from the Chernobyl nuclear power station
fire in 1986.
Pripyat can never be demolished - the uranium dust would kill the demolition crews.
Deadly Cousins
George W Bush ('Eye’s so close he could get by with a monocle.'
Christopher Hitchens).
2001. Harold Brooks-Baker, of Burke’s Peerage, confirmed George W. Bush
(Dubya) is a blood relative of Queen Elizabeth 2 (Snotty Liz).
It would be naive to think the cousin’s have no mutual interest in
global commerce. Those with the most money dictate the political
agenda. They can spread the wealth and by so doing stop the bloody wars.
Or proceed like the pair of ghouls above
murdering their own and tearing the planet apart for no other reason
than increasing their personal obscene wealth.
Strong Poison
(Plute) is a silver-gray TRANS-URANIUM ELEMENT found in very small
quantities in nature with uranium ores. Plute was first produced
artificially by Glenn Seaborg in 1940. Plute is now produced in nuclear
power stations
- for nuclear weapons.
Six pounds of Plute destroyed the entire City of Nagasaki! Apart
from its explosive "qualities" Plute is also an everlasting FATAL
By 1979 the Nuclear
Club had already produced more than enough Plute to split the Earth into brick sized lumps.
Only a lunatic would advocate producing anymore Plute.
By ordering their new plute stations - ten in Great Britain and one-hundred in America, the Queen and the
President will intentionally,
massively, increase uranium poison induced abortions, miscarriages,
birth defects, early deaths from nuclear cancers of the brain, throat,
chest & stomach - and the heart breaking misery these things bring -
in the British and American workforce.
The Bush/Royal
family cut of the proposed $Multi-Trillion "new nuclear build" program
will be at least 10% per station. The same $Trillions invested in
sea-power and solar-power systems would make the entire world a
healthier, safer place, and save untold $Trillions Tax Dollars in the
future; simply by not producing nuclear waste (which has to stored for
thousands of years at the taxpayers expense) and give the UK and USA
safe, clean, cheap, reliable electricity supplies. Making life better
for ordinary people is the absolute opposite of everything the
Bush/Royal family stand for.
Safe Power
Near-shore 100ft high turbines cost £M2 each.
slated for safe energy
(Her Majesties White Paper 24 Feb. 2003)
would have been well spent on 174 of these. This would reduce the price of turbines. But this did not happen. Passing prime
mouthpiece Mr Blair was
ordered to spread the money between a assortment of energy saving
initiatives & safe energy schemes. And. To make extra sure the
royals oil and nuclear profits are in no way reduced, Her Majesties
Government spread the money out over a period of four years. This
guaranteed no real progress towards much cheaper and infinitely
safer power supplies. In the meantime should the Suicide Club pay a
flying visit to Sellafield. The royals will be more than happy to do a
Lucan. The Queen’s personal fortune (in Swiss & US Trusts) makes
at least £M4 every 24 hours.
That’s £M348 every 87 days.
The royals
fortune, rooted in Crown controlled Arm's & Ammo and the Slave
Trade, will continue to grow at the same obscene rate irrespective of
any British Nuclear disaster. The fact that a Sellafield accident could
end British history has never worried Queen Lizzy. Would you worry if you owned land and property all-over the world and had hundreds of billions in foreign banks?
Safe Power means Cheap Power
same year the Queen opened her nuclear little earner at Sizewell B,
1995, the Danish government set a target of 20% of electricity
consumption (6.8 TWh) from safe-clean-power-systems by 2003.
This target was easily surpassed. Denmark now has 9.2 TWh of it’s
electricity coming from safe, clean, power systems. Danish private
investments in safe-power are now 38% above the government suggested
manufacture of wind turbines accidentally became a booming export
business that created thousands of jobs. By 2010-2011 the Danes will
have over 30% of their electricity coming from
safe-cheap-clean-power-systems. Her Majesties "government" will have
less than 5%! Always providing nuclear Lizzy hasn't provoked a suicide
squad to open-up Sellafield or Sizewell B and turned this green and
pleasant land into a radioactive NO GO AREA.
Not that that would worry the Queen's nuclear cartel
who have escape planes standing-by 24/7,
billions of diverted taxpayers money in their orf-shore accounts and
options on a piece of the action when Gt. Britain is leased-out as the
worlds first country sized nuclear waste dump.
David Ike say's the royals cabal are actually Lizards. I say that's a gross insult to Lizards. Hutch...
June 27, 2007. Exit The Oily Rag

Some people still think the Queen's passing whipping boy, Blah Blah Blair, was responsible for sending the Queen's troops into Iraq.
Blaming the oily rag
instead of the engineer ignores the bleeding obvious. If the British
Head of State, like the Russian, French and German Heads of State, had
refused to go along with the American Head of State. There never would
have been a debate in Her Majesties Parliament on the false claim,
rightly rejected by the Russian, French and German Heads of State,
that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction - ergo no British involvement in an illegal war.
To increase the royal fortune the Queen
ordered her whipping boy to tell the blatant lie that Iraq could arm and
fire nuclear missiles at London on 45 minutes notice. The Queen's
favoured spooks whispered to doubting Members of Parliament that Blair's
Weapons of Mass Destruction hysterics were probably true. That's how
the Queen took Britain into an illegal war.
Crown Notes
Who owns The Bank Of England?
In July 1694 a private joint-stock
association called The Bank Of England (BOE) was formed with a
capital of £1.2 million, this capital was ‘loaned’ to the government
in consideration of a monitory and banking monopoly over the Kingdom
of William III, ergo The United Kingdom.
The Bank of
England is not subject to Parliament.
In 1977 it formed an illegal department
called Bank of England Nominees (Ben) to hide the Queen's investments.
"It is forbidden by Parliament to even discuss the fact that the
Queen keeps her obscene wealth a secret. Secrecy is vital for her to
misuse her privileged information for insider trading."
"The Sovereign
can do no wrong and no laws can be brought against her".
Lord Halsbury "The Laws of England"
The Crown Agents
Crown Agents was formed in 1833 to supply banking and
stores to the colonies including arms supplies.
Now-a-days Crown Agents are involved with
moving covert arms shipments into Africa.
Crown Agents have
managed the personal
wealth of the Sultan of Brunei, who has funded many operations for
Prince Philip, Prince Charles and George Bush.
under Crown control
Anyone who joins the Army or MI5 or MI6
or the SAS has to swear allegiance to the Queen.
Members of Parliament have to swear allegiance to the Queen. They
work for her not YOU - as you should have noticed.
"It is said
that MI6 actually runs many countries through deep cover
intelligence work authorized by the British Monarch." see "Diplomacy by Deception." Dr J.
The Privy Council
Legally above parliament, members of Her Majesties Privy
Council are appointed for life and sworn to secrecy.
Laws of England Vol 6 : "By the
law of the (non existent) English Constitution the Crown acts as the
delegate of representative of the nation in the conduct of foreign
affairs, and what is done in such matters by the royal authority is
the act of the whole nation, and binding on the latter without
further sanction."
from foreign countries are appointed to the court of St James and
all foreign relations are conducted through the Crown. Both Hambros
and Rothschilds have links to MI6. Sir Charles Hambro worked for SOE
and so did Victor Rothschild. SOE stands for Special Operations
Executive and is the branch of MI6 answerable only to the monarch.
The Liveries of the City of London
Under Crown Allegiance also are all the Liveries and they are not
mere ceremonial, but structures of power and influence. The Queen is
Grand Patroness of Freemasonry and of course the Liveries like the
Police are riddled with freemasonry.
Private Armies
Umbrella organizations' for hired killers.
First formed
in 1859 under royal sponsorship, branches in: Australia, South and
East Africa, New Zealand, Canada, Papua New Guinea.
Defense Systems
Ltd (DSL)
Control Risks
Armour Holdings
International (Member of Crown Agents Foundation) . Used to
destabilize Governments under the guise of exposing corruption.
All owned by the
- Rothschild Bank of London
- Warburg Bank of Hamburg
- Rothschild Bank of Berlin
- Lehman Brothers of New York*
- Lazard Brothers of Paris
- Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York*
- Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
- Goldman, Sachs of New York
- Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
- Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
*In 1977 Kuhn Loeb and Lehman Brothers merged to create Kuhn
Loeb, Lehman Brothers, Inc.
The Federal Reserve: History of Lies, Thievery &
Dr. Ken Matto
"I place economy among the first and most
important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To
preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us
with perpetual debt." Thomas Jefferson.
Did You Ever Wonder Why The National Debt
Keeps Going Up and Up?
One of the most ungodly and fraudulent
institutions ever perpetrated on the American people and the world,
is the Federal Reserve System which through deceit became the
central bank of the United States in 1913. The idea came about on a
meeting in Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia in 1910. The
bankers in this country, especially J.P. Morgan, created a currency
panic in 1907 in order to get the American people to accept the idea
of a central bank.
A central bank already existed in England from as far back as 1694.
The Rothschilds completely dominate the banking system. It is
estimated their wealth goes into the trillions.
Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild boasted:
"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of
England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that
controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I
control the British money supply."
The idea of a central bank is to so enslave the people of the
country to a debt money system that you continue to collect taxes
continuously which just covers the interest. The duped people of the
United States are paying about $400 billion dollars per year to the
IRS which is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve.
At this point the citizens of the United States falsely owe these
over 13 trillion dollars due to
fraudulent bankers...
According to ex cabinet minister
Stephen Dorril, the most important of the private secret services
are run directly by the Privy Council.
Embedded Royal Profits
With billions in Swiss Trusts invested in oil
wells and uranium mines, and billions in American Trusts invested in
uranium weapons production,
BAE Systems Martin Lockheed ect., and "nuclear build" foreign companies,
Westinghouse, Halliburton-Bechtel ect.. The Queen puts her obscene profits first, second, third and last.
It was a labour Prime Mouthpiece who announced
(albeit in different words) the British taxpayer would pay billions
per-year to rent American-nuclear-submarine-missile-systems made by
companies partly owned by the royal family.
Every Prime Mouthpiece since Jim Callaghan has assured the British public only the British can fire these American made weapons.
The Queen expects her simple subjects to
believe the Yanks are daft enough to rent-out nuclear weapons that could be fired back at them?
Who killed Robin Cook?
BUSH: WMD Lies Now Costing "$330 Million PER DAY" CNN October 22, 2007.
The Bottom Line
The Queen has around $12 Billion
invested in uranium mines & nuclear weapons production and at least
$16 Billion invested in Arabian oil wells.
Her cousins, the Bush family, have similar widespread, albeit
far smaller, stakes in oil and uranium.
Until 1972 the Iraqi oilfields belonged to companies founded by the royal Establishment.
Through the usual royal nominees, Rothschilds et al,
the Queen's grandfather King George 5 was an avid investor in Arabian
oil wells. For decades before Saddam Hussein Nationalized his countries
oil business (1972) the Queen and her cousins were paying a ridiculous
(Three Cents) per barrel for Iraqi oil! Saddam Hussein made the vultures pay the market price - which stopped the Bush/Royal family banking $millions of excessively obscene profits per day.
Evil Intent
The permanent, illegal,
occupation of Iraq was supposed to follow the model of the US presence
in South Korea (since 1953). One hundred predominantly American military
bases were
established in the first year - 2003-04. The plan was to
consolidate these into fourteen massive, permanent, sealed fortresses
like the 14 square-mile Al-Balad air base north of Baghdad, by the end
of 2005. With the puppet government firmly in place and the largest
American Embassy ever built supplying the underage hookers &
call-boys necessary to keep the Baghdad puppets on message.
However some Iraqi's had their own plans - for their own country.
Six months after his "Mission Accomplished" speech
Bush issued orders to destroy entire towns and cities to quell the
increasing opposition to his Grand Theft Iraq Plan. "Anti Terrorist
Operations" begin, as we saw at Fallujah, with shelling the hospitals
where the
corrupt media says the "terrorists" always hide. Production of the
President and the Queen's favourite uranium ammo
into overdrive. The more uranium shells, bombs and bullets they use the
more & more violence they create. Young men who see their wives and
sisters giving birth to
DU babies are hardly likely to do nothing about the Real Terrorists. Are They?
Fallujah Also watch
In Jan 2001, Mr. Bush
said. "Regime Change" would increase Iraqi oil output which would mean
cheap gas, and the increased revenue would pay all the US military
expenses." Iraq is now costing the US Taxpayer
"$330 Million PER DAY"
CNN. Situation Room October 22, 2007.
"Regime Change" has more than halved Iraq's
"Regime Change" has
more than halved Iraq's monthly (recorded) crude oil output. The price
of a barrel of oil has more than doubled since the illegal invasion. A
nice little earner for the Bush family, the Bin Laden family and the
Saudi & British royals who have $Trillions invested in oil.
Wreck Iraqi's Freedom"
Daily Results
people are being wasted in Iraq for no other reason than making
obscenely excessive profits for oil and arms conglomerates owned by the
worlds richest thugs.
One of tens-of-thousand's "left alive " innocent victims of the illegal war in Iraq.
The Iraqi dead and wounded we see are only half the story. The spineless, mindless UK and US media neglect to report the
spectacular rise in birth defects and cancers in young Iraqi's caused
by British and American made DU (nuclear waste) embedded in the Iraqi
environment - since the 1991 Gulf War.
Vultures Circle As Puppet Government Flogs-Off What's Left Of Iraq
The Sunday Telegraph
has learned Iraqi officials have recently held talks with banking and
legal advisers in London. City sources said Iraq’s minister for
industry, Fawzi Hariri, was looking to draw up a memorandum of
understanding to sell-off the country’s non-oil assets, ranging from
petrochemical plants to construction companies, hotels and airlines, as
early as this month.
Raw Story
Read more…
The Telegraph Via
The Raw Story
- August 2007
The Queen's Business:
In 1990 Geoffrey Minter bought the idyllic Sandside Bay a few miles from Dounreay nuclear power plant.
He made the purchase after receiving assurances from the government
run United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) that rumours of
nuclear waste contamination in the area were untrue...
After his dog dropped dead and was found to have died of tumours
Mr Minter stopped walking
on his beautiful beach. He advised local people, especially those with
children, the beach was unsafe.
It transpired the UKAEA had found Sandside Bay irreversibly contaminated with fatal particles of uranium nuclear waste in 1984!
As with all things
connected to the royals uranium investments Her Majesties Government had
made the fatal contamination Her Majesties Official Secret.
Quiet Man" Iain Duncan Smith (IDS) ex leader of Her Majesties Opposition
is the last person you would expect to highlight the Queen’s vile
nuclear waste business. IDS has been goaded into action by the long
running Minter case, not just because of the fatal poison every nuclear
waste station leaks out on a daily basis. But
because Her Majesties Government intend to silence Minter by
confiscating his land! Rewriting Britain's 800-year-old Land &
Property Laws in the process!!
Mr Minter will be given the market price for Sandside Bay. Told to pack-up, piss-off and don't come back.
If Her
Majesties Government get away with this. The precedence will apply to
everyone who owns land or property anywhere near any type of nuclear
Anyone who complains about contamination will be silenced by eviction! Coupled with Her Majesties criminally
contrived "anti-terror laws" this will double-strip all nuclear protesters of their human
and property rights.The current
Chairperson of UKAEA, Lady Judge, who receives £60,000 per year plus
expenses (taxpayers money) for her
two-day-a-week-royal-arse-licking-job, has written to Minter saying
'UKAEA intend spending no more time on the case.' Like previous lackey's
running this particular branch-line of the Queen's nuclear business
Lady Judge has no intention of ordering a clean-up of Minter's land.
Such a multi-billion operation would lead to people demanding an even
more expensive clean-up of the Sellafield shoreline.
Both these nuclear clean-up’s would prove utterly impossible to
complete (without replacing the Irish Sea and it's bed) and show-up
nuclear apologists as the Zombies they really are. Anyone promoting the
absurd notion of building
more nuclear waste stations to poison our land and seabed, even further, can only be described as dead from the
neck upwards.
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