“The British royal family is a threat to Democracy and is a
representation of cavalier disregard for liberal and democratic values.
The Royal family currently has a destructive effect on the general

Pravda.Ru writer Konstantin Karpov interviewed Moroccan-born Chamakhe Maurieni, Researcher and Head Writer for the GAFI Institute, based in Tunis.
Pravda.Ru: What is the background to your research on Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II?
CM: Queen Elizabeth is the British head of state and the royal family is what the British Prime ministers bow and curtsy to with trembling limbs. British politicians and the British media have for decades preached Democracy and urged the masses of other countries to fight for and defend Democracy, whilst they do this, they have failed to reflect on the fact that the British constitutional arrangement has created a system of government which is a direct opposite of the democratic values being preached by the UK media, past British Pm's, including the current prime Minister David William Cameron.
The British monarchy is primitive in intent and practices, and greatly undemocratic in value. Head of the monarchy Queen Elizabeth is currently Queen of Jamaica, Barbados, The Bahamas, Grenada, Belize, SVG, Solomon Islands, T and saint Lucia. The British overseas territories still extends to every geographic region of the world, with the carribean overseas territories in North America, The Falklands, Saint Helena in Africa, Gibraltar in Europe amongst others.

Pravda.Ru How powerful is Britain at the moment,and can Britain still be regarded as an Empire?
CM: Contrary to public opinion, Britain is still an Empire, but of a well developed form. It is known as the Commonwealth. Millions of people have fallen for the media lies and thus do not know how the Empire functions. The British parliament is a ridiculous laughable 21st century joke, a reform of the monarchy. It does not run the monarch. The Queen controls the British government from top to down, via a privy council.
Number one on the privy council is the Queen, she is followed by hundreds of people, including the tools of Britain’s old colonial office. The Colonial office is now called the Development office. These hundreds of people also include crown Agents who operate in whole countries around the world.
Today, a myth has been grown and shared amongst political, industrial and intellectual masses and elites across the world. The myth claims the British empire no longer exists, and the British royal family is now a powerless reverence or relic of days gone by; collecting its modest pension, maybe attracting trickles of tourist pounds, and fulfilling ceremonial obligations to justify its upkeep.
Pravda.Ru: Can you explain further?
CM: According to this fairy tale, Britain presently is cast in the role of a mild force in world affairs, a friend of the poor and defender of human rights. This myth was grown, developed and shared by Britain´ s vast intelligence and propaganda apparatus such as Bbc, hollinger corp,´Oxford and Cambridge universirty, Reuters news network ,and lastly the British Commonwealth.
The Uk itself has very little to do with the new British Empire.Wales, Scotland, England, and most especially Northern Ireland are today just a little more than slave farm plantations, and social engineering laboratories, serving the needs of a few collections of families with a population of between 4000-5000 people, based in and around the city of London.
Queen Elizabeth II is head of state of the United Kingdom and 31 other countries. She is legal owner of around 6,600 million acres of land, she is the richest human on earth.
The only human who owns whole countries, including countries which are not her own domestic territory.
At a current estimate of $5000 per acre, the Queens land holding is valued at approximately €18,000,000,000,000. Her main holdings are Canada, Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and the UK. She is a modern day 'Lord of the thieves'.
The Queen and her family have never had to work for what they earn.I have worked all my life,today Chamake Maurieni is worth 750,000 Dinas and I worked hard for this.Compare that with Prince Harry,and Williams.
The Queen is in the class of former Nigerian President,Chief Olusegun Obasanjo whose total investments,holdings,hidden assets,Gold treasures, totals an alarming €2,000,000,000,000
Pravda.Ru Are you accusing the British monarch of stealing?
CM: The corruption within the Royal family is vast and extremely horrifying. Talk about civil list loot, which provides a lavish expenditure for the monarch to spend on Palace entertainment. In 1993,it came to public eye that the Queen had a civil list surplus estimated at about €35 million. Rather than return the money to the British treasury to be used for the good of the British masses, the Queen turned the civil list surplus into the Queen's reserve, which as she claimed in 2009,is all spent.
For 40 years between 1952-1992,the Queen laundered €30 million by illegally and intentionally avoiding tax. That money was saved in a Swiss bank account where it would have realized about €300 million at the moment.
Pravda.Ru The Queen is a lovely personality,why would she do that?I think she loves the British people.
CM:For people who think Queen Elizabeth has any love whatsoever for the poor British masses, they have no real knowledge of the deception of the Royal Family. On October 17,1956,Queen Elizabeth opened the Calder Hall nuclear power station, and at that time the public was told nuclear power stations would produce electricity too cheap to meter. When eventually the Queen opened her first Uranium power station, it had nothing to do with providing electricity.
It was for the intent of producing nuclear weapon materials for her majesties government. The Queen plotted to hide the horrific cost of running nuclear power stations with taxpayers money.
Pravda.Ru How come,is the Queen running a nuclear station?
The Queen owns vast mines in Africa and Canada. Africa is the prime source of Uranium used in the Queen's nuclear reactors; the Uranium mining firm RIO tinto mines was formed by the British Royal family in the late 1950's by Roland Walter Fuhrnop aka Tiny Rowland, he was the Queen’s adviser on African issues.
The Queens holdings in Rio Tinto Zinc was secret until exposed via a leak from the Bank of England to Author Andrew Morton. The Queen controls vast investments in General Electric Company of Great Britain,Royal dutch shell,BP and many other firms. The Queen partnering with top anglo-american elites controls 12% of the world's precious base metals and minerals as stated by Author Charles Higham.
Part of Queen Elizabeth's known wealth consists of her private collection of jewelry, works of arts, castles, and portfolio’s comprising blue chip stocks, bonds, and real estate investments around the world.
In 1991,the Financial times estimated Queen Elizabeth’s investment was worth over €3 billon, which the Times termed as just spare cash. This discredits Forbes Magazine recent claim that the Queen is worth just about $600 million. Queen Elizabeth's total wealth is divided into parts. Amongst this parts is the Venetian-style fondo trust,which is to be passed to her heir-tax free.
The Queen has over 300 residences, most of which are part of the Fondo to be passed on to her heir-tax free. These houses are strictly for family members and palace funkies. These fondo includes: Buckingham Palace, Holyrood house in Edinburgh, Kensington Palace amongst others.
Pravda.Ru: And what about in the UK?
CM: All Royal residences are maintained by the British taxpayer through her majesties Department of Environment.
Queen Elizabeth has also personally acquired a large collection of art works ranging from Renaissance masterpiece, such as Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks and of course the British taxpayer gets the bill for guarding, cleaning and maintaining the royal art collections.
The Duchy of Lancaster is also part of the continiously increasing fondo of Queen Elizabeth.As at 1987,the Duchy of Lancaster was 36,456 acres of mainly agricultural land: within the Dutchy, the freehold of 2.25 acres in the strand area of London is so valuable that Queen Elizabeth moved through the British parliament to allow her to develop and sell this area mainly to her oil rich Arab friends.
Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, holds the income of the second royal Family duchy of Cornwall which has 50,000 acres of land. The Crown jewels, which are kept in the tower of London, are another part of the fondo the British throne heir will inherit. Apart from crown Jewels, Queen Elizabeth inherited the largest private collection of jewels in the world. The history of the collection shows the tight relationship between the city of London and the crown.
At the conclusion of the Boer war, the piece offering to Queen Victoria included the largest uncut diamond in the world, the Cullinan Diamond, which weighed 3,106 carats. Two stone cut from the Diamond went to adorn the crown Jewels, and today Queen Elizabeth possesses a brooch which consist of the 3rd and 4th largest stones(94.4 and 63.6carats) cut from the Cullinan Diamond. Today, an adulatory group of oil-rich sheikhs and Emirs regularly add to the Queen's private collections.
Pravda.Ru: And how powerful is the Queen?
CM: The Queen is the power that be in the British society. The British parliament is a spineless and lame assembly which is not even allowed to investigate, probe or ask questions about Queen Elizabeth's control of the Energy market which includes her investments in oil, nuclear investments and gas.

The Queen presides over a meeting of the Joint Intelligence Committee(JEC) once every seven days,where she is fully briefed on the activities of all British secret services both domestic and international.
She has the sole responsibility of appointing Military commanders.No British overt or covert act is pepertriated without direct orders singed by her.
With over 450 military advicers in 30 countries,Queen Elizabeth II alone has the power to declare war and authorize treaties to be signed.Tony Blair didn't order the imperialist invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan the Queen did.She alone has the power to.
Pravda Ru Suprising.But what role has the world media played in all of these?
CM : The world media has played its usual kind of role in recent times:sharing,and distributing insane,false news and horrific stories.Western media houses have over the decades preferred to tell the world how difficult the job of a Queen is,rather than telling the world how easy it is to make corrupt and cheap money as a monarch.
The world media goes around preaching democracy to enemies of western nations,whilst ensuring they do just the opposite in their homelands.Over the decades,the world has seen outrageous crimes being commited and thousands murdered in the course of the west’s hypocritic apetitte for democracy,which they have all failed to promote in their home countries.
Recently,we all watched with shock and absolute dismay on how the Libyan state was sent back to the ages with missiles,Military aircrafts,Bunker busters etc with an excuse of wanting to promote Democracy from the sky,as if Democracy is written on military aircrafts and the human blood which was spilled in thousands in once Africa’s most prosperous nation.
I remember the BBC showing the world Hannibal Gadaffi’s room in Tripoli,Libya and accusing him of owning two dozens of designer clothings.In the words of the BBC correspondent at the time,that was the height of corruption.
If that was termed as the height of corruption,how about the various fraudulent investments of the British royal charade of deception,led by our dear Majesty?I will probably term that the heaven of corruption.
Pravda Ru Thank you for sharing some of your research work with us for the last couple of weeks.
CM:I will be here to do this again,someday.My pleasure.
*Chamakhe Maurieni is a Moroccan born WriterAuthor, and Public speaker.He is now on Facebook,find him www.facebook.com/chamakhe.maurieni
His latest work is titled - FACEBOOK IS DECEPTION and available on the
Smashwords online bookstore :
http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/149463 Volume 1
http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/149490 Volume 2
A Psychology graduate, and a former nominee for the Bridport poetry
prize, he is also a former columnist for the African Vanguard and lead
writer for the Gafi Research institute, Tunis. He recently joined Twitter,follow Chamakhe Maurieni on Twitter @venimaurieni
Pravda.Ru writer Konstantin Karpov interviewed Moroccan-born Chamakhe Maurieni, Researcher and Head Writer for the GAFI Institute, based in Tunis.
Pravda.Ru: What is the background to your research on Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II?
CM: Queen Elizabeth is the British head of state and the royal family is what the British Prime ministers bow and curtsy to with trembling limbs. British politicians and the British media have for decades preached Democracy and urged the masses of other countries to fight for and defend Democracy, whilst they do this, they have failed to reflect on the fact that the British constitutional arrangement has created a system of government which is a direct opposite of the democratic values being preached by the UK media, past British Pm's, including the current prime Minister David William Cameron.
The British monarchy is primitive in intent and practices, and greatly undemocratic in value. Head of the monarchy Queen Elizabeth is currently Queen of Jamaica, Barbados, The Bahamas, Grenada, Belize, SVG, Solomon Islands, T and saint Lucia. The British overseas territories still extends to every geographic region of the world, with the carribean overseas territories in North America, The Falklands, Saint Helena in Africa, Gibraltar in Europe amongst others.
Pravda.Ru How powerful is Britain at the moment,and can Britain still be regarded as an Empire?
CM: Contrary to public opinion, Britain is still an Empire, but of a well developed form. It is known as the Commonwealth. Millions of people have fallen for the media lies and thus do not know how the Empire functions. The British parliament is a ridiculous laughable 21st century joke, a reform of the monarchy. It does not run the monarch. The Queen controls the British government from top to down, via a privy council.
Number one on the privy council is the Queen, she is followed by hundreds of people, including the tools of Britain’s old colonial office. The Colonial office is now called the Development office. These hundreds of people also include crown Agents who operate in whole countries around the world.
Today, a myth has been grown and shared amongst political, industrial and intellectual masses and elites across the world. The myth claims the British empire no longer exists, and the British royal family is now a powerless reverence or relic of days gone by; collecting its modest pension, maybe attracting trickles of tourist pounds, and fulfilling ceremonial obligations to justify its upkeep.
Pravda.Ru: Can you explain further?
CM: According to this fairy tale, Britain presently is cast in the role of a mild force in world affairs, a friend of the poor and defender of human rights. This myth was grown, developed and shared by Britain´ s vast intelligence and propaganda apparatus such as Bbc, hollinger corp,´Oxford and Cambridge universirty, Reuters news network ,and lastly the British Commonwealth.
The Uk itself has very little to do with the new British Empire.Wales, Scotland, England, and most especially Northern Ireland are today just a little more than slave farm plantations, and social engineering laboratories, serving the needs of a few collections of families with a population of between 4000-5000 people, based in and around the city of London.
Queen Elizabeth II is head of state of the United Kingdom and 31 other countries. She is legal owner of around 6,600 million acres of land, she is the richest human on earth.
The only human who owns whole countries, including countries which are not her own domestic territory.
At a current estimate of $5000 per acre, the Queens land holding is valued at approximately €18,000,000,000,000. Her main holdings are Canada, Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and the UK. She is a modern day 'Lord of the thieves'.
The Queen and her family have never had to work for what they earn.I have worked all my life,today Chamake Maurieni is worth 750,000 Dinas and I worked hard for this.Compare that with Prince Harry,and Williams.
The Queen is in the class of former Nigerian President,Chief Olusegun Obasanjo whose total investments,holdings,hidden assets,Gold treasures, totals an alarming €2,000,000,000,000
Pravda.Ru Are you accusing the British monarch of stealing?
CM: The corruption within the Royal family is vast and extremely horrifying. Talk about civil list loot, which provides a lavish expenditure for the monarch to spend on Palace entertainment. In 1993,it came to public eye that the Queen had a civil list surplus estimated at about €35 million. Rather than return the money to the British treasury to be used for the good of the British masses, the Queen turned the civil list surplus into the Queen's reserve, which as she claimed in 2009,is all spent.
For 40 years between 1952-1992,the Queen laundered €30 million by illegally and intentionally avoiding tax. That money was saved in a Swiss bank account where it would have realized about €300 million at the moment.
Pravda.Ru The Queen is a lovely personality,why would she do that?I think she loves the British people.
CM:For people who think Queen Elizabeth has any love whatsoever for the poor British masses, they have no real knowledge of the deception of the Royal Family. On October 17,1956,Queen Elizabeth opened the Calder Hall nuclear power station, and at that time the public was told nuclear power stations would produce electricity too cheap to meter. When eventually the Queen opened her first Uranium power station, it had nothing to do with providing electricity.
It was for the intent of producing nuclear weapon materials for her majesties government. The Queen plotted to hide the horrific cost of running nuclear power stations with taxpayers money.
Pravda.Ru How come,is the Queen running a nuclear station?
The Queen owns vast mines in Africa and Canada. Africa is the prime source of Uranium used in the Queen's nuclear reactors; the Uranium mining firm RIO tinto mines was formed by the British Royal family in the late 1950's by Roland Walter Fuhrnop aka Tiny Rowland, he was the Queen’s adviser on African issues.
The Queens holdings in Rio Tinto Zinc was secret until exposed via a leak from the Bank of England to Author Andrew Morton. The Queen controls vast investments in General Electric Company of Great Britain,Royal dutch shell,BP and many other firms. The Queen partnering with top anglo-american elites controls 12% of the world's precious base metals and minerals as stated by Author Charles Higham.
Part of Queen Elizabeth's known wealth consists of her private collection of jewelry, works of arts, castles, and portfolio’s comprising blue chip stocks, bonds, and real estate investments around the world.
In 1991,the Financial times estimated Queen Elizabeth’s investment was worth over €3 billon, which the Times termed as just spare cash. This discredits Forbes Magazine recent claim that the Queen is worth just about $600 million. Queen Elizabeth's total wealth is divided into parts. Amongst this parts is the Venetian-style fondo trust,which is to be passed to her heir-tax free.
The Queen has over 300 residences, most of which are part of the Fondo to be passed on to her heir-tax free. These houses are strictly for family members and palace funkies. These fondo includes: Buckingham Palace, Holyrood house in Edinburgh, Kensington Palace amongst others.
Pravda.Ru: And what about in the UK?
CM: All Royal residences are maintained by the British taxpayer through her majesties Department of Environment.
Queen Elizabeth has also personally acquired a large collection of art works ranging from Renaissance masterpiece, such as Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks and of course the British taxpayer gets the bill for guarding, cleaning and maintaining the royal art collections.
The Duchy of Lancaster is also part of the continiously increasing fondo of Queen Elizabeth.As at 1987,the Duchy of Lancaster was 36,456 acres of mainly agricultural land: within the Dutchy, the freehold of 2.25 acres in the strand area of London is so valuable that Queen Elizabeth moved through the British parliament to allow her to develop and sell this area mainly to her oil rich Arab friends.
Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, holds the income of the second royal Family duchy of Cornwall which has 50,000 acres of land. The Crown jewels, which are kept in the tower of London, are another part of the fondo the British throne heir will inherit. Apart from crown Jewels, Queen Elizabeth inherited the largest private collection of jewels in the world. The history of the collection shows the tight relationship between the city of London and the crown.
At the conclusion of the Boer war, the piece offering to Queen Victoria included the largest uncut diamond in the world, the Cullinan Diamond, which weighed 3,106 carats. Two stone cut from the Diamond went to adorn the crown Jewels, and today Queen Elizabeth possesses a brooch which consist of the 3rd and 4th largest stones(94.4 and 63.6carats) cut from the Cullinan Diamond. Today, an adulatory group of oil-rich sheikhs and Emirs regularly add to the Queen's private collections.
Pravda.Ru: And how powerful is the Queen?
CM: The Queen is the power that be in the British society. The British parliament is a spineless and lame assembly which is not even allowed to investigate, probe or ask questions about Queen Elizabeth's control of the Energy market which includes her investments in oil, nuclear investments and gas.
The Queen presides over a meeting of the Joint Intelligence Committee(JEC) once every seven days,where she is fully briefed on the activities of all British secret services both domestic and international.
She has the sole responsibility of appointing Military commanders.No British overt or covert act is pepertriated without direct orders singed by her.
With over 450 military advicers in 30 countries,Queen Elizabeth II alone has the power to declare war and authorize treaties to be signed.Tony Blair didn't order the imperialist invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan the Queen did.She alone has the power to.
Pravda Ru Suprising.But what role has the world media played in all of these?
CM : The world media has played its usual kind of role in recent times:sharing,and distributing insane,false news and horrific stories.Western media houses have over the decades preferred to tell the world how difficult the job of a Queen is,rather than telling the world how easy it is to make corrupt and cheap money as a monarch.
The world media goes around preaching democracy to enemies of western nations,whilst ensuring they do just the opposite in their homelands.Over the decades,the world has seen outrageous crimes being commited and thousands murdered in the course of the west’s hypocritic apetitte for democracy,which they have all failed to promote in their home countries.
Recently,we all watched with shock and absolute dismay on how the Libyan state was sent back to the ages with missiles,Military aircrafts,Bunker busters etc with an excuse of wanting to promote Democracy from the sky,as if Democracy is written on military aircrafts and the human blood which was spilled in thousands in once Africa’s most prosperous nation.
I remember the BBC showing the world Hannibal Gadaffi’s room in Tripoli,Libya and accusing him of owning two dozens of designer clothings.In the words of the BBC correspondent at the time,that was the height of corruption.
If that was termed as the height of corruption,how about the various fraudulent investments of the British royal charade of deception,led by our dear Majesty?I will probably term that the heaven of corruption.
Pravda Ru Thank you for sharing some of your research work with us for the last couple of weeks.
CM:I will be here to do this again,someday.My pleasure.
*Chamakhe Maurieni is a Moroccan born WriterAuthor, and Public speaker.He is now on Facebook,find him www.facebook.com/chamakhe.maurieni
His latest work is titled - FACEBOOK IS DECEPTION and available on the
Smashwords online bookstore :
http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/149463 Volume 1
http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/149490 Volume 2
A Psychology graduate, and a former nominee for the Bridport poetry
prize, he is also a former columnist for the African Vanguard and lead
writer for the Gafi Research institute, Tunis. He recently joined Twitter,follow Chamakhe Maurieni on Twitter @venimaurieni
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