
Thursday 21 June 2012

The Queen’s Establishment want the Murdoch redhead

The Queen’s Establishment want
the Murdoch redhead
below left , gagged.

 above, The Leader of Her Majesties House of Lords and two of his pals;
The Murdoch redhead and a blonde.
Variety they say is the spice of life :)
click on either above photo for more
 Blair War Criminal: Leveson Inquiry
An uninvited guest at the "inquiry" blurted-out. 'Tony Blair should be arrested for war crimes. JP Morgan has been paying him $6m every year since the illegal invasion of Iraq - when Her Majesties  Government quietly looted $20 Billion (cash & gold) from Iraqi banks while Her Majesties media BBC, ITV. ect., were distracting your attention with Donald Rumsfeld's footage - "shit happens" -  showing poor people looting vases & furniture from abandoned government offices. As usual Blah Blah Blair denies he is a war criminal. You may remember him denying the fact that invading  Iraq was illegal.

Murdoch's HackFest: News International - News Of The World
Neil Wallis, former editor for the gutter press, was paid £24,000 by Scotland Yard to “work” as a two-day-a-month consultant.
In an unusual move, by the Queen's Establishment, Wallis was arrested, 24th May 2012, for hacking the mobile phones of anyone and everyone in the headlines.
   above, Wade, Blair, Coulson and another total Tory tosspot
Wallis served under Andy Coulson before becoming an "executive" editor. Wallis’s arrest came as police chiefs were grilled over their brown-envelope-associations with Wallis and other gutter snipes during the first (fake) inquiry into hacking.
He is the ninth miscreant arrested since the Metropolitan Police were forced to re-open the hacking investigation. 

Establishment Toadies. Bent copper Paul Stevenson & ageing rent boy Neil Wallis.

l Andy Coulson left, was Doris Cameron's  communications chief (Chief Liar) until January 2012. As of May 2012 Coulson is under arrest on charges of perjury, illegal phone hacking and illegal payments to police.
Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson said his integrity was "completely intact" as he defended his decision to drink and dine with Wallis. Sir Paul Stephenson told a Metropolitan Police Authority meeting: "I do not believe that on any occasion I have acted inappropriately. I am very satisfied with my own integrity." Margaret Thatcher, Geoffrey Archer, Tony Blair and Garry Glitter have made similar statements.

Live near Sellafield? This one’s for you
Radiation warning from new phone
Radiation phone
As the Japanese government continue the cover-up following the Fukushima nuclear disaster the smartphone company Softbank have unveiled a  mobile that can measure radiation. Softbank's latest model comes with a sensor that tells you how much radiation you are being exposed to.

Nuclear Power: Coming Home
May 2012
Bluefin tuna caught off California now contain Nuclear Waste. The waste is still spewing out of the crippled Fukushima nuclear power station.
Tuna are not the only fish bringing Fukushima's fatal contamination to places like the USA - 6,000 miles away from Japan! 
 Japanese Saki & Sushi may go down in history with Hari Kari & Kami Karsi.   

Nuclear Power:  
The Idiots Choice
The Nuclear Deceit Authority (NDA) denies premeditated theft of the tax-payers money at the Sellafield nuclear bomb factory. (7th May 2012)
A typical nuclear cover-up concerning
Sellafield's futile Evaporator D project has been denied by the NDA who refute the facts reported by The Independent. The report shows how the NDA concealed vital information on the Evaporator D project - touted as a lifeline for the needless Sellafield nuclear waste site.
The massive vessel, Evaporator D, is meant to deal with fatal high-level radioactive waste needlessly produced by spent fuel reprocessing.

Plutonium is a part of nuclear waste 
We make Plutonium 239 by splitting uranium atoms in nuclear fuel rods, at nuclear power stations. When uranium atoms split, the flying particles collide and stick together, making different atoms. Plutonium 239 (239) is just one of many atoms made in this way. Used - spent - fuel rods are placed in acid baths to separate-out the 239 atoms for nuclear weapons. When an invisible atom of 239 splits, it releases enough heat and energy to fire a six-inch-bullet! Ten million 239 atoms will fit on one grain of sugar. Imagine the firepower of ten-million six-inch-bullets exploding in a space the size of a grain of sugar. Now times that thought by ten trillion. That’s what happened to Nagasaki...
Early this year it became apparent that Evaporator D was at least £100 million over its £375 million budget. Ian Hudson, puppet head of NDA’s programme at Sellafield, referred to “an emerging picture of timescales and costs escalating more than the sanctioned value. We have never sought to deny that early estimates for the Evaporator D project provided by Sellafield’s previous operator  (the equally fraudulent British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL)). This will result in increases to both costs and schedule.”
Sellafield: The Most Radio Active Spot On Earth
Two hideously expensive nuclear cooling pools at Sellafield. Each pool contains enough poison to kill everyone in Britain.  
 Anyone wanting to build any more  of these  Targets of Mass Destruction can only be considered educationally sub normal (ESN).
A small nuclear device triggered at a British Nuclear power station would see the £ wiped off international money markets. Not that that would worry the inbred British Establishment who have always kept their ill-gotten gains in gold offshore.
Closing Down the Internet: The Ministry of Truth
    In Jan. 2012 Google told The Telegraph that national security is
"the single biggest category" among the reasons cited for scrubbing truthful pages from Google search results.  Google's Daphne Keller testified before the Leveson Inquiry that her company had cooperated with Her Majesties Government.  The Queen's cousin and her present PM (Prime Mouthpiece) Doris Cameron established the Leveson Inquiry in the wake of the News International telephone hacking scandal.
The collusion between Google and Her Majesties Government is reminiscent of practices established under Her Majesties D Notice system, a shut-the-fuck-up, part of Her Majesties Official Secrets Act used to hide the truth from the public. Newspaper and magazine editors have to check with Her Majesties Government's D Notice Committee before publishing anything that may reveal the royal's, centuries old, investments in the slave trade, arms, oil and heroin/cocaine industries.
Her Majesties D Notice system was used to control the media reporting the death of Doctor David Kelly. Arms Inspector Dr. Kelly was suicided after he accused Her Majesties Government of fraudulently altering a dossier that had proved there were no Weapon's of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Iraq.
Globalists have called on Google to provide warnings about websites that contain "conspiracy theories" such as the belief, held by the majority of Americans, that 9/11 was an inside job. A few hours serious research proves 9/11 had absolutely nothing to do with the nineteen religious fanatics (patsy's) – who supposedly hijacked four passenger jets on a suicide mission. (11 of the 19 patsy's are alive and well and remain unreported by American and Her Majesties media puppets.
In keeping with its mission to surveil, track and trace its users - allegedly for commercial purposes - Google has announced that it will follow the activities of anyone using YouTube, Gmail and its leading search engine. Consumers won't be able to opt out of the changes, which take effect March 1, 2012.
Facebook has always tracked and traced users and keeps all their data. In September, hacker and writer Nik Cubrilovic posted information on his blog revealing that Facebook also keeps track of every website Facebook user’s visit, even when they are logged out of the site.
Google's latest D-notice technology - crashing truthful websites - is no different than The Great Firewall of China, a colossal network of government filters designed to block any other view than that of the ruling Dictatorship.
Social networking and The Ministry of Truth will work hand-in-hand as the Queen and her globalist pals move towards total control of public thinking.
Social networks are now using the internet's latest applications (apps) designed to control public opinion by "news" control and blanket surveillance. 
       June 2007. Exit The Oily Rag
Some people still think the Queen's passing whipping boy, Blah Blah Blair, was responsible for sending the Queen's troops into Iraq. Blaming the oily rag instead of the engineer ignores the bleeding obvious. If the British Head of State, like the Russian, French and German Heads of State, had refused to go along with the American Head of State. There never would have been a debate in Her Majesties Parliament on the false claim, rightly rejected by the Russian, French and German Heads of State, that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction - ergo no British involvement in an illegal war.
To increase the royal fortune the Queen ordered her whipping boy Blair to tell the blatant lie that Iraq could arm and fire nuclear missiles at London on 45 minutes notice. The Queen's favoured spooks whispered to doubting Members of Parliament that Blair's Weapons of Mass Destruction hysterics were true. That's how the Queen took Britain into an illegal war. 

'One inherited more £Billions than you peasants can ever imagine. While one swans around waving, you peasants have no way of knowing my earrings are worth more than your entire family has earned doing real work in the last four hundred years.'


Occupy Wall Street: Free speech Not Allowed
New York Police destroy protesters Laptop's

November 2011. Thugs in uniform employed by the NYPD stole protesters laptops from the media center at Zuccotti Park, lined them up, then repeatedly drove buses over them!  As computers get cheaper anti government protesters are learning how to survive in a violent police state that intends to end free speech.  Photograph's from 
Have you ever tried to bend a metal laptop computer?
Do you know how hard it is to inflict this kind of damage?

IT professionals debated over what it would take to inflict that level of damage. Most concluded that getting run over with a car would not damage the most laptops.
NYPD thugs also seized Occupy Wall Street's "signal corps" - a team of hi-tech volunteers that provided free wireless Internet for Occupy Wall Street - and sequestered them in a separate part of the jail.
A member of that team, Isaac Wilder, reported $5,000 missing from his confiscated items in the media tent money that belonged to him. NYPD thugs have  destroyed the router tower that the "signal corps" used to provide Occupy Wall Street with free Internet services.
Government puppets (thugs in police uniforms) are obviously employed to stop people communicating the truth.
Anything that contradicts  SKY / ITN / CBS / BBC pathetic propaganda has to be destroyed.

               Fukushima: Government still lying
The latest report by America's Institute of Nuclear Power Operations gives a blow-by-blow account of the ongoing disaster, which saw three reactors go into full nuclear meltdown. The plant's back-up generators also failed, leaving most of the facility with no power.  
Hailed as "hero's" workers struggled to cool the overheating reactors in "complete darkness" while hundred of aftershocks rocked the area, including two of greater than 7.0 magnitude. The report notes, food shortages meant  workers were given only a biscuit for breakfast and a bowl of noodles for dinner. Many slept on the floor. Some volunteered to perform dangerous jobs. With no training for the tasks they were attempting. They relied on "creativity" and "unconventional or unique methods" to deal with "conditions that were beyond the design basis for the station".
Fukushima's "Tsunami protection barrier" was 5.7m high. It was     breached by seven massive waves the highest of which was 14m high.
The report details the delays in venting the damaged reactors containment buildings. Venting is used to release pressure, and experts believe it could have averted the series of explosions that rocked the nuclear plant in the weeks after the Tsunami, releasing tons of fatal nuclear atoms into the environment.
A preliminary report compiled by a Norwegian academic and published last month said the amount of one radioactive substance released was twice the figure claimed by the Japanese government, and around 40% of the amount released in the Chernobyl disaster.
The government now stand accused of ignoring vital medical advice and failing to inform the public of the increasing
and ongoing nuclear contamination.
The government continues to lie about Fukushima's radiation. The government proposal to dump several thousand tonnes of nuclear poisoned water into the ocean has caused widespread public disgust.
12 November, 2011For the first time journalists were allowed to see the ruins of Fukushima nuclear power station - from inside a purpose built bus.
 Photograph: Reuters

      Love Actually: Grant Went Under Cover
It was the actor Hugh Grant who discovered Milly Dowler’s phone was hacked

In April 2011 the New Statesman hired a new cub reporter.
His name is Hugh Grant. Yes, THAT Hugh Grant! And his first assignment was to go undercover to bug one of the News of the World’s former buggers, a shifty ­ journalist-turned-publican named Paul
McMullan. During their conversation – secretly recorded by Grant – McMullan revealed all about the culture of phone hacking at News International, including his suspicions that Milly Dowler’s phone and the parents of the murdered Soham girls had been targeted... more

The Queen's England
Diane Abbot above left, a Member Of Her Majesties Parliament, with her friends Michael Port-a-loo - who she went to school with - and another media shithouse. Her Majesties servant Diane is hoping her son will one day join the Bullingdon Club above right.
 The Queen's England August 2011

Her Majesties Home Secretary Theresa May described the London riots as "sheer criminality".  She vowed those responsible for looting will face justice. Where was this supercilious cow when the Queen's bankers looted Britain of £Trillions?  How long before the rioters get their act together and lynch this worthless bitch along with her boss the Queen?

After London police shot Mark Duggan dead, for no apparent reason, a crowd of 300 gathered outside the local police station - demanding an explanation. A 16 year-old-girl in the crowd was attacked by a police thug wielding a baton and left bleeding on the floor. This brutal attack, after the murder of Mark Duggan, sparked the Tottenham riot. A local woman, interviewed about the murder of Duggan said the police "lied about what happened. They said he pulled a gun but he wouldn't have done that with armed police..." Guardian
Hacked to Death? Don't You Believe it!
Murdoch's probably planning
"The New News Of The World"
Click on the his photo's below to check out Murdoch's assets
We now know the phone hacker and News of the World executive Neil Wallis also worked for the Metropolitan Police as a “media consultant”. Once again Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson is denying his seedy links with Wallis. Stephenson spent time at health farms where Wallis was also a “media consultant”. Stephenson had a leg operation paid for by the police health fund but the accommodation was a freebie paid for by the managing director of a health farm, a friend of Stephenson. Has the health farm become the new golf club? Where bent coppers meet their criminal patrons?
Mail on Sunday journalists have now been told their phones were hacked by “private investigator” Glenn Mulcaire who was sentenced to six months for hacking into royal phones. At least 4,000 people had their phones targeted.
Operation Weeting continues but Murdoch will bribe his way out of any criminal prosecution by exposing the simple fact that all the other red-top "newspapers" have been hacking into innocent peoples phones for the last decade - aided and abetted by extremely bent coppers and the usual vile Ministers of the Crown. 
Before long you can expect Murdoch to launch "The New News Of The World".
From the very first appearance of mobile phones it became apparent they were wide open to hackers. To encrypt a mobile and make it “safe” costs at least ten times the cost of the mobile and slows down the phone to a snails pace, defeating the object of instant communication.  Five years ago. A bent private investigator called Glen Mulcaire and the bent News of the World's, Royal Editor, Clive Goodman hacked into messages sent to and from members of the Royal Family. more  Murdoch apparently paid London police officials over £100,000 to stop the rest of the Murdoch phone hacking story coming out. That didn't work. Or did it?    more 

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