An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden
Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches
contains over 40 pages of evidence and analysis proving Barack Obama’s
use of a little-known and highly deceptive and manipulative form of
“hack” hypnosis on millions of unaware Americans, and reveals what only
a few psychologists and hypnosis/NLP experts know. Barack Obama’s
speeches contain the hypnosis techniques of Dr. Milton Erickson, M.D.
who developed a form of “conversational” hypnosis that could be hidden
in seemingly normal speech and used on patients without their knowledge
for therapy purposes.
Obama’s speeches intentionally contain:
Obama’s techniques are the height of
deception and psychological manipulation, remaining hidden because one
must understand the science behind the language patterns in order to
spot them. This document examines Obama’s speeches word by word,
hand gesture by hand gesture, tone, pauses, body language, and proves
his use of covert hypnosis intended only for licensed therapists on
consenting patients. Obama’s mesmerized, cult-like,
grade-school-crush-like worship by millions is not because “Obama is the
greatest leader of a generation” who simply hasn’t accomplished
anything, who magically “inspires” by giving speeches. Obama is
committing perhaps the biggest fraud and deception in American history.
Obama is not just using subliminal messages, but textbook covert
hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming techniques on audiences that
are intentionally designed to sideline rational judgment and implant
subconscious commands to think he is wonderful and elect him President.
Obama is eloquent. However, Obama’s subconscious techniques are
shown to elicit powerful emotion from his audience and then transfer
those emotions onto him, to sideline rational judgment, and
implant hypnotic commands that we are unaware of and can’t even
consciously question. The polls are misleading because some of
Obama’s commands are designed to be triggered only in the voting booth
on November 4th. Obama is immune to logical arguments like Wright,
Ayers, shifting every position, character, and inexperience, because
hypnosis affects us on an unconscious and emotional level. To many
people who see this unaccomplished man’s unnatural and irrational rise
to the highest office in the world as suspicious and frightening and to
those who welcome it, this document uncovers, explains, and proves the
deceptive tactics behind true “Obama Phenomenon” including why younger
people are more easily affected.
- Trance Inductions
- Hypnotic Anchoring
- Pacing and Leading
- Pacing, Distraction and Utilization
- Critical Factor Bypass
- Stacking Language Patterns
- Preprogrammed Response Adaptation
- Linking Statements/ Causality Bridges
- Secondary Hidden Meanings/Imbedded
- Emotion Transfer
- Non-Dominant Hemisphere Programming
Skeptics will surely doubt the information
provided in this document with four specific oppositions – each of which
this document disproves.
1. Hypnosis isn’t real - hypnosis
wouldn’t / doesn’t work on me
Trance states of mind and enhanced
suggestibility happen to everyone every day; driving in your car, in the
elevator, watching T.V., or listening to music. This mild hypnotic
state is all that is needed for Ericksonian techniques to implant
hypnotic commands you are unaware of.
2. Obama isn’t intentionally using
mass hypnosis
This document contains over a hundred
examples of Obama’s specific language patterns and hypnosis techniques
that follow textbook Ericksonian principles and characteristics too much
to be coincidence.
3. Obama’s popularity is not
attributable to his use of hypnosis
Young people and more educated people
actually have lower hypnotic subconscious suggestibility thresholds for
scientific reasons explained. Popular perceptions of Obama are
provable as inconsistent with his accomplishments, history, background,
and even what is heard from him consciously – however, they match
perfectly with the messages he is caught sending intending to be
received only subconsciously.
People are admittedly mesmerized by him.
The irrational rise to power of and uncanny passionate support for a
logically unaccomplished and questionable man based on his speaking
alone like the “Obama phenomenon” is widely accepted – only the rational
explanation for it is missing. Finally, he would not continue to
use these deceptive techniques if he did not believe they work.
4. There is nothing unethical about
Obama’s use of hypnosis
The techniques used by Obama are the most
deceptive forms of communication known to man. They sideline
rational judgment and implant subconscious commands that change how
people feel and behave without any awareness of the manipulation.
Obama’s techniques overcome the will without convincing the judgment
through trickery. Obama often says one message that you are aware
of, meanwhile implants a different message hypnotically with double or
hidden meanings. He conjures up emotions by talking about your
children, and JFK, and then is caught transferring those feelings onto
him with hidden hand gestures. He hides what he is doing and
brazenly uses these techniques in front of millions of people over and
over. Once explained, Obama’s actions can be shown to be the
height of manipulation and deception.
Foreword and commentary
The level of deception involved in Obama’s
use of covert hypnosis, and his presumption that he has the right to use
hypnosis on us to gain votes is just unconscionable. It is not a
connection to another person that he can deny. It is Obama’s own
highly deceptive actions, provable once explained, on video, playable
over and over. Obama is sidelining rational judgment and using undue
influence to win over voters applying psychological subconscious
manipulation like never before in American history. No other argument
against Obama can fundamentally change the way people feel about him
deep down inside, EXCEPT, proof that precisely the way they feel about
him deep down inside is because of Obama's own deception and use of
hidden hypnosis. This is because exposing Obama’s use of hypnosis takes
the people who are entranced by him subconsciously and emotionally, and
puts the issue of why they feel that way on a conscious rational level
where they can analyze it. It is the one thing that can fundamentally
change the game, and shatter Obama’s magical immunity to all of his
other faults, logical disqualifications, and deceptions. This can
include the media changing their mind about Obama once they see who he
really is and also helping to expose what Obama is doing in the
interests of democracy. Many people do wake up from the effects of
hypnosis once you tell them they have been hypnotized and explain what
has happened to them. To a lot of people, it is just a missing piece of
the puzzle that makes everything else make sense - almost as if it were
the missing piece they were somehow even looking for on some level.
You must understand the basics of
Ericksonian hypnosis to see what Obama is doing
Almost nobody realizes what Obama is doing.
These techniques are nearly impossible for an untrained person to
detect. With the exception of a few trained experts in hypnosis, nobody
understands even what to look for. It sounds in every way like ordinary
powerful speech. Hypnosis is not sleep, nor what is portrayed in movies.
In order to spot what Obama is doing, one must first understand covert
hypnosis and conversational hypnosis, and know how the science works.
Only by knowing how hypnosis works will you see that Obama’s speech
often diverges from normal and logical speech patterns, and clearly uses
the non-logical, clearly artificial and intentional patterns of hypnotic
trance induction, and hypnotic critical factor bypass as taught in the
field of covert and conversational hypnosis. This document will explain
what Obama is precisely doing and how it works by explaining hidden
hypnotic language patterns and other hypnosis techniques, and pointing
out these patterns and techniques in Obama’s speeches.
Obama is using textbook, clinical trance
inductions in his speeches. Obama’s hypnotic techniques work on a
subconscious level, and are designed so that people watching him in an
audience or on TV are completely unaware of his techniques and their
effects. Obama is using clear hypnotic anchoring, pacing and leading,
and numerous other hypnosis techniques designed to take away our
rational judgment in deciding for whom to vote in November. Not only is
this the only explanation that makes sense for the amazing rise and
“Obama phenomenon” sweeping our nation, but the evidence is undeniable.
To say Obama’s amazing following and rise to
power is simply because he is a great speaker is not logically
sufficient. Even if Obama were the greatest speaker to come along in 30
years, it still would not explain why even being simply a great speaker
would cause people to say he is the greatest “leader” of a generation,
or “sent by God” or “JFK” and why that he should be trusted to make
decisions like he has never made in his life, or that he will bring
change when he hasn’t really changed anything in his 46 years. What he
has done does not logically fit how he is perceived. In fact, the gulf
is too wide to be random unexplained phenomenon. As shown, he does,
however, use clever hypnosis techniques while discussing e.g. JFK to
subconsciously transfer feelings conjured up in his audience onto him
through, e.g. flashed hand gestures which appear innocent to uncritical
Real “hypnosis” explained
Most people are hypnotized and fall into
trance every day of their lives2. It is a common, everyday
occurrence, whether for a brief second, or minutes or longer. A very
basic example is when you are driving a car while in deep thought, and
you suddenly realize you are much further along with no memory of
driving the whole distance. Another example, is when you are on an
elevator watching the numbers change and go into trance, and when
everyone else gets off, you take that as a nonverbal suggestion to get
off, before you “wake up” and realize it is not your floor. This
elevator example is an example of mass hypnosis, where the close rapport
with the hypnotist is not necessary, because many people are both
hypnotized partly by whatever is causing the trance, and partly by the
fact that you are being “paced” or also hypnotized by everyone else in
the elevator doing the exact same thing as you. The reason you cry
from reading sad book simply by reading ink on paper is because of the
mind’s interaction with that information, which is also a hypnotic
Two separate definitions of “hypnosis”:
1. First, hypnosis is “a particular
altered state of hyper-suggestibility brought about in an individual by
a combination of relaxation, fixation of attention, and suggestion.”4
2. Second, hypnosis is also “bypassing
the ‘critical factor’ and setting up acceptable selective thinking.”5.
The “critical factor” is the conscious part of the brain that you think
with that has the ability to make rational logical judgments about what
information is received6. The critical factor acts as a
filter, determining what can pass into the subconscious mind which is a
non-rational computer-like system which accepts everything in it as
absolute truth7. That is why sidelining it is so
dangerous. Milton Erickson, had a broader definition of the unconscious
mind, described as, “both the functioning of the dominant hemisphere of
the brain that occurs below the level of awareness, as well as the
functioning of the non-dominant hemisphere” 8.
Ericksonian trance induction has three
dimensions which we will return to often and compare to Obama’s language
patterns.9 They are:
1. Pacing and distraction of the
dominant (language) hemisphere;
2. Utilization of the dominant
hemisphere, language processing which occurs below the level of
3. Accessing of the non-dominant
This above three part process is extremely
important to later analysis. Essentially, hypnosis is an altered and
common state of mind involving intense focus, sidelining or
disassociation of the rational critical thinking, and the state of
hyper-suggestibility brought about while the subconscious mind is the
dominant player10. It happens while reading, listening to
music, and even while hearing a great speaker 11.
However, the power of such methods is what is
difficult to grasp. What we are talking about is “transformational
linguistics” – language that literally changes who you are at your
deepest levels, your deepest passions, drives, and emotions while you
are completely unaware. Under Freud, there is the conscious mind that
you think with, called the “ego.” You also have a
conscience, called the “super-ego.” Then, there is the
largest part of the psyche, the id, which is the back-end of all
our memory, our most basic instincts and drives, emotions, and
suppressed desires12. “The unconscious mind is the source
of our energy, and no amount of conscious reasoning can override it. The
unconscious mind is un-critical; it accepts as absolute truth any idea
that is allowed to enter its computer-like system”13. The
messages of hypnosis, including mass hypnosis, can be far more powerful
than just someone’s conscious thoughts, as it affects their most basic
biological drives and instincts14. That is why many of
Obama’s followers are so passionate for him, why they are fainting in
his presence, comparing him to Jesus, and supporting him like no other
candidate before.
1 “The only
thing you need to do to break a negative hypnotic spell that has been
cast on you is begin to think rationally, to begin to think critically.
If you decide that you choose this message as one that’s good for you,
by all means sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. But, if you decide
that this is not something you want to have in your life, just simply
analyze it, criticize it, ridicule it, and say “Hey, that’s not how the
world works.” And you’ll have protected your mind from taking on
board something which you really don’t need.” The Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski, re the
section entitled “The Dark Side of Hypnosis.”
2 Erickson
maintained that trance is a common, everyday occurrence. For example,
when waiting for buses and trains, reading or listening, or even being
involved in strenuous physical exercise, it's quite normal to become
immersed in the activity and go into a trance state, removed from any
other irrelevant stimuli. These states are so common and familiar that
most people do not consciously recognize them as hypnotic phenomena.
3 The Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski
4 Modern
Hypnosis, Theory and Practice, Masud Ansari, Ph.D.
5 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1, David X’s
educational video, “How to Hypnotize with Covert Hypnosis and Hypnotic
Language” See video online, such as at:
6 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1
7 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1
8 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p13.
9 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p13.
10 The Religion
of Psychology by Marty Wilson,
11 Roy Hunter,
MS, CHt, cited at
12 Modern
Hypnosis, Theory and Practice, Masud Ansari, Ph.D., Ch3, Unconscious
Mind and Hypnosis
13 Modern
Hypnosis, Theory and Practice, Masud Ansari, Ph.D., Ch3, Unconscious
Mind and Hypnosis, p43
14 The
International Law of Propaganda, By Bhagevatula Satyanarayana
Murty, discussing I.P. Pavlov, Conditioned Reflexes, an Investigation of
the Physiological Activity of the Cerebral Cortex. (Such mass
hypnosis is compared in psychological effect to “evoking responses that
satisfy the drives of biological instincts.”
The origins of “covert hypnosis” and
“conversational hypnosis” aka “black ops” hypnosis
Dr. Milton H. Erickson, also known as the
father of modern hypnosis method, was the single greatest practitioner
of hypnosis, having dramatically advanced the field15. Dr.
Erickson is internationally acclaimed as the leading practitioner in the
field of hypnosis16 for his understanding of the science
of both inducing and utilizing hypnotic states17.
Dr. Erickson discovered, while working as a therapist, that he could
hide therapeutic hypnosis within the normal content of an inconspicuous
conversation with the patient, and avoid much of the patient’s conscious
resistance that normally accompanied hypnotherapy18.
Dr. Erickson realized the subconscious mind was always listening, and
understood better than anyone before how to access it and implant
suggestions into it. What Dr. Erickson did was figure out how to
put people into trance and hypnotize them and implant suggestions with
seemingly normal conversation. He discovered that people could achieve
this heightened state of hyper-suggestibility without the traditional
difficultly-induced coma-like state traditionally associated with
hypnosis. Through his pioneering understanding, he was able to do the
same and much more often with simple plays on words and embedded
meanings in a single sentence.
The entire field of “covert hypnosis” or
“conversational hypnosis” is based on Dr. Erickson’s techniques and is
now primarily used by hypnotists and psychiatrists19.
Conversational hypnosis is often referred to as Ericksonian hypnosis.
The word “hypnosis” is never mentioned and there is nothing overt to
give away that hypnosis is being used. It is impossible to detect
unless you know precisely what to look for. Hack versions of these
techniques are unfortunately taught to be used as persuasion tools for
salespersons and even for men looking to enhance their success picking
up and seducing women. The reason this is so unfortunate, is because
covert hypnosis is designed to sideline rational judgment. That is
fundamental to how it works; to bypass the dominant hemisphere and
critical factor. It essentially tricks the subconscious mind into
accepting commands as absolute truths which include not only those
approved by the conscious mind, but outside commands from a hypnotist
who can implant any suggestion he wishes. Dr. Erickson was adamant that
only doctors be allowed to practice his techniques because of how
strongly he felt about how dangerous such science could be in the wrong
hands. Subconscious suggestions are more powerful than even what the
subject believes consciously – as such suggestions become parts of their
deepest psyche. Because covert hypnosis is hidden in ordinary
speech, and the subject is not aware that it is being used, it is even
more powerful than ordinary hypnosis. Since the conscious mind is not
even aware of the messages being sent, conscious scrutiny and resistance
is eliminated20. The subject cannot even question the
messages being sent – they are simply implanted by the hypnotist as the
subject’s most fundamental beliefs. Then, even the subject’s own
rational mind cannot overpower them.
15 Milton E.
Erickson, often looked at as the father of modern day hypnosis, was
founding president of the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis and a
fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, the American
Psychological Association, and the American psychopathological
He felt very strongly that the field of hypnosis should only be allowed
to be studied by doctors because of its power.
16 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p1.
17 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p1.
18 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p25 “by
communicating indirectly, Dr. Erickson avoids the issue of resistance to
a large extent.” “Erickson believed that the unconscious
mind was always listening, and that hypnosis could be used whether the
patient was aware of it or completely oblivious to the fact that a
hypnotic technique was being used. Erickson would see if the
patient would respond to one or another kind of indirect suggestion, and
allow the unconscious mind to actively participate in the therapeutic
process. In this way, what seemed like a normal conversation might
induce a hypnotic trance, or a therapeutic change in the subject.
Andre M. Weitzenhoffer (1976) Introduction/forward in Hypnotic Realities
Erickson & Rossi. It is called conversational hypnosis because the
subtleties are slipped into a conversation and the other person would
not consciously realize it, while the tactics could have a very real
subconscious effect.”
19 Sometimes
the field is called “black-ops” hypnosis.
20 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p25 – “by
communicating indirectly, he avoids the issue of resistance to a large
Bypassing the dominant hemisphere’s
rational judgment (“critical factor”)
The critical factor is the part of the mind
that logically analyzes and scrutinizes all information like a filter,
and decides what information is allowed to pass into your subconscious
mind and become part of what your mind accepts as unquestionably true,
like your deepest and most powerful emotions, drives, and instincts21.
It is the primary cognitive defense that usually stops all information
and rationally analyzes it, whether consciously or unconsciously. It
keeps your computer-like subconscious mind from literally believing that
you are a chicken when someone calls you a “chicken”, and keeps you from
literally believing that you are a square (box) when somebody calls you
a “square”, and keeps you from literally believing you are a (snow or
cereal) flake when somebody calls you a “flake.” You don’t
consciously ponder it when someone calls you a chicken; your critical
factor stops that information below the level of awareness. The critical
factor is the cognitive function best analogized to a security guard
(critical factor) who searches every person (information) entering into
a nightclub looking for weapons (and stops all information that is
questionable) 22. The critical factor stops all
information and allows your thinking and rationality to determine
whether it is acceptable to the subconscious mind or not. Hypnosis uses
language patterns, visual tricks, body language, voice, tone, and other
aspects of communication to get “suggestions” past the critical factor
part of the brain and directly into the listener’s subconscious23.
This is wonderful if the command is to be free of a phobia, or
quit smoking. The reason hypnosis is used for such psychological change,
is that the critical factor allows in only what it accepts as true.
Without bypassing the smoker’s critical factor, a smoker has a difficult
time quitting because they have a difficult time accepting as absolutely
true the information that they are a nonsmoker, because their critical
factor and conscious mind knows differently and doesn’t let the
information through. How one might simplify this point, is, in normal
everyday life, calling someone a “chicken” will not cause them to
literally believe they are a chicken and act like one. This is because
the critical factor stops this information from passing into the
subconscious. So how can a hypnotist get a subject to cluck like a
chicken believing they are one? The hypnotist knows how to get the
hypnotic suggestion that the subject is a chicken past the critical
factor part of the consciousness, and get the subconscious mind to
accept it as unquestionably true.
21 Killer Influence Secrets of Covert
Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1 David X’s educational video, “How to
Hypnotize with Covert Hypnosis and Hypnotic Language” See video
online, such as at:
22 Analogy used in The Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski
23 Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of
Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p129 “voice, tone, body movement” in
addition to the linguistic aspects.
Obama’s actions are far more deceptive
than simply lying
If used by a politician and discovered, such
hypnosis technique, if understood as it should be, to be the height of
manipulation and deception, would destroy a politician’s career24.
There is no other way to view such a politician other than
disturbingly deceptive, someone whom we apparently know very little
about, and cannot trust, who has been continually hiding something from
us and manipulating us. To see a politician continue to perform a
multitude of hundreds of deceptive acts, which he knows about but we are
meant not to know about, that affect our judgment and mental processes,
and that manipulate us in ways we are not even aware of, all the while
thinking he is clever enough to get away with it until he finally gets
caught, is the height of immoral deception. It is perhaps the
biggest fraud and deception in American history.
Most of our beliefs come to us from our own
rational judgment and conscious analysis of the world. For
example, we know it good to wake up in the morning and do something
because we rationally know the consequences of staying in bed all day.
When we like people, it is usually due to a combination of our rational
judgment and how that person naturally makes us feel about them. We try
to make people like us more by following social norms, making people
feel good, smiling, and so on. However, a very small percentage of the
population actually study subconscious manipulation of not only how
people feel about them, but how to manipulate and alter the beliefs we
usually come to by our rational judgment, reason, and experience. These
people study specifically how to sideline this rational judgment,
reason, and experience, and natural feelings, and bend people’s feelings
and will through the application of this branch of psychiatry to their
Obama and his speech writers are expert at
this type of artificial manipulation. His ability to convince rationally
and any natural “charm” is only part of how a person feels about Obama.
The rest is deceptive subconscious manipulation. His tactics are
deceptive because he has mastered the science and art of lowering the
effects of the rational scrutiny parts of the mind through his speaking,
actions, and presentation. He gets you to believe not by convincing you
rationally until you decide to believe it, but by knowing how to say to
your subconscious mind literally the words that “you believe” in
a way that your subconscious mind will simply accept the message and
believe without having rationally decided to believe. He knows how to
say to your subconscious mind that it “chose” (Obama) even when it
hasn’t, in a way that you will believe that you have chosen. He
understands subconscious manipulation enough to know how to talk about
families, and your children, and John F. Kennedy, and conjure up
feelings within you from speaking in certain rhythmic and unnaturally
slow tempos, and then subconsciously transfer the emotions he conjures
up onto him, such as with hand gestures or hidden content in language.
You genuinely walk away from him feeling warm, and viewing him as a JFK,
except it is artificial. He knows how to say one thing, but have your
subconscious mind ultra-powerfully receive a different message and
feeling than you are aware. He is actually implanting feelings and
emotions into your subconscious. They feel like your own. Rationally he
is an unaccomplished man with shady connections, but you are tricked
into feelings about him that overpower those, that feel
like your genuine feelings about him because they come from inside you
implanted into the deepest parts of your psyche.
Obama’s deception here is not simply a few
subliminal messages like those used in some advertisements. Obama is
employing with art and skill a complex hidden system applying a
multitude of the most advanced techniques in subconscious manipulation
known to psychology. This entire system is designed to do one thing - to
make us feel like the decision to support Obama is our own when it is
really, at least for many, implanted artificially through hypnosis. What
Obama is doing is in effect the same as if he dangled a silver watch in
front of us and said “you are getting sleepy and going into have an unstoppable urge that you cannot resist... you
must vote for Barack.” In fact, as discussed below, Obama was
actually caught at least once saying something very similar with his own
lips. Yes, Obama was caught giving an overt hypnotic command to vote for
him25. People even made fun of it, but nobody realized it
was actual intentional hypnosis until it is now explained (See below).
Hypnotizing someone without their knowledge is the height of immorality.
The level of deception involved here, in Obama’s use of covert hypnosis,
and his presumption that he has the right to use hypnosis on us to gain
votes is just unconscionable. If a stranger came up to you in a
restaurant and tried to hypnotize you to get you to do anything, even so
much as buy them a cup of coffee, and you figured out that they were
trying to use actual hypnosis on you, you would run. If Obama simply
lied, we voters would be able to use our rational judgment to make a
logical decision about what is the truth, and what we should believe,
and what we shouldn’t. However, because he is implanting subconscious
commands we are not aware of consciously, into the deepest parts of our
emotional and subconscious psyches, he is actually taking away our
ability to make those rational judgments. He is making the decision to
and taking away even our ability to question the commands he is
hypnotizing us with. We never even know the commands are being implanted
(until now with this document), and we are tricked into believing that
our feelings are coming from deep inside us. Obama’s concealment of his
hypnotic techniques can only be looked at as deception26.
The passion people feel for Obama is real because it comes from deep
inside each of them. Thus, logical arguments against Obama become
irrelevant. To all those who were wondering what the impaired rational
judgment of millions of people looks like, here it is. It doesn’t
matter that he has no accomplishments, never takes hard positions, or
that he changes to opposite positions from almost one day to the next,
or has long term connections to extremists, racists, and other shady
people, is endorsed by Iran and Hamas, and simply says he didn’t know
the character of his own pastor and mentor for twenty years. The logic
of this disturbing information is on the conscious level, and cannot
override the subconscious nor change how his supporters feel internally27.
Many may be somewhat bothered by it logically, but it hasn’t
changed how many people feel about him. The fact that he has changed
nearly every position from the primaries to the general election doesn’t
register in us consciously what it should – that this unknown man can
just as easily change the day after he is sworn in as President and be
anyone he chooses, including a very different person than he has been
portraying. Now, what sounds like frightening science fiction is
reality. Someone whom we really don’t know, who is unaccomplished, with
many shady connections and supporters, is trying to use hypnosis on
millions to get us all to turn over control of the world’s largest
nuclear arsenal to him, and he is about to succeed.
24 Also
distinguished, are common political tactics. Such tactics, like
making sure there is a Presidential podium in front of you, and American
flags behind you to make you look Presidential. While they send
messages, they are not analogous to the deceptive and unprecedented
hypnosis used by Obama that is the focus of this document.
25 See below,
regarding Obama’s Statement featured in McCain ad, “The One”, - Obama’s
hypnotic command that “a light will shine down from somewhere, it will
light upon you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will say to
yourself, ‘I have to vote for Barack’” – criticized for its being
ridiculousness probably without even awareness that it is hypnosis.
26 “Deception
(also called beguilement or subterfuge) is the act of convincing another
to believe information that is not true, or not the whole truth as in
certain types of half-truths. Deception involves concepts like
propaganda, distraction and/or concealment.”
27 “The
unconscious mind is the source of our energy. No amount of will
power exerted by the conscious mind can override it.” Modern
Hypnosis Theory and Practice, Masud Ansari, Ph..D., p43.
The study of the effects of mass hypnosis
A widely held view among psychologists and
experts is that conversational hypnosis is literally a form of mind
control. One author says: “Essentially conversational hypnosis allow
users to gain control of their subjects mind through spoken word, and
literally get them to do as they wish - within reason of course.
Essentially the English language has various emotional triggers and
tone's which can be utilized to induce people into a trance. When people
are in such a trance it is possible to alter their views and control
their actions”.28
Some video examples of the power of hypnosis
are included in the footnotes29. However, this particular
one at this footnote at the end of this sentence of hypnotist Derren
Brown is amazing, and very exemplary of how conversational hypnosis
works, and is highly recommended for a quick understanding30.
To give you an idea of the power of hypnosis in the wrong hands,
hypnosis can be used to get a complete stranger to hand over a wallet in
seconds31. MSNBC32 and BBC33
reports a man stealing from stores and banks using hypnosis. One book
that studied mass hypnosis called Rape of the Mind was written by Joost
A. M. Meerloo, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry, Columbia University
Lecturer in Social Psychology, New School for Social Research, Former
Chief of the Psychological Department, Netherlands Forces. It examines
the dangers of mass hypnosis34.
An excerpt of the book discusses what a
hypnotist could get a subject to do through hypnotic commands, Chapter 3
– Hypnotism and Mental Coercion:
29 Hypnosis
shows (examples) 1.
edxQ2Tw 3. 4.
30 ***See
Derren Brown perform mind control conversational hypnosis NLP at:
THE MIND: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and
Brainwashing, by Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D., Instructor in Psychiatry,
Columbia University Lecturer in Social Psychology, New School for Social
Research, Former Chief, Psychological Department, Netherlands Forces,
published in 1956, World Publishing Company. (Out of Print) Book
available online at
There are many quacks that practice hypnosis,
not to cure their victims but to force them into submission, using the
victim's unconscious ties and dependency needs in a criminal, profitable
way. One of the most absorbing aspects of this whole problem of hypnosis
is the question of whether people can be forced to commit crimes, such
as murder or treason, while under a hypnotic spell. Many psychologists
would deny that such a thing could happen and would insist that no
person can be compelled to do under hypnosis what he would refuse to do
in a state of alert consciousness. But actually what a person can be
compelled to do is dependent on the degree of dependency that hypnosis
causes and the frequency of repetition of the so-called posthypnotic
suggestions35. Rape of the Mind discusses psychological
conditioning from World War II Nazi tactics, to Soviet Cold-War
theoreticians, to our own democracy. (See Chapter 2 – Mass
Conditioning Through Speech, and Political Conditioning)36.
The Book also discusses the dangers of the real phenomenon of mass
hypnosis: Suggestion and hypnosis are considered by some to be a
psychological blessing, but they can also be the beginning of terror.
Mass hypnosis, for example, can have a dangerous influence on the
individual. Psychiatrists have found several times that public
demonstrations of mass hypnosis may provoke an increased hypnotic
dependency and submissiveness in many members of the audience that can
last for years. Largely for this reason Great Britain has passed a law
making séances and mass hypnotism illegal. Hypnosis may act as a trigger
mechanism for a repressed dependency need in the victim and turn him
temporarily into a kind of waking sleep-walker and mental slave. The
hypnotic command relieves him of his personal responsibility, and he
surrenders much of his conscience to his hypnotizer. As we mentioned
before, our own times have provided us with far too many examples of how
political hypnosis, mob hypnosis, and even war hypnosis can turn
civilized men into criminals. Pavlov’s theory of psychology also says
that propaganda can create mass hypnosis, and people can become
conditioned to verbal or other symbols used in propaganda. Such
masses can lose their discretion and be easily influenced37.
For Americans to presume that we are not subject to any propaganda just
because we are Americans is insufficient logic.
Illegality of Obama’s use of hypnosis
Hypnosis-type mental pressure has been held
by the Supreme Court of the United States to be so unduly influential as
to deprive someone of their fundamental rights. The US Supreme
court case was Leyra v. Denno, 347 U.S. 556 (1954), Leyra v. Denno, No.
635, Argued April 28, 1954, Decided June 1, 1954, 347 U.S. 556.
After police questioned a suspect day and night unable to obtain a
confession, a hypnotist tried, and did successfully get the suspect to
confess. The legal battles over whether the confession was
voluntary or not, undue influence or not, went all the way to the
Supreme court of the United States, which decided that his confession
could not be used as evidence against him in court. In discussing
what the New York Court of Appeals held, that “were so clearly the
product of ‘mental coercion’ that their use as evidence was inconsistent
with due process of law”, the United States Supreme Court said
“exhausted suspect's ability to resist interrogation was broken to
almost trance-like submission by use of the arts of a highly skilled
psychiatrist.” It violated the most fundamental rights of the
suspect to have this confession used, because it was not of his own free
will. Hypnosis on a non-consenting person may arguably constitute fraud38,
undue influence, and/or potentially other violations of the law;
depending on the jurisdiction39. Undue influence is
“persuasion that overcomes the will without convincing the judgment.”40
Hypnosis works on mental and emotional weaknesses fitting the legal
definition precisely. For example, with hypnotizing someone to get
access to that person’s bank account – even the hypnotist makes the
person believe they want to do it; they are using techniques which
create an undue influence on the person. The Executive Committee of the
American Psychological Association Division of Psychological Hypnosis
has said, “clinical hypnosis should be used only by properly trained and
credentialed health care professionals (e.g. licensed clinical
psychologists), who have also been trained in the clinical use of
hypnosis and are working within the areas of their professional
expertise.” The Appellate Division of the Los Angeles County Superior
Court has held that practice of hypnotism as curative measure or mode
of procedure by one not licensed to practice medicine amounts to
unlawful practice of medicine41. What Obama is doing is
making some people’s support of him in this election not of our own free
will. He us using hidden techniques so we cannot even question the
commands he is slipping into our subconscious. Many genuinely want to
support him like smokers want a cigarette, and as smokers, we find the
logic to justify how we feel.
THE MIND, Chapter 3, Medication into Submission, Hypnotism and Mental
Coercion, available at
– Mass Conditioning Through Speech, Political Conditioning.
37 The
International Law of Propaganda, By Bhagevatula Satyanarayana
Murty, discussing I.P. Pavlov, Conditioned Reflexes, an Investigation of
the Physiological Activity of the Cerebral Cortex. Pavlov’s
theories have inspired several works on propaganda and brainwashing
techniques. Sergei Chakhotin, The Rape of the Masses (London,
Routledge & Kegan Paul), William Sargant, Battle for the Mind, Garden
City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1957) and also citing to Rape of The Mind,
by A.M. Meerloo.
38 Fraud does
not require an express false statement, though subconscious connections
to JFK and the like are clearly that. Fraud can also constitute
withholding information in some cases, such as when there is a duty to
39 One article
by Peter C. Johnson, describes conversational hypnosis as mind control -
- While stating it is “not illegal” in his opinion, this example is
relating to using it to get your children to do things, and he cannot
make a statement on what is legal across a spectrum of varied
situations, including the use of hypnosis to get political support,
votes and campaign contributions.
40 Undue
influence is “Undue influence, in the sense we are concerned with here,
is a shorthand legal phrase used to describe persuasion which tends to
be coercive in nature, persuasion which overcomes the will without
convincing the judgment. (Estate of Ricks, 160 Cal. 467, 480-482, 117 P.
539.) The hallmark of such persuasion is high pressure, a pressure which
works on mental, moral, or emotional weakness to such an extent that it
approaches the boundaries of coercion. In this sense, undue influence
has been called overpersuasion. Kelly v. McCarthy, 6 Cal.2d 347, 364, 57
P.2d 118.” Odorizzi v. Bloomfield School Dist., 1966, 246 Cal.App.2d
123, 54 Cal.Rptr. 533.
41 People v.
Cantor, 198 Cal.App.2d Supp. 843, 18 Cal.Rptr. 363, Cal.Super.
The hypnosis technique of “pacing and
leading” to sideline rational judgment
In a nutshell, “pacing and leading” is using
hypnosis to bypass the critical factor. By bypassing the cognitive
functions that would normally critically analyze and scrutinize
information, the hypnotist tricks the patient’s subconscious mind into
accepting external information from the hypnotist into the subconscious,
as a hypnotic suggestion, as absolutely true. It is a more powerful
implant of information than even the subject can usually communicate to
themselves with his or her own thoughts. Pacing and leading is a
fundamental tool in conversational or covert hypnosis42.
Normally, only what you consciously know to be true is allowed to pass.
If you are a smoker, but tell yourself consciously that you are a
nonsmoker, that information is stopped by your own critical factor, not
allowed to pass into your own subconscious because your own critical
factor knows it is not true. Thus even you can’t get information
past your own critical factor. Dr. Erickson discovered that through
pacing, a hypnotist could neutralize the filter of a person’s critical
factor so he can slip suggestions past the critical factor into the
subconscious43. “Pacing” can be almost any technique by
which a hypnotist gets your critical factor to lower its critical
analysis and scrutiny of the information you are receiving. The “lead”
is the new information, suggestion, or command the hypnotist wants to
implant. When done effectively, the hypnotist can “lead” – implant
suggestions and commands that pass through into your subconscious that
will be taken as unquestionably true44. The lead can be
something you are aware of such as a statement you hear, or it can be
embedded, hidden, something you are completely unaware of consciously,
yet still pass through into your subconscious. The word
“suggestion” is used in hypnosis, but it is not a suggestion as we think
of one, that we consider and rationalize. “Suggestion” in the hypnosis
world is actually a suggestion into the subconscious, something your
mind will take as unquestionably true, thus, in effect, more powerful
than even a command as we use this term.
How pacing is done:
Working with our analogy, if many people
entering the club are searched by the security guard and nothing
questionable is found, the security guard’s defense efforts become
tired, lazy, and lowered. Normally though, everything in our world
is questionable keeping the critical factor sharp and alert. The
hypnotist paces the subject by providing the mind with information that
is undeniably true, something the subject strongly believes, or is
absolutely and immediately verifiable, in successive patterns until the
subject’s guard is lowered. This pacing can take the form of almost any
information that serves as an accurate representation of the subject’s
current ongoing experience, including what they see, what they hear,
what they truly believe, and describing or imitating the subject’s
conscious experience or even subconscious experience, such as their
breathing45. Breathing is a common pace in hypnosis.
Breathing is something conscious when we are focused on it, but when we
do not focus on it, we do not stop breathing, it is simply taken over by
the subconscious mind. Often times, just the mention of “breathing” is
sufficient to bring the activity into conscious focus for seconds or
minutes, until such focus is not needed and the subconscious takes over
it again. Pacing can be such as obvious statements the subject truly
believes or knows are true or subconscious act/messages that the
hypnotist does which the subject is not even aware of, e.g. mimicking or
describing breathing. Commonly, the hypnotist describes the experiences,
sights, thoughts, and feelings the subject is having46.
This is not just a politician saying what his audience is sure to agree
with. The hypnotist purposely describes absolute truths on multiple
levels related to the subject’s current reality, and thereby tricks the
subject’s critical factor into lowering its guard and gets the subject
to accept the hypnotist as a source for information to be taken into the
subconscious as absolutely true.
The brain regularly absorbs representations
of the subject’s current ongoing experience, what the subject sees,
hears, feels, as a natural part of communication between the conscious
and subconscious mind. Pacing works by disguising information as part of
the subject’s ongoing verifiable experience to trick the critical factor
into letting that information pass through to the subconscious. By
repeatedly providing information to the subject that the subject
genuinely believes to be true, the hypnotist disguises himself as a
source for absolutely true information acceptable to your subconscious.
The hypnotic commands of the hypnotist can be disguised as information
being communicated in between the conscious and unconscious mind of the
subject. The subject trusts this information believing it is approved by
the conscious mind, and the command slips through the critical factor of
one person hypnotized, or millions watching on TV. Unknowingly to the
conscious mind, when this happens, the lead, or the new information from
the hypnotist is accepted as absolutely true, and becomes part of the
subject’s deepest beliefs47.
Specific examples of Obama using 14
separate hypnotic pacing statements in his Denver 2008 Convention speech
Elementary pacing examples from Obama
include, “now is the time”, and “as I stand here before you.” These
statements are undeniably true in the simplest terms and commonly used
parts of his pacing techniques, because of course now is the time, and
if he is there speaking, of course he is standing before us. These are
things the hypnotist says that are verifiably true, and used to lower
our critical factor defenses to allow implantation of subconscious
messages. Looking at “pacing” statements alone, Obama’s 2008 Democratic
National Convention Speech in Denver48 uses them
throughout. Yet, nobody suspects these language patterns to be anything
other than an innocent part of his powerful speech. Three of Obama’s
favorite hypnotic paces are “that’s why I stand here tonight”, “now is
the time”, and “this moment.” Just these three pacing statements are
used by Obama a total of fourteen (14) times throughout this single
speech. In this speech, Obama essentially said “as I stand before you
tonight” three separate times, around the beginning, middle, and end of
the speech to continue pacing the audience throughout, as follows:
1. That's why I stand here tonight.
Because for two hundred and thirty two years, at each moment when that
promise was in jeopardy, ordinary men and women - students and soldiers,
farmers and teachers, nurses and janitors -- found the courage to keep
it alive.
2. The fundamentals we use to measure
economic strength are whether we are living up to that fundamental
promise that has made this country great - a promise that is the only
reason I am standing here tonight.
3. But I stand before you tonight
because all across America something is stirring. What the
naysayers don't understand is that this election has never been about
me. It's been about you.
In the same speech, Obama says “now is the
time” six times throughout. While he phrase is apparent, it sounds
to everyone like just his power-phrase or theme for the speech.
1. Now is the time to end this
addiction, and to understand that drilling is a stop-gap measure, not a
long-term solution. Not even close.
2. Now is the time to finally meet our
moral obligation to provide every child a world-class education, because
it will take nothing less to compete in the global economy.
3. Now is the time to finally keep the
promise of affordable, accessible health care for every single American.
4. Now is the time to help families
with paid sick days and better family leave, because nobody in America
should have to choose between keeping their jobs and caring for a sick
child or ailing parent.
5. Now is the time to change our
bankruptcy laws, so that your pensions are protected ahead of CEO
bonuses; and the time to protect Social Security for future generations.
6. And now is the time to keep
the promise of equal pay for an equal day's work, because I want my
daughters to have exactly the same opportunities as your sons.
It is no coincidence that he happens to use
these phrases that are subconscious pacing statements because they are
immediately and verifiably true by their most simplistic terms, and
cause the subconscious to accept the hypnotist as a source for such
absolute truth.
Obama also says essentially “this moment”
five times, serving the same pacing purpose.
1. We meet at one of those
defining moments - a moment when our nation is at war, our economy
is in turmoil, and the American promise has been threatened once more.
2. This moment - this election -
is our chance to keep, in the 21st century, the American promise alive.
3. You have shown what history teaches
us - that at defining moments like this one, the change we need
doesn't come from Washington.
4. America, this is one of those
5. At this moment, in this election,
we must pledge once more to march into the future
Notice how for each instance without
exception, he has words before or after “moment” to make it absolutely
immediately and verifiably true, such as “we meet at”, or “this
election”, moments “like this one”, or “this is one of those moments.”
The notion that this is all also a coincidence is absurd. This is
carefully crafted hidden hypnotic pacing. And, this is only the
beginning. Obama put these 14 pacing hypnotic language patterns into his
speech knowing them to be part of a hypnotic trance induction. It is
not “just the way he talks” nor “coincidence.” A more detailed
play by play analysis of Obama’s hypnosis techniques in this and other
speeches is below.
Obama uses a variety of other statements
nobody can disagree with as pacing statements. More simplistic are
statements like “we need change49”, “We are the hope of
our future,” and “Yes we can.” 50 They are logically
meaningless but they hit a chord, a subconscious chord, especially in
younger people, and are his most powerful words. See the analysis
on vagueness and trans-derivation below. However, such pacing statements
alone are only a small part of the complex hypnotic trance induction
Obama intentionally uses.
42 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p13.
43 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1
44 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1 David X’s
educational video, “How to Hypnotize with Covert Hypnosis and Hypnotic
Language” See video online, such as at:
Essentially, David X summarizes the conversational hypnosis process as:
1. Capturing focus, 2. bypassing the critical factor/thinking, 3.
activating an unconscious or emotional response, (emotional people will
not reason) and 4. leading those responses to the outcome the hypnotist
45 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p138 –
Pacing, Distraction, and Utilization of the Dominant Hemisphere.
46 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p138 –
Pacing, Distraction, and Utilization of the Dominant Hemisphere.
47 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1
48 Speech
excepts from Obama’s Denver 2008 Democratic Convention Speech,
49 For “change
we can believe in” – the word “believe” is key – it is one of the most
powerful words in hypnosis, and a word anchored continually by Obama’s
apparently innocent hand gestures.
50 The Illinois
senator sprinkles speeches with “we” and “you” – “Yes we can” and “you
have done what the cynics said we couldn’t do” – as if he were as much
guiding a movement as running for president. How the Candidates’
Speaking Styles Play, By Ariel Sabar | July 11, 2008 edition,
Embedded and hidden meanings – “deep
structure” of language vs. “surface structure”
Most people do not realize Obama is using
hypnosis because everything he does is below the radar – hidden inside
normal speech51. There is nothing special about these
words or phrases to give them away as “hypnosis.” The general
public does not have an understanding of the field, and Obama is hoping
that these explanations will be too difficult for the general public to
understand, and too complex for the media to try and explain. In fact,
Obama is counting on the media to do what it has done for the past few
elections – control their coverage to keep the race as close to even as
possible until the end, making the story exciting, so that the effects
of Obama’s hypnosis triggered in the voting booth will push him over the
edge to victory. The communications we are aware of are called the
“surface structure” – that is what the subject hears and realizes. The
science of hypnosis requires understanding the “deep structure” of what
the subject sees, hears, and experiences – the communication that is
designed for our subconscious to receive. Our brains delete, change,
distort, and jumble content on its way to the subconscious mind.
Hypnotists speak in a manner to put us into trance, and then
intentionally send “deep structure” communications designed for only our
subconscious minds without conscious awareness52. While
below is an example of hidden pacing, imbedded commands in all aspects
of hypnosis serve the purpose of making commands to the client
indirectly, and thereby avoiding resistance53. Indirect
suggestion is such a pivotal part of conversational hypnosis that entire
hypnosis practice manuals have been written precisely on indirect
suggestion techniques54. Obama has used as part of pacing,
statements such as “we rise and (or) fall as one nation.” That sounds
powerful and true. In fact it is something no one can argue with, as all
pacing is. But why the “or fall” part if he is trying to be optimistic?
The hidden subconscious effect is that Obama is pacing us in a hidden
way we don’t even realize55. Remember, pacing is something
that is unquestionably true and is an accurate representation of the
subject’s ongoing experience. It is not just that the nation rises and
falls, but as we breathe, our chest “rises and falls.”56
We are not aware of it consciously, but with this statement we are being
subconsciously paced by Obama’s words57. Thus, without
even realizing it, Obama elicits a subconscious response - us
subconsciously increasingly seeing Obama as a source of acceptable
absolute truth.
Notice how Obama rarely if ever asks for our
vote in his speeches (or money). After repeated and continual pacing an
entire audience of millions with statements that are undoubtedly true
that lower our critical factors’ defenses, Obama just slips in the
hypnotic command (the lead) e.g. ...“and that is why I will be your next
President.” The hyper-confidence Obama uses, after having used multiple
language patterns to lower rational defenses, is because he must speak
in a way that your subconscious mind will have no reason to doubt. This
does not raise suspicion because politicians generally have to sound
over-confident, e.g. saying they will win. The reason Obama sounds so
hyper-confident with certain language patterns is because he has to in
order to input a command effectively so your subconscious takes it as
absolute truth58.
51 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1, states how
genuinely difficult it is to get caught using covert hypnosis, because
without an understanding of the techniques, there is nothing to suggest
any element of hypnosis. Often you can only even detect that
hypnosis is being used by the effects, such as irrational actions.
See - Signs
you’re not using analytical mind.
52 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p153
53 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p172
54 See, for
example, Conversational Hypnosis, A Manual of Indirect Suggestion, By
Carol Sommer
55 See
discussion on trans-derivation below regarding alternate deep
56 See Patterns
of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, staring
p 16 and throughout – pacing techniques describing the subjects ongoing
observable experience such as breathing in and out is a frequently used
and primary pacing technique. “In standard inductions, the
hypnotist will frequently use descriptions such as...breathing in and the process, the hypnotist is making himself into a
sophisticated bio-feedback mechanism the client’s
subjective experience on both conscious and unconscious levels.
57 See Patterns
of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, staring
p 16
58 See McCain
ad “The One” Obama is asked, “do you ever have any doubts?” He
responds, “never” and smiles obviously.
How Ericksonian “linking statements” mimic
the way the brain accepts information
After pacing you repeatedly in multiple ways
and on multiple levels as described above, and thus lowering your
cognitive critical factor defenses, the hypnotist will implant a “lead”
- the command or absolute unquestionable truth he places in your
subconscious. Essentially, the pace or truth is connected to the new
hypnotic message or “lead” using connecting or linking language. Paces
are connected to the lead through the use of the linking words including
“and”, “as”, and “because” or “that is why.”59 The latter
linking words each being increasingly more powerful than the former,
especially the ones containing an element of causation, because
causation mirrors the way the subconscious mind accepts information.60
61 62 Saying, for one example: “We need change...and, that is
why I will be your next President” is a basic pace and lead. No
person can disagree with “we need change.” Change is inevitable
anyway, certainly when problems exist. However, the fact that
change will happen, or that we need change, has absolutely nothing to do
with being a valid reason why the choice for President should be none
other than Barack Obama.
Logically there is no connection at all
between “change” and why he should be President. It is the same
when Obama describes how bad the economy is, and how bad government is,
and then follows with “and that is why I want to be your next
President.” When he has only listed problems, the logical derivative is
only that someone who is good at solving those problems should be
President. But he has not made any logical argument as to why it
should be him. As a Harvard attorney, Obama knows clearly that
his speeches have faulty logic. But the use of these basic words as
hypnotic linking statements in your subconscious connects an absolute
truth you believe deeply, from a (now) trusted source of absolute
truths, to a new message that is slipped past the critical factor
because it comes from the same trusted source, using the fundamental way
your brain understands information. The subject walks away believing we
need change, therefore we need Obama. It doesn’t matter whether
the cause and effect linking statement has any truth or logical
connection to it63. It works because it links
statements the subject knows subconsciously to be true, with statements
from the hypnotist, that the hypnotist tricks the subconscious mind to
believe are connected, and thus also absolutely true at the subconscious
Basics of Obama’s pacing and leading: The
“because we need change, that is why I should be your next
president” argument
Building on this basic framework, you do not
hear specifics largely because much of Obama’s entire presentation is
pacing the audience. Obama’s sentence structure is often exactly what is
taught by Erickson in ways that cannot be coincidence. If he went into
specifics, he would not be pacing, he would be encouraging the use of
the conscious mind, something he is attempting to avoid. Obama’s
entire campaign, essentially, can be summarized as:
1. The economy is bad, or the country
is going in the wrong direction (pace) or we need to get an education
for every child (whatever statements no one can disagree with (pace) and
therefore creates a “yes-yes-yes” response, or “yes room.”)64
2. Change (can be used as a pace, an
anchor, and/or a preprogrammed response)
3. And or because or that is why
(conjunction linking statement)65
4. I will be your next President
(subconscious lead).
Saying that things are bad and we need change
is only a logical basis for the conclusion that we need someone able to
solve our current problems for President – but the suggestion that the
person to do this is Obama is rationally under-supported or entirely
unsupported. It doesn’t matter though, because the connection is made on
the subconscious level through the use of linking statements applied
precisely per Ericksonian techniques. Obama says he offers hope, but
actually much of Obama’s pacing is negative, e.g. based on how negative
things are. In fact, anger works well as an emotion with which to change
behavior through hypnosis. Notice how Obama rarely if ever smiles during
the substantive parts within his formal hypnotic speeches.
In fact, he has been described as looking
angry66. The hypnotic analysis is simple, angrily pointing
while frowning and making emotionally strong points in speeches send the
subconscious message of a person in commanding authority over you
ordering you to act a certain way67. Many feel is that
Obama is the person for whom to vote because he magically “inspires”,
when in fact, Obama has commanded subconsciously. Obama says he is the
person with judgment, and he says he is the person to solve our problems
because he recognizes what is wrong, but these are logically
empty arguments. His arguments based on his “ability to see” what is
wrong provides no real logical basis. His point is no more
advanced nor specific than the average listener’s viewpoint. He opposed
the war in Iraq in 2003, but so did half the world, logically, making
Obama no more qualified than half the planet to be President. However,
because he uses pacing and leading so effectively, he says, “because we
need change, that is why I want to be your next President” - it is
absorbed into the subconscious as absolute truth. The fact that this
argument has no logic is irrelevant to such feelings.
Similarly, just because Obama powerfully says “it’s time for new energy
and new ideas” doesn’t mean he actually has any new ideas, but through
his hypnotic techniques, that’s what people walk away feeling.
59 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p19, re
implied causative and cause and effect statements, “the strongest form
of linkage occurs with what we call Cause – Effect...The important
feature of these types of linkages is not whether the logic of the
statement is valid, but simply whether they constitute a successful link
between the client’s ongoing behavior and what the client experiences
next.” See a detailed discussion of the linking statements and
causal linguistic process modeling including, “as”, “while”, “during”,
“and”, starting p146.
60 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1
61 Re causation
- “this structure mirrors the structure of internal belief.” - Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1
62 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p19,
causation is “the strongest form of linkage.” See also Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1.
63 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1
64 The Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski , p35/631
65 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p147
66 See
discussion and images below regarding his Democratic Convention Speech
for 2008
67 The Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledowchowski, p104 of 631
Obama’s speeches as one big hypnotic
trance induction using extra slow speech, rhythm, tonalities, vagueness,
visual imagery, metaphor, and raising of emotion
Everyone knows the sensation of hanging on
Obama’s every word as he speaks. It is no accident. In fact, Obama
intends to speak in such a way that it is almost impossible to listen at
all without hanging on his every word. His unnaturally slow, rhythmical,
four to eight word phrases with huge pauses after, are delivered to be
complete ideas by themselves on some level, even though only part of a
sentence or complete thought. He is sensitive to exactly how to speak to
fixate your attention based on his understanding of hypnosis.
Obama’s speeches often use an unnaturally
slow language to start. Unnaturally slow speech is a common hypnotic
technique in order to allow the subject time to respond to suggestions,
imagine images, and feel sensations conjured by the hypnotist68.
The unnaturally slow speech holds focus intensely because the mind waits
for new input, and is meanwhile left analyzing what it has just heard.
Absorbing attention is about making sure people’s thoughts are what you
set out for them. The intense focus of the conscious mind frees
the subconscious mind to act beyond normal constraints of what the
conscious mind thinks is real or normal or even proper69.
Hypnosis is so closely aligned with this super intense focus on a single
thing that the study of mesmerism actually almost renamed hypnosis
“monoideaism” – mono for one, and ideaism for idea70.
We all know what it is like to go along with
our imaginations on the ride Obama takes us on with his powerful
metaphors, and captivating visual images and sensations, and passionate
emotion as his speeches accelerate from unnaturally slow, into
fireworks. Being hypnotized is enjoyable, reportedly affecting both
serotonin and endorphins in the body71. Per the definition
of hypnosis by Dr. Ansari, hypnosis is essentially the subject’s
fixation of attention, and while in that state of hyper-suggestibility,
receiving a suggestion from the hypnotist. Every type of hypnotic
induction involves a fixation of attention, which is what Obama
accomplishes with his extraordinarily slow and rhythmical and powerful
speech pattern, hand gestures, and logo, always present on his podium,
small and barely noticeable (consciously).
Hypnotists use a rhythm of phrases of few
words, usually approximately four to eight word phrases, almost like a
melody, not just because it holds attention. Such rhythm to be used is
taught as part of conversational hypnosis72. The “melody”
of words delivered by the hypnotist in almost music like fashion
accesses the non-dominant hemisphere because that is where music is
interpreted73. A hypnotist can become a master of using
rate of speaking, tonalities, and pauses to communicate indirect
suggestions. Hypnotists also use tonality and changes in tonality while
speaking to hypnotize and send subconscious messages74.
Based on Erickson’s advancements, entire works have been written just on
indirect suggestion, hidden meanings within language, and communicate of
those hidden meanings to only the subconscious mind of the subject75.
The use of Ericksonian “vagueness” in speech as a linguistic
induction tool: “Change” and “Yes we can.” We all know Obama continually
uses vague statements without being specific of their meaning, including
“yes we can”, and “change.” In fact, he gets audiences to chant them.
Remember the three dimensions of Ericksonian trance induction discussed
1. Pacing and distraction of the
dominant (language) hemisphere;
2. Utilization of the dominant
hemisphere, language processing which occurs below the level of
3. Accessing of the non-dominant
hemisphere; A statement that we hear consciously contains only one
surface structure (unless we do a double-take and realize a secondary
meaning). However, one such statement can contain multiple deep
structure meanings to our subconscious76.
The process by which the mind searches
between alternate meanings is called trans-derivation. The
searching through these various meanings is part of what distracts the
rational part of the mind as part of hypnotic induction, even if we are
not consciously aware of our search between different meanings. This
trans-derivational search occurs below the level of awareness. A vague
statement introduced as part of a hypnotic induction and pacing and
leading has multiple functions in facilitating hypnosis – it makes the
subject a participant in the hypnotic process, it makes the subject
select between alternative meanings thereby ensuring a satisfactory
pacing, and depending on the nature of the vagueness, it employs his
linguistic (or cognitive) processes with a trans-derivational search for
meaning in the vague statement77. “The unconscious mind
responds to openings, opportunities, metaphors, symbols and
contradictions. Effective hypnotic suggestion, then, should be "artfully
vague", leaving space for the subject to fill in the gaps with their own
unconscious understandings - even if they do not consciously grasp what
is happening. The skilled hypnotherapist constructs these gaps of
meaning in a way most suited to the individual subject - in a way which
is most likely to produce the desired change.”78.
The fact that Obama uses vague statements with which nobody can disagree
is not just politics, it is part of the linguistic component piece of
the puzzle of Obama’s knowing and intentional use of Ericksonian
hypnosis techniques. When Obama says “change” is can mean a lot of
different things to everyone. He is not specific in what he means
because then he would lose his pacing of the audience. Obama creates a
trans-derivational search just by saying the vague word change, allowing
that message of change to slip into the subconscious, as a command, that
he has associated with himself in a number of subconscious and conscious
ways. People do not rationally desire a change they do not have any idea
of what it means. Some of the people want change in this election but
cannot explain what Obama will actually do and can’t name anything Obama
has changed in his 46 years are supporting him because his implantation
of this hypnotic suggestion of “change” has been effective. Partly why
he is so frustrated about McCain saying that he, the maverick is the
true change candidate is because Obama spent all this time programming
change, and doesn’t want McCain getting votes from Obama’s hypnotic
68 How To
Perform Hypnosis, by: William Hewitt, The Llewellyn Encyclopedia, You do need to give
some thought and practice to the pace of your speech. The speech pattern
needs to be slow enough to give the subject time to respond to your
directions and yet fast enough to retain his or her attention and
interest. If you go too slow, the subject’s mind will most likely wander
to other thoughts. You want to maintain the subject’s attention to your
voice. You will find that some people need a faster pace while others
need a slower pace. Experience will help you find just the right pace.
A pause of two to five seconds is a good average.
69 The Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski , p33/631
70 The Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski , p33/631
71 Marshall
Sylver, Hypnotist
72 The Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski, p94 of 631,
The performance element of hypnosis: Rhythm and tone (regarding using
rhythm in conversational hypnosis to be more compelling by being almost
73 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p191 –
Accessing the Non-Dominant Hemisphere by Melody
74 Using The
Tonality Of Your Voice To Covertly Hypnotize Someone, By Michael Bass,
75 See, for
example, Conversational Hypnosis, A Manual of Indirect Suggestion, By
Carol Sommer
76 See Patterns
of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, staring
p 164 – Ambiguity, surface structure vs. deep structure, and derivation.
77 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, staring p
170 – While this discussion discusses mostly language patterns that have
secondary meanings which are specific interpretations, the concepts are
applicable to all vagueness. See, Indirect Techniques re
vagueness as part of hypnotic induction. See also The Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski, Appendix 2 –
p541/631 – With artfully vague language, the listener is employed to
give the language concrete meaning, that search for meaning is called a
transderivational search which is a specialized trance state.
78, Indirect Techniques
Use of visual imagery and imagination as
an induction tool
Visual imagery, like Obama’s, is a key
component of facilitating hypnotic trance induction79.
Using metaphor in hypnosis is especially effective because it engages
the conscious and unconscious mind at the same time, communicating
logically while activating imagination and emotion allows the use of
“ultra-compelling communications”80. Imagination is a
powerful hypnotic tool because creativity is an altered state of
consciousness81. Together, all three dimensions of
Ericksonian trance induction are present, as well as all three means of
hypnotically accessing the non-dominant hemisphere are present in
Obama’s speeches (Dr. Erickson’s three classes as visualization, melodic
accession and linguistic)82.
Per the Power of Conversational Hypnosis, the
four steps to hypnosis are also identical to the principles of Obama’s
speech. 1. Absorb attention. 2. Bypass the critical factor (with pacing)
3. Create an unconscious response (the classic one is emotion) and
4. Lead the subconscious mind to the desired outcome83.
An emotional response is an unconscious
response84. Raising of emotion is a fundamental technique
in hypnosis to make the subject more programmable, more effectively,
because emotion is a subconscious reaction, and can be connected to
other subconscious elements, including commands85. Obama
uses a visually, cognitively, and emotionally stimulating language that
forces your mind to follow slowly by experiencing his phrases, instead
of just listening to them. The pauses never get boring like other people
who speak slowly, because each phrase by Obama that is only a few words
long, is by itself sufficient to capture your attention, and hold it
with thought, or imagination, or an image, until the next phrase is
spoken. Visual and sensory imagery in the hypnotist’s speech is an
effective element that uses the subject’s own imagination while
listening to the speech to bring them deeper into trance86.
Together, every hypnotic element is present in Obama’s speeches, all
working together to hypnotize the audience. You will notice Obama has
all of these in his speeches, unnaturally slow language in simplistic
phrases which catch and hold your attention, and countless images that
grab and hold your imagination, such as “turn the page”, and “a breeze
is blowing across this nation”, and “change is in the air” and “write
the next chapter in American history87”. “There’s a
new breeze blowing across this nation...”88 The phrase is
a visual and hypnotically captivating statement that you cannot disagree
with because it makes your subconscious associate relaxation, pleasure,
and other emotions and your most tranquil moment with his voice,
preparing you for his following sentence, “and change is in the air.”
79 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p180-191,
quoting Erickson, Deep Hypnosis and
its Induction, 1967, p.9, “the utilization
of imagery in trance induction almost always facilitates the development
of similar or
related, more complex hypnotic behavior.
80 David
Livingston, “Triggering Emotions During Hypnosis:
Anchor Collapsing”
81 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p60,
Inquiry with Aldous Huxley An example from Erickson, is “you know how a
raindrop can cling to a leaf before it finally lets go.”
82 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p199.
83 The Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski , p34/631
84 The Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Meed and Igor Ledochowski, p32 of 631.
85 David
Livingston, “Triggering Emotions During Hypnosis:
Anchor Collapsing”
86 “Using
hypnosis, the information that was gathered during the guided imagery
session is now reframed into positive suggestions that are accepted by
the unconscious mind.” GUIDED IMAGERY & HYPNOSIS, By Rhona Jordan,
C.GIt, C.CHt.
87 Barack Obama
in his speech on Super Tuesday night
88 Obama made
this statement in his speech on Super Tuesday.
The stacking of hypnotic language patterns
in 40+ minute long speeches
The more a hypnotist paces and leads you, and
uses other hypnotic speech patterns in succession, the more effective
they become at manipulating you because the repetition wears down your
critical factor. Doing what Obama does once or twice doesn’t do as
much, but doing it throughout a speech, and continuously throughout a
campaign, subconsciously brainwashes you.
Obama speaks for 40-50 minutes, 20-30 minute
longer than most political speeches. Have you ever wondered why
Obama gives these long 40-50 minute speeches? Probably not,
because most people do not even realize time has gone by. This
process of pacing then leading, pacing then leading, again and again, as
well as using other hypnotic language patterns is called “stacking
language patterns” (as in, one on top of the other)89.
The hypnotist blends the process with embedded commands, anchors,
emotional transfers, and other techniques. What occurs is that the
critical factor is bored, worn down, gets tired, and stops being
critical because it is too much work – then, the hypnotist’s effects
Obama’s unusual use of hand gestures as
subconscious programming and hypnotic anchoring designed to be triggered
in the voting booth on November 4th
While most people believe that Obama’s hand
gestures as he speaks are meaningless or innocent emphasis to enhance
the presentation, this may be sometimes perhaps to reserve the argument
that they are meaningless, but is not always the case. Sometimes Obama
does use his hand gestures simply for emphasis or to help illustrate
what he is saying. However, sometimes, his hand gestures are designed to
have very specific effect under the principles of hypnosis. Obama uses
certain hand gestures as hypnotic anchors and others to aid in hypnotic
command implantation. Anchoring is a hypnosis/NLP91 technique
where the hypnotist programs the subject to respond a certain way from a
specific trigger or stimuli. A "hypnotic anchor" is any stimulus
that triggers a consistent psychological state92. An
anchor is essentially an internal state that is triggered by an external
stimulus93. An example would be, a hypnotist eliciting a
certain response from the subject, whether outward or inward, e.g.
emotional, and then the hypnotist doing a certain act (the anchor) which
is a touch, or a keyword, or signal, that the hypnotist associates
subconsciously to the response. The hypnotist can then bring about that
response just by repeating the anchor. It is similar to how Pavlov would
ring a bell whenever he fed his dogs, and then eventually, his dogs
would salivate just from the sound of hearing a bell ring. The hypnotist
stirs up feelings or emotions. “When that feeling is at its strongest,
“anchor” is by making a gesture94. Anchors do not have to
be created or triggered by a physical touch, and could be any symbol or
gesture that is a unique association. What is the different between
innocent use of hand gestures by Obama and deceptive hypnotic use of
hand gestures? Obviously, it is Obama’s knowledge of such hypnotic
and manipulative effects of certain hand gestures, and his intended use
of such hand gestures for hypnotic effect.
89 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1
90 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1-6
Neuro-Linguistic Programming – a way of programming the subconscious
mind through language
92 Anchors
occur throughout all of our sensory channels in a potentially infinite
number of ways. There are four keys to anchoring: The intensity of the
state; Timing (peak of experience); Uniqueness of the stimulus,
including the number of senses used (visual, auditory, kinesthetic,
olfactory, gustatory), and; Exact replication of the stimulus, or
trigger…” See
also, Anchoring is one of the most useful nlp techniques developed by
Bandler and Grinder, it's a method for using the powerful unconscious
resources of others to get the responses you desire.
93 Gemma Bailey
4 Tips For Anchoring, An NLP Practitioners Tool
94 Gemma Bailey
4 Tips For Anchoring, An NLP Practitioners Tool
You may have noticed how Obama holds his
thumb and forefinger. Because a gesture is subconsciously linked by
programming to a response, it must be unique.
Obama uses this thumb and forefinger hand
position essentially uniquely, differently than all other speakers, and
continually, far more frequently than other speakers who use any similar
hand gesture. It was even made fun of on Saturday Night Live. So besides
the fact that he has a somewhat unique hand gesture, which he uses more
often than other speakers, what is the proof that this is part of
Obama’s unethical use of hypnosis? Obama uses his thumb and forefinger
pressed together as a hidden (deep structure) hypnotic anchor. He also
uses it to deliver hypnotic commands. The evidence it is not an innocent
hand gesture e.g. for emphasis, but rather as a hypnotic anchor is that
Obama is repeatedly caught using it extraordinarily often and
specifically for very specific words and concepts like “believe”, and
“chose.” In fact, often he is caught using certain it for such hypnotic
programming words more so than at the point of his sentence that he
would be emphasizing. Specific examples are plentiful below.
Obama also uses hand gestures to aid in
delivery of hypnotic commands, and this is evident from his use of very
specific hand gestures at very specific times. What is meant by the
above two examples, is that while Obama’s hand gestures often are simply
for emphasis or to assist visually with his narrative, they are caught
repeatedly diverging from this purpose, and following entirely different
principles, the principles of hypnotic anchoring and programming. The
hand gesture can symbolize anything, and it is possible that Obama’s
hand gesture of his thumb and forefinger pressed together symbolizes a
“C” for change, money, an infinite (hypnotic) connection between himself
and the audience (by pointing with his index finger to the audience
repeatedly and then emphasizing a point with his two fingers together,
and others. Most likely, because it is a hypnotic trigger, Obama’s thumb
and forefinger hand gesture, as shown below, is meant to hypnotically
anchor and be triggered by the voter’s own hand holding a pencil, at the
voting booth, or when signing in to vote. This way, the voter
would trigger all of the hypnotic programming right when Obama wants it
triggered, while voting, for maximum effect. It is actually a very
convenient design to have an anchor that looks like almost like an
ordinary speech hand gesture, and also looks like the holding of a pen.
Obama rarely needs to twist his hand to show you the backside. The image
can be an effective anchor and trigger even if not understood
Obama uses his thumb and forefinger hypnotic
anchor in strategic ways. He does this repeatedly and often, programming
(anchoring) many messages into your subconscious. The hypnotic anchor
that Obama is programming you with continually in his speeches is
designed so that when you are in the voting booth holding a pen, or sign
in your name, and see the same image Obama has been flashing at you
throughout his campaign, you recall all of the messages he delivered
during his speeches as he flashed the hand signal that consciously you
didn’t even realize were connected. His subconscious messages may
influence your vote because you will be re-enacting what he has been
preparing you for by loading that image of you holding the pen with his
subconscious commands. Even people who did not intend to vote for Obama
may do so at that moment. It is also effective because a primary message
is Obama himself, and Obama has to a certain degree, anchored himself to
the image of your hand as you hold a pen. Obama is also caught loading
this hand gesture with very specific concepts, such as JFK, and then
pointing this same hand gesture inward towards himself a moment later,
in ways that are clearly no accident, and ways in which he does at no
other time other than with a concept he expects us to subconsciously
associate with him.
Obama has also anchored and programmed you
verbally with imagery for another part of this same experience in the
voting booth through his clever use of the words “turn the page.” His
“turn the page speech” hypnotically anchors messages to the idea of
literally turning the page, which you do not realize consciously, but
subconsciously means, e.g., the voting ballot “page.” Thus, holding the
pen and holding the paper ballot are anchored your subconscious for an
experiences that will be recreated when it is time to act he has
programmed you to act with multiple subconscious anchors triggered by
the same experience in the voting booth98. As far as voting
machines where you push buttons, or electronic voting, Obama’s other
very common hand gesture is pointing and poking, including for example,
pointing straight downward and saying “there is no destiny we cannot
fulfill”99. Many speakers point occasionally, or on a very strong
point, but not continuously and strenuously like Obama points. Most have
never wondered what he is actually pointing at, or whether there is any
rhyme or reason to it, probably assuming it is simply part of his
presentation. In fact, Obama’s hand gestures often do symbolize what he
is talking about perfectly, so that when he does do something hypnotic
with his hand gestures, the message is received as having meaning
subconsciously then also. Obama’s other primary hand gesture tool,
pointing, also often has meaning. Pointing sends the subconscious of the
subject the message that a person in authority over them is commanding a
certain action; ordering you to act a certain way and is a textbook part
of hypnotic programming when giving commands of actions the subject is
required to take100. If Obama said, “I command you to vote for
me”, people would get this consciously and reject it. However, if he
does it in a way that you only pick it up subconsciously, you can’t
question it, and can’t reject it. See the analysis below of Obama’s
Denver Democratic National Convention 2008 speech in which he uses this
command as he is programming the audience to vote for him on “November
95 There are
four keys to anchoring: The intensity of the state; Timing (peak of
experience); Uniqueness of the stimulus, including the number of senses
used (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory), and; Exact
replication of the stimulus, or trigger…”
96 Photo
97 Photo
98 In a blog
questioning whether Barack Obama is the anti-christ, bloggers’ reports
are described as “Some people have reported Obama appearing in dreams
and even mysteriously controlling their actions in the voting booth.”
99 - which the
subconscious mind interprets, because it often deletes negatives, as “we
fulfill destiny.”
100 The Power
of Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledowchowski, p104 of
*Obama’s hypnotic command that “a light
will shine down from somewhere, it will light upon you, you will
experience an epiphany, and you will say to yourself, ‘I have to vote
for Barack’”101
An example of Obama using both of these
hypnotic hand gestures, hypnotic programming followed by hypnotic anchor
back to back, in a way that can be nothing other than hypnosis. In this
speech by Obama, he is caught giving an overt set of two hypnotic
programs back to back. This is probably one of the most simple to
understand proofs of his undeniable use of hypnosis: Perfectly
demonstrating both the hypnotic hand gestures explained above is Obama
in this sentence. Yes, that’s correct. Barack Obama actually said in a
speech once: “a light will shine down from somewhere, it will light upon
you, you will experience an epiphany, and you will say to yourself, “I
have to vote for Barack”’102
It was even made fun of in a McCain ad
entitled “The One”, probably without any realization that he was
serious, and actually attempting to use hypnosis103. In this
statement, Obama went too far, too obviously, and was clearly overtly
hypnotically programming his audience. Probably, he intended to use
statements like this more often, and probably stopped either because he
thought it was too obvious, or because he was ridiculed for this by
Hillary and McCain, or both. First, notice how voting for Obama is made
absolutely compulsory with the words “have to” – precisely as a hypnotic
command. He is not asking for our vote – he is telling us how we will
vote. Notice the language “light shining down”, and “it will light upon
you” a description of some supernatural (subconscious) force. This
statement by Obama leaves no doubt that he is using hypnosis – which a
mysterious force shining down and causing you to say to yourself
obviously is. It leaves no doubt that his mindset is on completely
non-logical, but rather mystical/supernatural (subconscious) forces will
be compelling people to vote for him. Why would a politician who
logically convinces voters ever joke about something like this? What
purpose would there possibly be for any politician ever saying that a
mysterious force will guide you and you will “have to” vote for me? This
is potentially his worst slip up.
101 Video of
Obama saying this phrase in this McCain ad
103 See the
McCain ad entitled, “The One.” Available, e.g. at Hillary Clinton has also criticized this
Notice the language, “you will experience an
epiphany” – a revelatory manifestation of a divine being104. While
hypnosis text contains considerable information about hypnotists
attaining g-d complexes, it is quite disturbing to see a presidential
candidate, even in jest, suggest that he presence would cause such an
“epiphany.” More disturbing, see below why it is probably not jest
in which he makes this statement. Undeniable evidence that this is
hypnosis: Obama hypnotically anchoring the statement about a light
shining down and an internal voice saying “I have to vote for Barack”
Obama, while saying this sentence uses both his pointing gesture as a
hypnotic command implantation, and his thumb and forefinger gesture as a
hypnotic anchor, back to back.
In fact, watch this video to see how Obama
uses these hypnotic hand gestures. Notice how Obama as he says “you will
say to yourself” – points up into the air, as explained and analyzed,
pointing is the hypnotic gesture for commanding someone to do something,
to perform a specific act. Then, notice how Obama clearly uses his
typical thumb and forefinger hypnotic anchor for the words “I have to
vote for Barack.” By no cosmic miracle does this happen by coincidence.
He is clearly using a back to back set of hypnotic hand gestures while
giving this sentence containing overt hypnotic programming to be
compelled by a mysterious internal voice, taken over by a mysterious
force, and to “have to” vote for him.
It is clear he was not joking either. Because
if he were joking, he would not use any hand gesture as emphasis for the
commands of a statement he was not serious about. Let alone two hand
gestures. If he uses a hand gesture even for innocent emphasis,
that means he is seriously emphasizing the underlying statement, “a
light will shine down from somewhere, it will light upon you, you will
experience an epiphany, and you will say to yourself, “I have to vote
for Barack”’ While this is a caricature of what Obama is doing
throughout his campaign, this statement cannot be viewed any other way
than an obvious attempt at sending a hypnotic message to voters in the
voting booth.
Convincing without logic: “The Fierce!
Urgency! of Now!” argument (Obama caught anchoring)
While giving speeches, Obama often poses to
himself the question: “Why are you running so soon? You can afford
to wait”105. He then answers his own question by saying
the powerful language “because the Fierce! ... Urgency! of Now!”
First, notice how he posed the question to himself, to give himself an
opportunity to use the anchor. It doesn’t make much sense to pose a
question to oneself that you then fail to logically answer. He then
answers flashing just during those words his unique thumb in forefinger
anchoring hand gesture. These words have preprogrammed emotional meaning
to all of us, which he with such techniques anchors you to recall as you
hold the pen and “turn the page106” in the voting booth107.
Watching such gestures in his speeches, they
are clearly intentionally designed to coincide for a specific hypnotic
purpose, not just innocent emphasis and enhancement. Notice how
powerfully saying “the fierce urgency of now” provides absolutely no
logical basis for why he should not accomplish at least something in the
senate first, nor any logical argument as to why we should elect an
inexperienced person. It is effective because he uses causation, by
saying “because the fierce urgency of now!” Again, he uses the
most powerful causality linking statement “because” (with no logical
value) followed by powerful words “fierce” and “urgency” – both of which
are not only powerful but have embedded meaning to each listener, and
then he puts his emphasis on “now!” “Now” is not only a powerful
word in hypnosis because it brings the subject’s focus and attention on
the present, but, is a command that the voter take action “now.” Those
in the marketing field know that adding “now” to the end of any command,
such as “buy this product” “now!” increases sales by measured degrees.
Obama caught in subconscious hand gesture
linking McCain to Bush
Giving a speech about healthcare in Raleigh
North Carolina, right as Obama mentions Bush and McCain, he slips a
barely noticeable double handed gesture with two fingers (the same of
each hand) pointing parallel, to suggest to you subconsciously that Bush
and McCain are on parallel courses108. A primary
value of this little gesture is critical because it is a slip up, it is
obvious. If there is any doubt that Obama is using hypnosis including
hidden hand signals, watching this tape clearly shows him flashing a
parallel signal which cannot be an accident, right when he mentions Bush
and McCain. From the ethical perspective, Obama could make policy
arguments and try to convince you logically that he feels McCain will
follow similar policies to Bush. However, Obama apparently feels that he
needs to do more to convince you. What Obama decides to do, is to
implant a subconscious image of parallel, which you subconsciously
associate with Bush and McCain, that in many people is the deep psyche
source of associating their policies. Whether true or not, Obama through
this subconscious programming, decided voters should not even be able to
logically analyze or debate the issue, but should simply have the image
of parallel implanted without their conscious awareness to look at Bush
and McCain as parallel.
Obama caught using one-finger subconscious
hand gesture regarding Hillary
Obama was caught doing this. While pretending
to be innocently scratching, he was caught giving this subconscious
signal regarding Hillary, with his middle finger110. This
alone might be excused as an accident, but in combination with
everything else, is clearly another piece of the puzzle. Like the
“light shining down” statement discussed later, like his logo, like the
“lipstick on a pig”, and all of his other slipups, it also gives you
some insight into Obama’s true character. Further proving that
this Hillary gesture was not an accident; see Obama’s similar gesture
regarding McCain discussed directly below.
Obama caught in another undeniable
subconscious hand gesture regarding McCain
Even after Obama’s Hillary gesture above was
caught by the media, he didn’t stop. On Wednesday September 17, 2008 at
around 2:56pm EST in a televised speech in Nevada, Obama made some
remarks about terrorism, then the economy. Shortly after Obama began to
discuss John McCain, with his right hand he apparently reached up to
scratch the top of his head, then again scratch the top side of his
head. As Obama pulled his hand away, he clearly flashed the “L” symbol
with his hand (thumb and finger perpendicular), which to many young
people, is the symbol for “loser.” He did it as he was mocking how
bad John McCain was on the economy. This was no accident. It is unusual
for someone like Obama with such perfect body language to have to
scratch in the middle of a speech anyway. (Without doing a hand gesture
which insults his opponent) It is even more unusual for someone to have
to scratch in two different places as he did. When watching this video,
it is clear that he was pretending to scratch as an intentional
diversion to slip in the subconscious message. He even appeared to
hesitate to be sure to “pull it off” inconspicuously. It was intended to
be a subconscious message to millions of people, to associate the
“loser” symbol with John McCain. This act was designed to take away
votes from John McCain not with any logical explanation of policy
differences, but with messages to an unaware audience - messages to our
subconscious that we are not intended to question the correctness of.
To those who think this may have been
accidental or coincidence, watch the video of Obama on 8.4.2008, where
Obama gives a speech discussing John McCain’s economics. When Obama says
“McCain” in the sentence “Senator McCain has been eager to share some of
his plans” – notice Obama again flashes the “L” symbol with his hand.
This Part 3 is the primary analysis of the
document. The quotes herein are taken uncut from Obama’s speeches.
Readers and experts are encouraged to confirm this analysis by watching
these videos firsthand, and seeing that the language patterns, manner of
speaking, and timing of hand gestures prove undeniably the points raised
in this document. All of these videos are available online and example
links are provided in the footnotes. The times, minute: second (3:16
means 3 minutes 16 seconds) are measured per the videos cited. While
these are only a few examples, close examination of most or all of
Obama’s major speeches under expert scrutiny will likely be found to
contain hypnotic tactics throughout.
As evidence of Obama’s use of hypnosis, he
generally doesn’t do these hypnotic techniques and hand gestures as much
when he gives impromptu speeches that are not prewritten. Obama’s
hypnosis is something he carefully crafts, plans for, and rehearses.
Town halls with impromptu questions do not lend themselves to be a forum
for Obama’s hypnosis, and that may part of why he has avoided town halls
with John McCain.
104 American
heritage Dictionary – Fourth Edition
105 Example:
Billings, Montana, 1:07pm EST
106 See below
more detailed discussion of Obama’s preprogrammed hypnotic response use
of his famous phrase “turn the page”
107 Speech by
Barack Obama in Billings, Montana, “the fierce urgency of now”, around
1:07pm EST “why are you running so soon, can afford to wait, ruining now
“because of the fierce urgency of now” and he flashes the thumb and
forefinger together exactly for that sentence in a way that cannot be
108 Barack
Obama in speech, Raleigh North Carolina June 9, 2008 ~1:40m EST
Obama’s California Democratic Convention
speech 2007 111 - a “play by play” of his undeniable use of
embedded commands, hypnotic induction, and hypnotic storytelling
Embedded suggestions are messages within
other messages, in which while the conscious mind is receiving one
message (the surface structure), the subconscious is receiving another,
the real message. This can be done a number of ways, including by
change in tone, or pauses, even ones so subtle the audience is not
consciously aware of it, such as a split second pause or a breath by the
hypnotist at a specific time112. Pauses during speech and
changes in tonality and in emphasis are a primary technique of
conversational hypnosis 113. This is because you can say
one sentence, and buried within it is another word or phrase with
another meaning. A pause in speaking by the hypnotist, even if only for
a split second, even if you are not even consciously aware of it, can
turn that hidden meaning into a subconscious command because it is
isolated, and emphasized in the subconscious. The subconscious mind does
not interpret and analyze as the conscious mind does, and often many
words are removed “deleted” from what you experience, and only specific
portions fall through to the subconscious mind. His statement is heard
by the audience in one way, but subconsciously received another way, the
way actually intended by Obama.
Obama performs an undeniable Ericksonian
hypnotic induction: Obama’s “Turn the Page” Speech at the California
Democratic Convention in 2007114.
Note: While there are many examples and play
by plays which are undeniable evidence of Obama’s hypnosis, carefully
reviewing and understanding just this analysis of this part of this
speech leaves little doubt of Obama’s intentional use of hypnosis. One
journalist describes Obama’s turn the page speech as having “had the
California Democratic Convention spellbound for 23 minutes.”115
Seeing the analysis below of just the first paragraph of this speech
explains why his audience was in a spell from the very beginning.
Obama began his speech: (notes added)
“It has now been a little over two months
since we began (pause)
this campaign for the Presidency.(pause)
In that time we have traveled all across this
And before every event we do (pause),
I usually have a minute to sit quietly and
collect my thoughts. (pause)
And recently, I’ve found myself (pause)
reflecting on (pause)
what it was that led me (different tone, and
thumb and forefinger anchor for “me”)
to public service in the first place.”
First, notice how much Obama uses
storytelling in his major speeches, especially at the beginning of
nearly all of his speeches. Storytelling is a primary hypnotic tool
because it employs images, metaphor, the imagination, rhythm, makes us
feel like children, and takes us to another time and place so the mind
tells itself “it is only a story” and allows it to pass into the
subconscious116. However, this is just the
beginning. Obama tells a hypnotic story to start this speech with his
ultra-slow speaking style with huge pauses after 4-8 word concepts, to
force you to hang on his every word. But this is only a small part of
the proof that he is intentionally using hypnosis.
The key is, that the story he is telling is a
story about a “trance theme.” In one of the most popular
conversational hypnosis courses available online, the Power of
Conversational Hypnosis, the first principle taught in how to use
hypnotic stories, is exactly what Obama does in this paragraph. This
primary technique is to “Use Simple Stories About Trance Themes”, or in
other words, tell stories about processes which are hypnotic, such as
per the examples given, relaxing on a holiday or being fascinated by a
Obama follows precisely this technique in
telling a simple story in slow hypnotic rhythm about himself “sitting
quietly”, “collect his thoughts”, and finding himself “reflecting.”
Hypnotic stories use embedded suggestions so that while in trance and
you believe something is happening to a character in the story, in
reality the story is about you, implanting messages in your subconscious118.
The story requires you to use your imagination, and then the only
way to understand the story is to imagine the themes Obama is presenting119.
Obama’s first storytelling language pattern
about a trance theme is “Sit quietly” – also a pacing statement because
everyone in the audience is sitting quietly. The story is, as taught by
this course, “isomorphic” in the sense that the story precisely mirrors
what is happening with the subject e.g. sitting quietly120.
Then, it is also an embedded command, because when someone sits quietly,
something they have rehearsed many times throughout their lives, because
external stimuli are absent, sitting quietly makes someone’s thoughts
turn inward or internally – as in trance. Notice how the story is in
past tense, but the trance theme (command) comes out in present tense.
Notice how Obama puts the focus on this word
“quietly” with the pause afterward, to use it as a hypnotic message, as
the silence emphasizes the last word spoken. His pause after “sit
quietly” also serves another purpose. (Even though he says “and” after
“quietly”, there is a substantial pause there.) It is also a pace in the
manner that Obama says the word “quietly ...and”, and for a brief second
there is silence afterward. He is in fact making his statement about
quietness an absolute immediately verifiable truth, because he makes it
true by pausing, and finds a way to pace you in yet another way. The
more different ways he can pace the audience on different levels, the
more effective it is.
111 Barack Obama’s speech
to California Democratic Convention, 2007, available at
112 See a
thorough discussion of embedded commands starting page 172 of Patterns
of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H.
Erickson M.D.
113 See
Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume
1, throughout.
114 Barack
Obama’s speech to California Democratic Convention, 2007
115 By Frank D.
Russo Barack Obama’s “Turn the Page” Speech Wows California Democratic
116 The Power
of Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski, “How to
Destroy Resistance With Stories” p244
– discussion of how “it’s just a story”
and mind goes on “automatic pilot.”
117 The Power
of Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski, “How to
Destroy Resistance With Stories” p245
118 The Power
of Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski, “How to
Destroy Resistance With Stories” p245-
246, and see discussion how Dr. Erickson
used a story about a tomato plant feeling good to in fact make the
patient feel good.
119 Your
subconscious interprets the story and applies it to you, even though
Obama tells the story as if it were him speaking
innocently about himself. As a basic
hypnosis example, I can say “don’t think of a black cat” – in order to
understand the
message, you have to think of the cat – it
doesn’t matter that I say “don’t.”
120 The Power
of Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski, “How to
Destroy Resistance With Stories” p246
Obama’s second storytelling language pattern
about a trance theme is “collect my thoughts.” Though Obama says
it from his perspective, to make sense of it, and because of his pacing,
your subconscious also hears it as collect “my” thoughts, and thus the
minds of everyone in the audience is commanded to become more in depth
into each owns thoughts, and go deeper into trance. Notice again this
story about past actions is again delivered in present tense.
Obama’s third storytelling language pattern
about a trance theme is “I’ve found myself reflecting.” It works
similarly. The pause after “myself”, and then again after “reflecting”
cause the audience’s subconscious mind to pick up on these commands.
Thus Obama uses this as a command for all listeners to collect their
thoughts (as in hypnotic focus)121 and be reflecting
(essentially focus on another deeper level). Notice again how he starts
out telling the story in the past tense, but then says “reflecting” in
the present progressive tense to be a command for his audience to do
what they are doing now.
The course on conversational hypnosis is not
the only source to say such language has specific trance induction
effect. See also Dr. Erickson’s discussion of use of words like
“reflecting”, and how a hypnotist will construct sentences using the
internal states consistent with a human being undergoing trance
induction (e.g. wondering, learning, thinking, feeling, remembering,
recalling, experiencing)122.
Obama then directs this focus. Obama
says “reflecting on (what it was that led) me” While the sentence
continues, the hypnotic message is for the audience to “be reflecting on
me” (Obama). Obama’s emphasis and use of a different tonality for
the word “me” is undeniable – it can clearly be heard when one is
listening for it. When not consciously focused on that emphasis, it is
just heard by the subconscious. After being paced by three separate
stories with trance themes, delivered in hypnotic slow speech, the
subconscious mind is waiting for clues about what to be so focused on
and reflecting on, and surely enough, Obama tells our subconscious
minds, “me.” Because he is speaking, the message is actually to focus
not only on him, but his voice. Then, perfectly timed, at the same
moment Obama says the word “me”, he flashes his thumb and forefinger
hand gesture, his classic anchoring tool.
Watching this tape – it is amazing, yet
undeniable. Obama is not just using a subliminal message. He
is knowingly and intentionally performing a clinical Ericksonian
hypnotic induction and putting his audience trance.
Obama has hidden, undetectably in
normal-sounding speech, what a hypnotist would do to start an induction
by saying “sit quietly, begin to internalize your thoughts, collect your
thoughts, reflect, and focus on me and the sound of my voice.”123
He is talking to your subconscious mind, preparing it for deeper
induction and programming, while you think he is just telling you
stories. Then, for the rest of the speech, your subconscious mind will
be receptive to messages on this level that you won’t even be aware of.
Look at how cleverly Obama disguises this induction as him simply
telling you a story about himself sitting quietly and reflecting.
Logically, there is no reason why Obama would be talking about himself
sitting quietly and reflecting. Yet, you would never notice this
unless you understood the science behind it. By no astronomical
coincidence could Obama simply happen to be telling an irrelevant story
which just happened to innocently contain three separate hypnotic trance
induction themes in precisely this way, with pauses after each, with
such an emphasis on the word “me” in conjunction with his unique hand
gesture for this word. Let alone a story allegedly about past
experiences that somehow ends up with each trance theme being delivered
in the present tense. There is no logical reason why he would have
pauses after the concepts “sit quietly”, “collect my thoughts”, and
“reflecting on” because those aren’t (supposedly) the ends of the idea
nor the sentence. Unless, that is exactly what he wants! There is
no logical reason why he would place an unnatural emphasis on the word
“me” – nor reason to use any hand gesture precisely for this word.
What else watching this tape a few times also shows is that Obama is a
pro. He performs this so smoothly and comfortably, that he is clearly
well rehearsed, and an expert.
Obama caught intentionally controlling
pace in obvious attempt to maintain trance
As additional evidence that Obama purposely
places and keeps his audience in trance, he is here caught controlling
the tempo of his speech to make sure everyone is kept in trance. He says
at 5:30 124 “Why would you want to go into something dirty
and nasty like politics?” Then, he realizes he is speaking too fast, and
he may not be properly leading everyone in the trance he is inducing, so
to ensure he has everyone in trance, he repeats the sentence, slower,
much slower, and with an extra-long pause before “politics.” The second
time he says, “Why would you want to go into (Huge pause to slow down
the audience mentally and slow them down to his unnaturally slow rhythm)
politics.” He does this to make sure he does not speak so
quickly as to lose the trance he is putting his audience into. This act,
obvious on video, clarifies the difference between a person who just
happens to be a good speaker who may have some innocent trance effect on
some, and someone who knowingly and intentionally makes sure he has
everyone in trance as he speaks. Watching this video, it is clear Obama
knows exactly what he is doing.
While there is too much to analyze every
hypnotic aspect of such complex speeches, this speech is a roller
coaster ride of raising emotion, slow accelerating to fast, moderate
volume leading to loud, and at each peak of the emotional highs he
creates, he anchors the emotion he has raised to his “turn the page”
language pattern.
Occasionally an interesting concept can be
caught, for instance this tidbit: At one point when Obama talks
about “parting of the sea”, his corresponding hand gesture is not one of
the seas parting with his palms turning upward, but of pushing apart
downward the water palms down, as if he were himself God parting the
water. Perhaps accidental, or perhaps an intentional small part of some
larger themes and concepts discussed below, connected to the reason why
people like Nancy Pelosi make some strange comments, e.g. referring to
Obama as “sent by God”, and other people refer to Obama as the Messiah.
The frightening part is, if Obama is doing this intentionally, he either
wants to send the subconscious message that he is the messiah, or he
actually believes that he is. More on this will be discussed later.
Obama’s speech Tuesday after primaries
ended June 3, 2008 125 – undeniable evidence of Obama’s use of
hypnotic principles of anchoring, deletion, distraction, and leading
Obama, also began his speech on the Tuesday
night after Primaries were over with an undeniable hypnotic induction,
using the paragraph below.
First he said, in his ultra-slow speech with
huge strategic pauses,
“after fifty four (pause)
hard fought contests (pause)
our primary season has finally come to an
– A pace for which he got tremendous
applause. Then, Obama continued:
“Sixteen months have passed (pause)
in Springfield, Illinois.(pause)
Thousands (pause)
of miles have been traveled.(pause)
Millions of voices have been heard.(pause)
And because of what you said (pause)
because you decided that change must come to
Washington (pause);
because you believed (pause)
that this year must be different than all the
rest (pause);
because you chose (pause)
to listen not to your doubts or your fears
but to your greatest hopes and highest
aspirations (pause),
tonight we mark the end of(pause)
one historic journey (pause)
with the beginning of another (pause)
– a journey (pause)
that will bring a new and better day to
Because of you (pause)
tonight, I can stand here and say that I will
be (pause)
the Democratic nominee (pause)
for President of the United States of
The analysis that follows explains what Obama
is really doing, and what message your subconscious mind is actually
receiving and why. First, again the unnaturally slow speech as
discussed, which forces you to hang on his every word, creates focus.
Notice how his pauses are designed to have you reflect and ponder, and
have your mind wander during each pause. As your mind wanders, his words
echo in the subconscious mind while your conscious mind is left hanging.
This technique is designed to strain your critical factor’s efforts
until it gets tired, and begins to tune out, leaving your subconscious
mind in his hands, unprotected. While he starts out ultra-slow, his plan
is to guide you by slowly accelerating his speech to the point where he
increases volume, raises emotion, and delivers the lead. This is almost
like how a horseracing announcer starts out speaking slow when the
horses take off from the starting gate, and by the final stretch he is
yelling and speaking very rapidly. Just like how a horserace
announces builds excitement in his audience to promote the
emotion-charged intensity and betting. It is not accidental. It is
done and learned and rehearsed to manipulate us.
He brings the listeners into trance with this
process. Subconsciously, the raising of rate of speech, volume, and
emotion send the message that all of the before is building up to his
grand finale of the paragraph, the lead, e.g. that he will be President.
However, while a horseracing announcer does it once per race, Obama in
his speeches repeats this roller coaster again and again while combining
it with complex hypnotic pacing and leading, anchoring, and other
manipulative subconscious techniques. The repetitiveness is also
121 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p137 focus
as a key to hypnotic induction.
122 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p214, Use
of these words as part of an ill-formed sentence, as a means of ensuring
successful pacing of a client’s experience.(ill-formed here because
Obama says “recently found myself” – a play on words the literal meaning
of which is ill formed – as one cannot lose or find themselves.
123 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p17, the
most basic pacing and induction example given is “as you sit there,
listening to the sound of my voice.”
124 5 minutes
and 30 seconds into the start of the speech per the video used for
125 Remarks of
Senator Barack Obama: Final Primary Night, Date: 06/03/2008, Location:
St. Paul, MN, video available at
126 The Power
of Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski
This is all part of the hypnotic trance
induction. Again, like all of Obama’s major speeches,
he starts off from the beginning using hypnotic storytelling.
Storytelling e.g., of standing on the old steps together, traveling
thousands of miles, having heard millions of voices. It is not
only magically captivating, but as discussed, is a textbook hypnosis
induction.127 It makes your conscious mind imagine things
and drift off to another time and place using imagination – an altered
state of consciousness and fundamental tool of hypnosis128.
Listening to this, you have no option but to strain your conscious mind
trying to figure out what comes next, while using your imagination to
follow along through his images and stories. This helps bring the
usually protected subconscious mind to the forefront, making it
He not only forces you to focus, and asks you
to use imagination, but he has you count numbers, e.g., “sixteen
months”, “thousands of miles”, “millions of voices heard.”
Firstly, “one of the techniques employed by hypnotists in inducing or
deepening a trance state in a client is that of having the client count”129.
Now here is where it gets really interesting. Obama uses the
following key hypnosis technique, now his fourth separate and distinct
fundamental hypnosis technique in just his first paragraph. He applies a
dominant hemisphere distraction technique precisely as taught by
Erickson’s three dimensions of hypnosis130. Distraction is
a common and fundamental technique in hypnosis in which the dominant
hemisphere is distracted by the language its job is to process. The
dominant hemisphere is sent on an assignment using the linguistic
processes and imagination. The critical factor is thus occupied, to make
the non-dominant hemisphere and subconscious more susceptible to
Here is how it works. He asks you to imagine
sixteen months, so you do. You follow where the storyteller takes your
mind and so you try to imagine thousands of miles, and continue
following along where he leads you. However, the conscious mind cannot
imagine a million voices; the number is too big 132,
though Obama tricks you with the first two numbers into trying, by
leading you down a path of increasingly difficult concepts to imagine
consciously. Notice how cleverly he leads you down a path which
causes the dominant hemisphere to be distracted, and tune out of trying
to do exactly what he is asking you to do. Your mind tries to imagine a
million and is distracted, sent off on an assignment it can’t perform,
tuning out, and exposing your subconscious mind. This is a calculated
and pre-scripted hypnotic induction technique, and the only specific and
logical explanation that makes any sense for what he is saying. Does
this seem a bit too unlikely to be coincidence? What other purpose for
this could there be for this language to be delivered exactly this way?
What is he even talking about?
Then, right after the distraction, notice the
causality linking statements, FIVE of them, back to back, “because
of what you said... because you decided change must come
to Washington... because you believed that this year must
be different... because you chose to listen to your doubts
not your fears... because of you” - all pacing and
leading techniques with the causation already embedded, with the
paragraph ending with the words “President of the United States” as the
effect brought about by all those “because(s),”
thereby becoming subconsciously linked. The most powerful linking
statement “because” according to Dr. Erickson and every covert hypnotist
cited in this document, is used not once, but five times, connecting
Obama’s concepts to the lead, not that he is the democratic nominee, but
“President of the United States,” the only words of that sentence he can
be seen using pointing down hand gestures for. This is something nobody
would never notice without an understanding of pacing, leading, and
causality linking statements, but now that it is pointed out it
certainly seems more than odd that he is using the word “because” so
obtrusively. Why would anyone set up sentence structure for any concept
this way? (Because A, because B, because C, because D, because E,
therefore X) Concepts are never set up to be communicated this way. It
is too difficult to follow and impractical, and there is no purpose for
it. Not unless one had a very specific purpose for using the word
127 There are
four chapters on Hypnotic Storytelling in Conversational Hypnosis, The
Power of Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski,
“How to Destroy Resistance With Stories” as well as a cheat sheet on
using hypnotic storytelling to break resistance.
128 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p60,
Inquiry with Aldous Huxley
129 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p187
130 Erickson’s
three dimensions are: Pacing and distraction of the dominant
(language) hemisphere; 2. Utilization of the dominant hemisphere,
language processing which occurs below the level of awareness; 3.
Accessing of the non-dominant hemisphere;
131 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p13 –
“[Erickson’s] overall strategy while conducting trance inductions
appears to have these three dimensions. 1) pacing and distraction of the
dominant (language) hemisphere; 2) Utilization of the dominant
hemisphere, language processing which occurs below the level of
awareness; and 3) Accessing of the non-dominant hemisphere.” See
also, p137, “The induction of the altered state of consciousness called
trance requires and implies the distraction and/or utilization of what
Milton calls the conscious mind.”
132 One cannot
imagine all the grains of sand on a beach individually. you can
imagine a lot of them, or the beach, but the conscious mind cannot
process numbers of that size.
Now let’s look at his use of hypnotic
programming words: “decided”, “believed”, and “chose.” (Other hypnotic
programming words include “realize”, “know”, “understand”, and so on.)
These are hypnotic programming words because instead of convincing you
rationally until you actually decide, or believe, or choose, the
hypnotist simply puts you in trance, distracts your dominant hemisphere,
and implants the command into your subconscious. He hypnotizes you and
simply tells you that you chose, that you believe, that you decided.
Implantation of this word is more powerful than hours and hours of
convincing you rationally. It is neither simply presumptuous nor
coincidence that he is telling you what you decided, believed, and
chose. So these words stand out in your mind, he places the most minute
emphasis on “decided”, then a much larger emphasis on and pause after
“believed”, and then a huge emphasis on and pause after “chose.” Some of
these concepts are in the past tense, and that is also effective,
sometimes even more so, because telling us prior our mind states may
make them even deeper. Obama uses “because” before each of these
programming words because you must accept the premise in order to be
able to follow the concept to the end and understand it. That’s why
starting with five separate uses of “because” leading to one later
“therefore” does not other than hypnotically make good communication
structure. Because normally it tries to get you to accept precursor
concepts before you even know what they are connected to - before you
even know the alleged actual concept being communicated.
Now let’s look at the pacing used in this
same paragraph. “Tonight Minnesota” is a pace, because it is tonight,
and he is in Minnesota. “Primary season has finally come to an end” is a
pace because it is obviously true. Standing together and voices heard
may help pace the audience because that is what they are doing
literally, standing there and hearing the voices of the crowd. “You
decided change must come to Washington” is a pace, because it is
something we all know is needed – almost nobody can disagree with that.
However, when you accept that, the hidden meaning to accept is that
Obama should be President. “This year must be different than all the
rest” is a pace, because literally every year is different. When you
accept that, you also accept his hidden meaning, that this year will be
different because Obama will become President. “I can stand here and
say” is again a literal pace because he is standing there and saying
Also notice how, because of the five uses of
“because”, he not only connects these concepts to the lead, but connects
these concepts to each other. Starting with a literal pace, he connects
standing there hearing voices, to wanting change to come, to this year
being different, which he connects subconsciously to your
greatest hopes and highest aspirations, to back again to another literal
pace, the fact that he is standing there saying something. He doesn’t
even need to know what your greatest hopes and highest aspirations are,
and he doesn’t even need to care. He has linked your greatest hopes and
highest aspirations, no matter what they are as sure as he is standing
there speaking, to him being the President of the United States. That’s
how hypnosis works. It doesn’t get you to believe, it tricks your
subconscious mind into accepting the word “believe.”
Now let’s look at his perfectly timed hand
gestures for the same paragraph. His hand gestures with his right hand
give essentially the same thumb and forefinger hand gesture starting
precisely at the words “believe (that this year should be different than
all the rest)”, and “chose.” He does not, however, do this hand gesture,
if it is truly for innocent emphasis, for what you normally think he
would, the alleged message, e.g. “change must come to Washington”, not
for “greatest hopes and highest aspirations”, nor for “a new and better
day for America”, nor does he do that gesture for “I will be the
democratic nominee.” While he uses this hand gesture at some other
parts, from the beginning, he doesn’t use them at all until, and then
primarily for “believe”, and “chose.” Then, as he says “democratic
nominee” his hands appear motionless form this video and he emphasizes
and points downward for the word “President.” Now we look at “deep
structure” – how the audiences’ subconscious minds might interpret the
same paragraph as delivered by Obama133. Under the
fundamental hypnotic principles of “deletion”, “distortion”, and
“generalization”, the mind alters the content it receives as it goes
into the subconscious. – A translation which is used and planned
for by hypnotists134. While your critical factor is
distracted and captivated deeply by Obama’s trance, the same paragraph,
to your subconscious, may be received something like this: [this is one
possible translation with partial analysis added]
“we stand together ... my
voice is being heard...because you said...because you decided
that change must come...because you believed [anchor] this
year must be different than all the rest...because you chose
[anchor] to listen [trance theme in storytelling] your
greatest hopes and highest aspirations...we bring a new
and better day...Tonight I can stand here and say
[pacing] I will be the Democratic nominee [no visible hand gestures on
the video] ‘the President of the United States’” [Pointing
hand gestures downward (as if on a touch screen or push button voting)
command gesture]
Also notice yet another distraction technique
– rhyme. He rhymes I will be with the democratic nominee
– a distraction technique which again distracts the linguistic
processing part of the mind, as he points downward and says “President!”
An apparently innocent yet powerful paragraph on the surface structure
is actually intended to be received as clear commands to feel as one
with Obama and hear his voice. He programs into you that you have
already chosen, you have already decided, and you already believed.
Before your conscious mind can say “wait, did I decide that?” he rewards
you by conjuring up your own feelings “greatest hopes and highest
aspirations.” Then, the uses of “because” come together for the lead,
with hand gestures, “President.”
By reviewing Patterns of the Hypnotic
Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, as well as other works
on Ericksonian hypnosis, one may see a more detailed discussion of
“deletion”, “generalization”, and “distortion”135.
133 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p165,
discusses how a single surface structure communication can have not only
different, but multiple “deep structure” representations to the
subconscious mind.
134 A
subconscious deletes parts of communication that it does not understand
or are incomplete. For example, “It seemed like an impossible
task” – since it is unclear to whom it seemed impossible, there is no
way for the subconscious to comprehend the meaning of it, so all that
the subconscious takes away from this sentence is “task.”
135 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, Starting p
7, discussion of how models of the world we create differ from reality,
then, on p 20, “One of the most powerful of these linguistic modeling
techniques is deletion, the case in which a portion of the meaning of
the sentence (the Deep Structure) has no representation in Surface
Structure...” Under complex deletion principles, the audiences
minds filter out certain aspects of the speech, and such speeches are
designed by hypnotists to have certain parts deleted, to communicate to
implant the real message into the subconscious, hidden in the speech,
the content of the speech is largely to distract the conscious mind, to
make the remainder, the commands, be implanted into the subconscious
more effectively. See a thorough discussion of deletion from
p 159. (See also discussion of generalization and distortion of
language in deep structure)
Now one might argue that half of this is
coincidence, and the other half is just him being a great and powerful
speaker. But let’s look at it. Why would he speak so slowly? We know he
speaks faster in interviews and debates – why speak so slowly in
speeches? What about the acceleration of his rate of speech to the lead?
Why such storytelling? Why the exorbitant use of visualization and
imagination which lead the audience down a path of imagining things
until asking the imagining of something that can’t be consciously
imagined? Why the five uses of “because” and why the unusual message
structure from someone who speaks so well? Why the hyper- confidence for
specific words like “decided”, “chose”, and “Believe” with pauses after
each one when they are not supposed to be the end of neither the
sentence nor the idea? Why the hyper-arrogance for “greatest hopes and
highest aspirations?” Why the repeated stating of the obvious and
undeniable “I stand here tonight?” (Used in all his speeches) Why no
hand gesture for “democratic nominee”- why only for “President? And
finally, how come all of these “coincidences” can all be explained by a
single reason – all under the principles of hypnosis, which causes
exactly the type of mesmerized effect everyone admits they have from
Obama caught delivering another powerful
hypnotic command -Not every hypnotic technique of Obama
in this speech is discussed herein – only a few examples are listed.
Notice his anchor at 9:17 of the word
(independents and republicans who) “understand.” Notice his
extraordinarily long pauses after “change” 9:20 and 9:28. At 9:55, Obama
slips in a powerful hypnotic command. A moment after he can clearly be
seen anchoring it with a hand gesture. At 9:55, Obama says, “All of you
chose (notice the different tone and volume and microsecond pause after
chose) to support a candidate you believe in deeply. (pause) ”
No, it is not simply presumptuous or arrogant to tell his audience that
they “believe in him” “deeply.” Again, it is hypnotic
First, he uses “chose” to program our
subconscious minds that our conscious minds have already analyzed and
made a decision. Again, the same hypnotic programming word he used in
his opening paragraph discussed in the above example. If effective, this
programming can even override our conscious knowledge that we haven’t in
fact chosen. We will simply believe that we have chosen, and simply
choose Obama. As he speaks the word “chose”, while your critical factor
is analyzing whether in fact you chose any such thing and what you might
have chosen and is distracted136, Obama uses the other
hypnotic programming word “believe” (also discussed above), and he ends
the sentence with “a candidate you believe in deeply.” He is not
asking us to believe in him by any means. He is implanting the
hypnotic command into a hypnotized audience that they already “chose.”
Then, he is compiling the command by programming the audience with the
utmost “hyper” confidence that they “believe in (him) deeply.”
The reason he sounds so confident is because he is inputting a hypnotic
command. Notice the pause after to allow “deeply” to sink in.
Let’s look at this phrase again: “All of you
chose to support a candidate you believe in deeply.”
When thinking about this language carefully, it becomes clear how
unusual it is. A candidate may say “thank you for believing in me”, or
“please believe in me”, or might say in any number of ways that his
supporters believe in him. But to simply say as if it were fact “you
believe in me” is unprecedented. If he didn’t use hypnosis, people
would stop and say “no we don’t”, or “who are you to tell us what we
believe.” However, people are so entranced, it slipped past everyone.
And how odd is it that a candidate would say “all of you chose”
and then refer to himself as a candidate “you believe in deeply.”
This is beyond presumptuous, and beyond any confident political speak.
He is not saying he will be President. He is telling us what we
“believe.” He is telling us what we believe as though it is fact.
He is telling us something he could never know, as though it is fact.
This is a fundamental of hypnotic programming that he does not convince
the rational mind with logical basis, he simply puts the subject into
trance, and literally tells them what they believe. And, he says we
“believe” this “deeply.” People don’t speak like that
accidentally about others’ feelings.137 This is all
unacceptable as either arrogance, political confidence, or coincidence.
Especially the word “deeply”; a word that does not even require
explanation to sound like hypnotic programming. This is a slip up that
he got away with. It is hypnosis commands intentionally being laid by
Obama in the subconscious minds of the audience.
Notice again the hypnotic programming words
“chose”, “believe”, the same ones that were analyzed earlier at the
beginning of this same speech, again, back to back, this time, in the
same sentence. He was clearly in the same train of thought as he
was while drafting the earlier part of this speech. Then Obama anchors
to himself this concept of believing in this candidate deeply. Then, a
moment right after he says “deeply” (it needn’t be simultaneous138),
in his next sentence he does his thumb and forefinger hypnotic anchor,
and points to his torso with his fingers in that position,
subconsciously associating in the audience those deep feelings and
emotions with himself. That next sentence is about “we aren’t the reason
you came out.” For this, he would have no logical reason to point to
himself at the word “reason” – especially when all of his other hand
gestures are timed well to correspond to his words. There is no other
explainable reason for his thumb and forefinger to be in that position,
and then turn it inward to point to his torso.
136 Also notice
how he doesn’t say “you believe in me.” He leaves it to the
subconscious mind to put that together to make it as subconscious as
137 Before this
phrase, Obama says “there are young people, and African Americans, and
Hispanic Americans, and women of all ages who have voted in numbers and
who have inspired a nation.” But he is not referring to these
people when he says “All of you chose a candidate you believe in deeply,
though me may be trying to reserve that as an excuse. The reason
is, he doesn’t say “all of them chose”, he says “all of you chose.”
He is talking about these people in the third person, and he is saying
this hypnotic phrase in the second person. As an attorney, he
knows this is incorrect, and that he is applying this phrase to his
entire audience, not just the people he listed prior.
138 The Power
of Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski, on the
discussion of pacing with body language as an example, of how
subconscious gestures need not be simultaneous to be effective, and
delay of a couple of seconds is effective, and sometimes necessary,
including so as to not be obvious.
As discussed below, in Obama’s 2008 Denver
Democratic Convention Speech, he uses this exact same technique of his
thumb and forefinger, talking about John F. Kennedy, then pointing that
hand gesture inward toward his torso a moment later, to create a
subconscious association between himself and JFK. Odd once to be sure,
but caught twice, or more, with the same hand gesture, it is no
Obama caught pacing and leading again
In another classic Obama pace and lead,
notice how he gets the crowd all roused up around 20:40, with his peak
speech, peaking in intensity, emotion, volume, and rate so much so he
doesn’t have even a high or low at the beginning or end of his points.
He discusses how teachers should be paid more, everyone should have
healthcare, and then he says “that’s the change we need ...that’s why
I’m running for President (pause) of the United States.” Again, this is
his classic pace and lead. It makes no sense that because
we need those miraculous changes he described, that is the reason why
the President should be none other than him. Logically he has not said
why he should be the one, what he would do, or anything of the sort.
However, because his leading is so powerful, it is something the
cheering audience believes in strongly, he adds the element of
causation, “that’s why” and then his two-part lead, 1. President 2.
(Reinforcing it again) of the United States. Because this lead is
embedded in our subconscious, we simply create the logic to justify how
we feel – the missing component – that supposition that Obama is the
person who can and will create this type of change and make all these
miracles happen.
Obama’s 2007 California Democratic
Convention “turn the page” speech – further analysis
“Turn the page” is not just colorful visual
metaphor that Obama happens to like to say. In Obama’s 2007 “turn
the page” speech he uses the phrase “turn the page” fourteen (14)
separate times. 140 141 He uses it as a hypnotic anchor,
and as a preprogrammed response, to stir emotion, and as a hypnotic
Obama using “turn the page” as a
preprogrammed response:
A preprogrammed response is anything to which
your body has already been conditioned to react to with a certain
response. For instance, you have been already preprogrammed to know that
change is a 100% certainty, and when you are reading and holding the
page in your hand “turning the page” is a 100% certainty. When a person
reading gets to the end of the page, the decision to turn the page is
automatic, subconscious. It also happens at a time when we are reading,
and in trance. This is something each of us is programmed with because
we have each rehearsed this thousands of times by turning pages in
books, students and more intellectual people even more so. It is an
automatic reaction. What Obama tries to do is apply that level of
certainty and automatics to your decision to support him as President.
Obama using “turn the page” as a hypnotic
“Turn the page” is also used by Obama as a
hypnotic anchor, to cause you to recall his planted hypnotic suggestions
when you are in the voting booth, with the pen in your hand like his
thumb and forefinger, the other primary anchor. It is a hypnotic anchor
that is used very cleverly by Obama by taking advantage of a
preprogrammed response in the subject. Turn the page is not just a vague
and colorful way to say that Obama will improve America. It is designed
to be triggered when we are holding the pen and “turning the page” in
the voting booth. The vagueness of such language used in hypnosis, and
the multiple meanings, as discussed above, are part of precisely what
makes it work. See the discussion on secondary meanings, embedded
commands, surface versus deep structure, and trans-derivation.
Obama’s Democratic Convention speech 2008
142 – A “play by play” of his undeniable and extensive anchoring,
pacing, leading, and delivery of subconscious commands
This first example isn’t a documented
hypnosis technique, just a bit of classic deception that is part of
Obama’s show. When Bill Clinton gave his speech earlier in the
Convention, he could barely get started for minutes because the applause
and cheering was so loud he genuinely could not speak, and it refused to
die down. Obama didn’t have that problem, so he faked it. He didn’t have
such applause and cheering, but he faked it by pretending it was so loud
he couldn’t speak, and pretending it was interrupting him, saying “thank
you”, pausing and allowing the low level of applause to continue, and
then saying “thank you” again, and repeating, as if he was trying
(though not really) to quiet down the unquietable crowd. Comparing his
opening to Bill Clinton’s, it is clear that Bill Clinton genuinely could
not speak, and Obama could easily speak over the much quieter cheering
and applause had he wanted to.
Before I discuss Obama’s use of hypnosis in
his speech, I really have to point out one other amusing point. Obama
said “I am grateful to finish this journey with one of the finest
statesmen of our time.” (Referring to Joe Biden) What journey is
he finishing that is almost over? Wouldn’t he be President for four
years? Americans certainly hope the end of the election season is
not the end. This is a slip. He looks at the election as
the journey because his entire mission is simply to make it into the
Presidency before we realize what he is doing, or who he really is.
139 It appears
Obama does this a third time in his speech on race in Philadelphia, when
he says Telling story about a poor kid, he says, “Now, Ashley might have
made a different choice”, then he hand gestures like writing with a pen,
clarifying the meaning of his thumb and forefinger trademark, similarly
as he does in his 2008 Denver speech, discussed in that analysis.
Then, while talking, a moment later, he gestures to himself with the
thumb and forefinger his anchor - making the subconscious message
that he is that “different choice.”
140 Barack
Obama’s speech to California Democratic Convention, 2007
141 Transcript,
Obama’s Turn the Page speech, April 29, 2007, available, e.g.
142 Obama’s
Democratic National Convention Nominee Acceptance Speech, August 28,
2008, available at
Obama’s typical pacing, leading,
storytelling, and hidden meanings induction:
Above in this document under the heading
“What is “pacing and leading”, and how does Obama use this hypnosis
technique?” – are listed Obama’s use of three pacing statements fourteen
times in this speech which are not repeated in this section. Again, like
all of Obama’s other major speeches analyzed in this document, he starts
off with hypnotic storytelling. This is not because he figures we would
all want to hear a story. His calculation is how to get the
quickest and deepest trace induction without anyone knowing what he is
Obama says:
“Four years ago, I stood before you and told
you my story, of the brief union between a young man from Kenya and a
young woman from Kansas who weren't well-off or well-known, but shared a
belief that in America their son could achieve whatever he put his mind
to. It is that promise that's always set this country apart, that
through hard work and sacrifice each of us can pursue our individual
dreams, but still come together as one American family, to ensure that
the next generation can pursue their dreams, as well. That's why I
stand here tonight.” Again, Obama uses hypnotic storytelling in his
unnaturally slow pace. The story starts past tense, to have you imagine
another time and place.
The story is also a pacing statement, “I
stood before you and told you my story” which is a present account of
exactly what he is doing now, an accurate current representation of the
subject’s ongoing verifiable experience because he is standing before us
now telling a story. This is a very powerful trance induction technique,
because Obama tells a story, forcing you to apply and use imagination,
an altered state of mind and different perspective, to look at the
present situation. He is making you apply an altered and subconscious
state of mind to your present experience of watching his speech.
The well-off or well-known statement is
again, a play on words for dominant hemisphere linguistic distraction in
order to access the non-dominant hemisphere per Erickson’s three
dimensions of hypnosis. He is already pacing, and the play on words is
precisely the type of “utilization of the dominant hemisphere, language
processing which occurs below the level of awareness”143. Your
dominant hemisphere, below the level of awareness, analyzes this play on
words and becomes distracted; leaving it open for implantation of
hypnotic suggestion. Then, sure enough, notice how he flashes his thumb
and forefinger gesture again starting with when he says the word (shared
a) “belief.” The belief that he is anchoring here is: that in America
their son, (Obama) could achieve anything he set his mind to. It
is difficult to follow consciously, but that is the belief they shared.
What in fact their son has set his mind to, is to become
President. Consciously, it is difficult to follow that when
Obama says “belief”, and anchors it with his hand gesture, Obama is
really anchoring himself achieving the Presidency. He is anchoring
and implanting the command of his becoming President without expressly
saying it, so it remains subconscious.
Notice his words, “promise”, “hard work”,
“sacrifice”, “each of us can pursue our individual dreams” and then ends
the paragraph with “That is why I stand here tonight.” Promise, hard
work, sacrifice, each of us pursue our dreams are beautiful concepts
nobody can disagree with, and they are pacing statements. In no logical
way however does Obama connect these beautiful concepts to why he would
make a great President. Instead, he simply uses causation, the strongest
Ericksonian linkage statement, and says “That is why I stand here
tonight.” This statement is a brilliant use of Ericksonian hypnosis
techniques, including pacing and leading, because this statement is both
a pace and a lead in one. Obama has actually set it up in the run up to
this paragraph, so “that is why I stand here tonight” – is both a pace,
as it is immediately and verifiably true that he is in fact standing
there tonight. Also, he has set it up in the whole preceding paragraph,
that what this obviously true statement means, is that he will become
President, by starting with and connecting his parents dream, and
stating all the beautiful concepts, and then saying “that is why....” he
stands there tonight – obviously meaning he is there because he wants
the Presidency.
This is the really clever part. When he says
“that is why I stand here tonight”, your subconscious mind accepts that
as absolutely true. But the question is, which interpretation? 1.
That he is literally standing there tonight? 2. That he is standing
there so his parents’ dream will be realized? 3. That he is standing
there is because that promise, hard work, sacrifice, and our children’s
dreams is the reason why he is there? The mind is distracted with
this trans-derivational problem that occurs below the level of
awareness. Meanwhile, the subconscious mind accepts all three
interpretations as absolute truth. Remember, the subconscious mind
cannot make rational distinctions. Once the subconscious mind
labels this statement (that is why I stand here tonight) as absolutely
true, it accepts it, including all of its meanings, including hidden
meanings. You look at him standing there tonight and confirm below your
level of awareness that that statement is true on one level, and that
acts as a confirmation of the other meanings in the paragraph, that his
parents dream will be realized, and that promise, hard work, sacrifice,
and our children’s dreams is the reason why he is there. And
remember, this all awhile you are entranced by his unnaturally slow,
poetic, melodic, hypnotic storytelling, imagination provoking, emotion
provoking, and passion provoking content. He doesn’t send this message
to you consciously, but intentionally and powerfully implants and
programs you with it subconsciously.
The statement that is verifiably true is the
very same statement that means he will achieve the Presidency and
associates him with all those beautiful concepts. This is no
coincidence. This is classic embedded suggestion programming containing
every element in hypnosis trance induction through all of the required
elements, from pacing and leading, to pacing, distraction, and
utilization of the non-dominant hemisphere. It is beautifully
crafted and advanced Ericksonian hypnosis. He uses the same phrase “that
is why I stand here tonight” again at least two more times later on in
the speech. Millions of people feel like voting for Obama and
can’t point to an accomplishment or change he has brought. This
hypnotic gamesmanship is the cause for many.
Obama caught stacking language patterns
Obama’s speech contains similar hypnosis
techniques throughout, including this very same technique immediately
following the previous command. This repetition of hypnotic language
patterns one after the other is typical stacking language patterns, and
is very effective at subconscious programming without conscious
awareness. Obama follows this with: “Because...Every time our nation has
been in jeopardy, ordinary men and women” (points to his audience)
...students, teachers, nurses, janitors...had the “Courage” (points to
his audience) “to keep it alive.” “We meet at one of those
defining moments now.” He paces everyone in the audience by talking
about “ordinary men and women, teachers, students....” for
identification. Then, notice how he points to the audience when he says
“defining moments”, as if voting for him will define us e.g., as
open minded, as courageous. While difficult to follow consciously,
he just said, essentially, that because you (points) have had courage
(points) at every dark time, and this is one of those times, that is why
he is standing before us.
The pace and lead is again a single
statement, “we meet at one of those defining moments.” Again, he uses
the same technique as in the previous sentence. You can
immediately verify that we indeed are meeting, at this moment, and thus
you subconsciously accept this statement as a true pace. When this
statement is accepted as true, you again also accept as true all the
other programming and meaning that Obama sends along with it into your
subconscious. What logical sense does that make though? What does
him standing there have to do with people’s courage throughout history?
Because he is standing there people can pursue their dreams? At
15:50, Obama uses this same technique again.
After discussing economic issues, building
emotion by mentioning a waitress who can take off from work to take care
of a sick kid without being fired, and having an economy that honors the
dignity of work, Obama says: “The fundamentals we use to measure
economic strength are whether we are living up to that fundamental
promise that has made this country great - a promise that is the only
reason I am standing here tonight.” He starts out saying things nobody
can disagree with, and building emotion. Again, he uses causality to
link beautiful and emotional concepts he conjures up to himself with
causation language that logically is completely without any logical
support. Why use this language of causation without any basis for
it, when there is no need for causation language “the only reason.”
More importantly, yet again, Obama links
these beautiful concepts with causation to a statement that is both
verifiably true in the literal sense in order to implant the meaning he
has built into it. He talks about “the fundamental promise that has made
this country great”, and says “a promise that is the only reason I am
standing here tonight.” He uses language about the promises that make
this country great and builds that meaning into “that is why I am
standing here tonight.” He doesn’t say “that is why I am running for
President.” “I am standing here tonight” is something more easily
and immediately verifiable and serves as a more literal and effective
pacing statement. When your mind accepts the statement; “that’s why I am
standing here tonight” as absolutely true, it allows it to pass into the
subconscious. However, this statement has two meanings, 1. he is in fact
literally standing there, and 2. The meaning he built into himself
standing there, he is there to make sure that we are living up to the
fundamental promise that has made this country great. When your
mind accepts “that’s why I am standing here tonight” as absolutely true,
all meanings attached to it are absorbed into the subconscious as true,
because your subconscious mind cannot differentiate and rationalize
which meaning he intended.
What he is doing is no coincidence and no
accident. He is repeatedly setting up language patterns that
support subconscious beliefs of why he should be President to intersect
and be embedded within statements immediately verifiable by the
subconscious as absolutely true, such as “that is why I stand here
tonight”, or “we meet at one of those defining moments.” Then, the
audience sees him standing there as he says it, processes this below the
level of conscious awareness, and unknowingly accepts subconscious
programming as absolute truth consisting of all of the underlying
meanings he has set up to correspond with the obvious surface statement.
Nobody just happens to speak like that. Not once; let alone again
and again, one after the other.
*Obama caught clarifying his hand gesture
as unmistakable hypnotic anchor of writing with pen (twice):
You have to watch these videos. As he says
“the only reason I am standing here tonight, he waves his palm towards
his chest, taking that emotion and saying “me”, then he points upward
signaling “command”, and then he does this: Right after that, at 16:22,
right after he says, “the only reason I am standing here tonight”
analyzed above, notice his hand gesture when he says “the faces of those
young veterans.” Notice how he appears to be writing with a pen, to
complete the three-part hidden hand gesture, “me” “command” and
“write”(or probably “vote”). At 16:22 – his gesture of writing with a
pen is unmistakable. Similarly, at 6:51, Obama also clarifies his hand
gesture. He says, “more of you have lost your homes, and even more” and
at that moment, he does a very strange thing with his thumb in
forefinger technique, clearly making a gesture as if he is using his
hand as a pen writing. It is unmistakable. We don’t consciously
recognize it, but he anchors us for when we are holding the pen in the
voting booth, thereby clarifying for us subconsciously the meaning of
his consistent thumb and forefinger anchor. (Being our hand, our pen)
Watching this video of these two of Obama’s
hand gestures, no reasonable person would believe Obama accidentally
made these gestures. You can watch these scenes in these videos all day
long and you cannot come up with another reasonable explanation for what
he is doing than hypnotic programming.
A few tidbits: Obama says “come together” –
notice his hands towards his mid-section, to signal come together to
him. He points to us as he says “(these) challenges,” suggesting
that we are being challenged, or that we have a challenge to fulfill
i.e. to follow his commands. Look at how he blends commands to stay in
trance into his speech. He says at 17:08 “When I listen to another
worker tell me his factory is shut down.” – listen to how he enunciates
“listen”, to keep people subconsciously listening to his voice.
When he says we are “better than this...more
descent” notice how he uses his hand palm towards himself, to send us
the signal subconsciously that he is ‘better” and “descent.” He does the
thumb and finger anchor again as he tells the story about the man who
“chokes up” – anchoring the symbol with our emotion. This is just before
the primary command explained below. He also does an unmistakable hand
gesture for the word “keep” just before the primary command explained
below. He says “we are more compassionate” and again puts his palm
towards his chest, to send the message that he is compassionate.
The reason this is deceptive and manipulative, is that Obama is not
telling us that Obama is compassionate, nor is he providing any logical
basis for us to believe that he is compassionate. He pretends he is
talking about someone else. He is tricking our subconscious minds to
believe that he is compassionate without even telling our conscious
minds that he is communicating that message. Consciously, we can’t even
analyze it or make a rational judgment about it because we are not even
aware of having received the message.
Obama caught giving the primary hypnotic
command of the speech:
After having raised in us a number of
emotions, and having paced considerably, and prepared us for a hypnotic
suggestion, Obama delivers the following paragraph, his primary hypnotic
command of the speech:
Tonight, (pace - it is tonight) I say to the
American people (pace - he is obviously saying to the American people),
to Democrats and Republicans and Independents across this great land -
enough! This moment (pace - it is this moment) - this election
(pace - it is this election) - is our chance to
keep (thumb and forefinger anchor - as in to
keep his hypnotic messages), in the 21st century (pace), the American
promise alive (pace – who would disagree). Because (causality
linking statement) next week, in Minnesota, the same party that brought
you two terms of George Bush and Dick Cheney will ask this country for a
third. And we are here (pacing) because (causality linking
statement) we love this country (pace) too much to let the next four
years look like the last eight. On November 4th, we must
(strongest command word possible) stand up and say: "Eight is enough."
The command is not “eight is enough.”
Obama executes the hypnotic lead that follows
his emotional stirring and pacing just before that, as he says, “on
November fourth, on November fourth!” Obama says “on November
fourth” twice, attempting to make it seem as if he unintentionally
double-spoke144. However, this is very intentional. Notice how he
has his thumb and forefinger together anchoring “November fourth”,
together with the emotion he just stirred up, for the first time he says
“on November fourth” He does this so we will recall his hypnotic
messages and programs and emotions when we hold the pen in the voting
Then, notice how the second time he says “on
November fourth” with the same hand that was thumb and forefinger for
the first, he changes it to firmly point. He is pointing, which is the
international and subconscious signal that he is giving us a command.
Frowning and pointing is a common technique in conversational hypnosis
to get someone to do something, because on the subconscious level, we
perceive it as a command that we must perform, regardless whether
consciously we feel like we are doing it voluntarily145. Look at
the firmness of his point, with a serious face perhaps a slight frown,
as he says it the second time. Obama is not asking us for our vote, he
is absolutely commanding it. One website even discusses how angry
Obama appeared during parts of his speech146. He is
commanding all subconscious minds under his trance to support Obama. It
is easily proven that his double-speak is intentional, because his hand
gestures are so pronounced and clear, and how clearly he switches from
one hand gesture, the anchor, to the second, the command. Were the
double speak accidental, he would not have such clear and definitive and
purposeful and different hand gestures. The reason he says “On November
fourth” twice is because he is giving us a two-part hypnotic command, 1.
Recall the hypnotic commands by the hypnotic anchor, and 2. Act on them
and vote for me – both commands to be recalled “on November fourth” –
That’s why he gives you the specific date.
This is undoubtable evidence that he is
implanting commands in a way we are not designed to be consciously aware
of. He doesn’t coincidentally happen to again use the hypnotic anchor,
and the pointing technique. Notice how these are the same gestures he
uses in his statement for the same two principles, reception of the
hypnotic message, and taking the commanded action by voting, that he
uses in his overt hypnotic statement discussed above: “a light will
shine down from somewhere, it will light upon you, you will experience
an epiphany, and you will say to yourself, “I have to vote for Barack”’.
Any forgiveness of this is simply because one may not understand how
powerful and effective such techniques are. How effective these tricks
of Obama’s are, can only be shown by the effects – millions of people
completely irrationally in love with him, and compelled to vote for him.
While you do not see it as consciously swaying you in any way, as of
course it doesn’t logically, or you may not even notice it, in fact, it
is a powerful command that compels millions to want him president,
regardless how they feel logically. Obama’s aggressive pointing- the
subconscious signal of giving commands: Here are some general examples
of Obama aggressively pointing – the hypnotic symbol for giving a
At this point, Obama goes into a pattern, as
he occasionally does, where his hand gestures just normally flow with
the conversation without any specific meaning for the most part –
essentially using his hands the way be believe he always is, in order to
not be obvious. Shortly thereafter, Obama anchors the word “believe” yet
again with his usual thumb and forefinger technique. Is it again a
coincidence? If there were no rhyme or reason to his hand gestures, why
is it that he uses the same thumb and forefinger gesture for the same
word (“belief”) that he anchored the same way at the start of his
speech? He is subconsciously training us to “believe’ his hypnotic
143 Patterns of the
Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p 218 -
Utilization of plays on words in hypnotic induction works because, in
addition to employment of conscious linguistic processing mechanisms, it
“activates additional meaning recovery processes which develop meanings
which are available to the to the unconscious portion of the client’s
mind but not the conscious.” – What Erickson’s book means by this is
that the “play on words” isn’t caught consciously, but trips up and
confuses your subconscious linguistic processing mechanisms, thereby
facilitating the distraction necessary for hypnotic induction.
See also the discussion on trans-derivational searches brought about by
phonological ambiguity incl. p166, knows/nose, here/hear etc.
144 In fact, it
was so good at looking accidental;, that the written speech transcript
only has “on November fourth” once.
145 The Power
of Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledowchowski, p104 of
631, “And likewise, when you are suing ‘command’ tonality, maybe you
want to frown a bit. I used to point my finger at an imaginary
client, and then give him instructions. So that, every time I
pointed my finger and frowned, my voice started going down, because the
physiology of commands, or instructions, is to point and frown slightly,
and really get someone to do something.
146 The Angry
Barack Obama Acceptance Speech, August 29th, 2008,
147 Images from
Democratic National Convention speech in Denver, 2008 (as examples of
aggressive pointing, like those he uses as commands, not necessarily
designed to coincide with specific commands discussed.) Photos
Obama caught in another hypnotic command,
anchor, and a strategic pause:
Obama then says 15:50 “its time for us to
change America...” (pacing statement) “...and that’s why I’m
running for President (pause) of the United States.” (causality
linking statement and the lead, delivered again with his standard
hypnotic anchor, the thumb and forefinger flash) This is another
classic Obama 1. pace 2. causality linking language 3. lead , and 4.
hypnotic anchor in which he inputs the hypnotic command - that he will
be President of the United States, to be recalled in the voting booth on
November fourth.
Why does he pause between “President” and
“of the United States”? Because when you are in
the voting booth holding the pen as he has anchored, and all these
commands are coming back, when you read the actual ballot, it reads,
“President”, and then on the next line below, “of the United States”148,
and as you read the ballot in the voting booth, you will subconsciously
pause for a split second as your eyes skip because you read from one
line to the next. By pausing when he gives you the command, it will more
perfectly match the situation in which you must act according to that
command, to make the subconscious link more effective. That is how
clever and strategic and precise Obama’s hypnosis techniques are. This
is how the unconscious mind works. Everything he is doing, the thumb and
forefinger “holding the pencil” hand gestures, the pointing, the pauses,
the hand gesture where he appears to be writing with a pen (in his
democratic speech), the metaphors (anchors like “turn the page”, are all
preparing you, anchoring you for recall of all his hypnotic commands
recalled by you yourself holding the pen and the ballot card that day on
November fourth when you are in the voting booth.
Notice his palms towards himself again when
he says “rewarded by a grateful nation.” It is difficult to tell, but he
may actually be implanting the subconscious suggestion that he is so
wonderful, that we as a nation must reward him (by giving him the
Presidency). He talks about soldiers, and says “(these are my) heroes”
and at that moment points to himself, to cause us to subconsciously
associate the word “hero” with him. He then rouses emotion for the
troops and hardworking people, and says he will keep their dream alive
“as President of the United States.” He uses “as” here as an implied
causality, another powerful linking statement149.
Notice then how he keeps his palms towards himself, as the crowd cheers,
sending the message of focusing that cheering on him. This is the same
gesture he uses sometimes to discuss himself150.
Obama can change positions from one day to
the next 151 to mirror McCain’s positions, and through his
hypnotic speech make people believe that Obama feels as strongly as
McCain does on these issues. He then anchors “we will keep our promise
to every young American” with his thumb and forefinger technique –
suggesting he will keep his promise to us. Obama consistently delivers a
very simplistic hypnotic pace; “Now is the is the time...”.
The message is simply 1. Pen in your hand, and 2. Obama and, 3. Now is
the time.
Obama caught hypnotically linking himself
with John F. Kennedy:
Obama then mentions John F. Kennedy 27:47
(“what John F. Kennedy called our international and moral strength”),
which he anchors with his thumb and forefinger. He then says “yes
government must lead...but each of us” and as he says “us” he points
that same thumb and forefinger anchor at himself (it doesn’t have to be
simultaneous or immediate), subconsciously programming us to look upon
him as John F. Kennedy. Then he repeats the word “yes’ in the middle of
that anchoring, and does another palm towards himself, reaffirming the
JFK programming yet again. It is an unlikely coincidence because he uses
the same thumb and forefinger hand gesture to discuss Kennedy’s values,
and then points that same gesture at himself a moment later. People
believe he is John F. Kennedy, and have no conscious awareness of the
connection that he is causing through subconscious manipulation. Notice
this is the exact technique Obama used in his St. Paul speech, discussed
above, when he anchored “a leader you deeply believe in.”
Obama again pacing and leading
This is just another of countless examples.
Barack Obama said regarding healthcare: “It's time to finally challenge
the special interests and provide universal health care for all.”
(Pace and Pace) “That's why I'm running for President of the
United States” (Lead) “because I believe that health care should be
guaranteed for every American who wants it and affordable for every
American who needs it.”152 (Pace and Pace)
Notice how powerful this statement by Obama
sounds, while logically empty. Notice how he says that’s why
he’s running for President, before the “because.” Odd to be certain, but
we let it pass because we do not understand the causation linkage that
he is prepping our subconscious for. Notice how it makes no logical
sense that it’s time to change special interests and provide universal
health care, that’s why I am running for President. There is no logical
connection between those statements - Maybe that is a reason why someone
who has fought against special interests or someone who has solved
healthcare problems or at least has knowledge about these issues should
be President. However, what he says is its time to change
Washington and provide healthcare, and “that is why I am running for
President.” The purported logic comes after as to not interfere with the
pace and lead causality statement. Even that purported logic provides no
real basis. It is just another pace. If Obama would have said the reason
he should be President is because he believes in healthcare, it wouldn’t
work as a pace because the audience doesn’t know what he believes – that
is why he uses what the audience believes, even though it diverges from
logic in order to follow perfectly the hypnosis principle of pacing and
leading. Because he believes healthcare should be guaranteed for
everyone who wants it, and affordable for everyone who needs it? Who
doesn’t believe that? It is a statement everyone can agree with,
used as a pace.
Notice how powerful this statement sounds,
yet has absolutely no logical basis. Because he believes everyone who
wants medical care should have it; that is why the President of the
United States should be no person other than Barack Obama? The use of
the most powerful linking statement here repeatedly, “because”, is more
that suspicious. However, the proof, is that he is a Harvard Attorney,
and he knows not to use a “because” when he is not making a proper
argument that one thing causes another. Drafting such false logic sticks
out to attorneys like a sore thumb and he cannot accidentally make this
mistake once, let alone three times in one paragraph, and consistently
throughout his speeches.
Obama’s technique of head turned to the
right side in interviews described by body language expert as one of the
most powerful subconscious manipulation techniques possible by a
speaker’s body language
Notice how Obama has his head tilted to the
right in interviews such as the Fox News interview with Chris Wallace
April 27, 2008, his ABC News Nightline interview, as well as the August
16, 2008 meeting with Rev. Rick Warren,153 and many
others. It is undeniable how Obama significantly tilts his head to the
right in these and other interviews, but not when Obama is giving
According to Tonya Reiman, Author of “The
Power of Body Language,” such a head tilt to the right is “one of the
most powerful manipulation tools of body language”157.
Tonya Reiman describes how there is no difference between what such
gestures and manipulation. Barack Obama is actually manipulating you
subconsciously by tilting his head without you even consciously
realizing it. The reason is that tilting your head to the right
specifically is a sign of vulnerability, a very effective one. Per
our animal instincts, a head tilted to the right exposes an animal’s
jugular vein, their weakness, and in turn, causes us to lower our
defenses subconsciously as a counter-measure, without even being
consciously aware of it.
This is a clear example of Obama
intentionally using a subconscious technique for gaining trust and
lowering the subconscious guard and resistance of his audience, using
one of the most powerful manipulation tools of body language. This is
not just confident body language. When Obama lowers his head to the
right as he often does, he is not convincing us logically, he is
manipulating us without our knowledge. We may say, “Oh, well this
doesn’t seem so bad, his head tilted to the right doesn’t make me vote
for him any more so.” You may feel none of these tactics do. In fact,
because they are subconscious tactics, we do not realize how effective
they are. Only after November fourth can one be sure they are
unaffected. We are subconsciously tricked into trusting him more and
liking him more, not logically, but in our internal feelings to vote for
him 158. This goes beyond deceit, and is in fact
mind-control. People watching him listen to him, and like him, and trust
him, they genuinely feel it, and it is artificially induced. Now a
single tactic like this head tilt by itself has effect. However,
it is when Obama combines it with hundreds of other gestures,
techniques, language patterns, and other aspects of hypnosis. There is
an “Obama phenomenon” of millions of people, who call him JFK or Jesus
reincarnated, and nobody can explain why. We are ready to turn over the
United States of America to this largely unknown man and nobody can
explain why. This is why. His arsenal of hypnotic and subconscious
manipulation brainwashes causing an unstoppable grade school-like crush
on him in some cases, and in others, simply pushes us over the edge,
overpowers our logical concerns, to supporting him when we otherwise
Much of Obama’s body language may be
considered beyond confident, to actually manipulative. As another
example, when appearing with his opponents Hillary Clinton and John
McCain, in debates and elsewhere, notice how, when he shakes their hand
such as after the debate, Obama does an additional touch on the arm or
shoulder of his opponent. He is not being friendly here. He does this to
purposely appear “commanding” and “in charge” to his audience. He is
showing that he has the right, power, and authority and confidence to
touch this person. This is all conscious and intentional. He even
makes sure that after every debate, he takes the forefront walking
across the stage at the end, to the front center, and meeting the
moderator or other people up in the front and center, so people are left
with the end thought of him being at the forefront.
Obama’s manipulative body language is so
perfected, that you actually have to consciously detach yourself from it
to try to not be influenced by it. He never shows a hint of nervousness
in his body language, and is always commanding in his presence. He is so
strategic in his body language, that when he is on stage with Hillary
after primaries or Joe Biden talking about and praising him, he actually
consciously sits slouching a little hunching his shoulders, with his
back arched in his chair, as if to put the other person as the perceived
leader while they speak well of him so their message is more effective.
Interview of Professor of Psychiatry on
CNN in which Dr. comes close to hinting of her suspicion that Obama is
using covert subconscious techniques throughout his campaign.-Excerpts
from an interview of Dr. Gail Saltz by Erica Hill, Professor of
Psychiatry, New York Presbyterian Hospital, on Anderson Cooper 360, CNN
June 7, 2008 22:00 EST speak for themselves.
“Obama used words like "change," "hope,"
"action." They have high emotional valence, particularly at this time.
Clinton used words like "conversation" and "leader," and they didn't
have the same emotional valence. And in addition, Obama delivered them
with a tremendous inspirational tone. That also affected things greatly.
So yes, I think actually it did play a big role. If you think about it,
a campaign is really about PR and marketing. And interestingly, the
father of public relations was the nephew of Sigmund Freud. He used
those same concepts of the subconscious. And that's what we're talking
about here. It's not the conscience meaning of the word: it's the
unconscious emotion it evokes. Because when it's out of your awareness,
it has the ability to make you behave and do certain things that you
wouldn't if you knew it was present. I do think Obama really has a
special talent in this arena of deciding what words to use with a
particular valence.” Dr. Saltz seems to strongly suggest that Obama is
indeed using subconscious hypnosis techniques in his campaign.
However, she only scratches the surface of Obama’s techniques and does
not put together the ethical issue of how deceptive and immoral his
tactics are.
Hypnosis/NLP expert discusses Obama’s use
of mind control techniques on radio
Dr. Horton, who has been working in the field
of hypnosis and NLP for 25 years, has called Obama’s methods clearly the
use of hypnosis and effectively “Mind control”159. The
discussion on this radio program160 describes Obama’s use
of the 48 Laws of Power, by Greene, a treatise on mass deception, total
absence of emotion161. Obama is often referred to as
detached emotionally and not just “cool” but in fact so detached as to
be of concern to some people. Discussed is Obama’s ability to project
people’s hopes and dreams onto him, and Obama’s use of hypnosis to get
masses to view him as the vehicle to get whatever he wants through
Obama’s vague “yes we can”, “change” and “we are the ones we have been
waiting for” speeches.
The discussion addresses Obama’s cadence
rhythm and speaking tone, taking breaks after 5-8 word phrases, and how
he cleverly uses pauses such as “together, we look to the future,”
to send subconscious messages we are not even aware of. One specific
hand gesture being used by Obama discussed was Obama’s rousing emotion
from the audience, and then touching his face, or tie, as a method of
subconsciously transferring those emotions onto him by bringing the
person’s focus back to him while in that elicited state. Also discussed
is how Obama morphs into a different person with different voice
depending on which group he is talking to.
Website analyzes Obama’s use of hypnosis
in speeches
A website looking at the hypnotic aspects of
Obama’s speeches and comparing them to other candidates, and Hitler, who
was well-known to use hypnosis, provided the following commentary:162
Barack Obama: Democratic candidate, Feb 5, 2008, remarks on
Super Tuesday 58% hypnotic language. Complete mastery of the
language, including highly abstract pacing and leading language for
creating emotion and motivation. In addition to the language patterns,
he is fantastic at going higher up in level of abstraction beyond
details, while still managing to sound relevant. He uses
Ericksonian-style language patterns, including presuppositions and
nominalizations extensively. This is only a sample of 500 words from a
single speech, but as you can see, Obama tops the crowd using nearly 60%
hypnotic language patterns. In my opinion, this is purposeful language,
likely written by very skilled speech writers — perhaps someone trained
in Neuro-Linguistic Programming or Hypnosis. Another website also
provides similar commentary.163
149 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p147-149.
The primary focus of this document has been the linking statement using
overt causation, the most powerful, however, other linking statements
are also used by Obama.
150 “my
background, my politics” palms inward towards himself. – his speech on
race, Philadelphia.
151 2:25-
152 Remarks of
Senator Barack Obama: Health Care Town Hall, Date: 06/05/2008
153 See also Obama can be
seen with his head tilted to the right in many interviews where he faces
the camera. Google “Obama head tilt” - See “Watching the
Saddleback Church Forum with Pastor Rick Warren interviewing Senator
Barack Obama on Saturday August 16, I was struck by the marked and
obvious tilting of the Senator’s head Forum. The tilt is to the right
side. This phenomenon has not been widely written about from a medical
perspective.” at
154 As an
155 As an
156 Obama at
Saddleback church interview
157 The Power
of Body Language, Tanya Reiman, p95-96.
160 Dr. Wil
Horton, licensed clinical psychologist, 8/2/2008 2:00:00 PM
clintons4mccain radio,
161 Law 3:
Conceal Your Intentions. Law 7: Get Others to Do the Work for You, but
Always Take the Credit. Law 15: Crush Your Enemy Totally. Law 33:
Discover Each Man's Thumbscrew.
162 by Michael,
website at
Obama uses hypnotic command to dismiss the
Rev Wright questions
Regarding Rev. Wright, Obama in an interview
with Chris Mathews on MSNBC, simply says, with his amazing
hyper-confidence, “three weeks from now, everybody will have
forgotten..”164 He doesn’t even say, I hope this will be
forgotten. He clearly states it as a command 165. That
easily, for millions of Americans, the question of why he sat in a
racist, anti-American church for 20 years is unimportant. When Obama
faces any attack or issue that hurts him, he simply says this is the old
politics, and that this issue doesn’t solve the people’s problems. He
calls it a “distraction.”; a word that clearly has a very powerful
message, to be overlooked. When the idea of a distraction is commanded
hypnotically, in can, as we see, sometimes be more powerful than all the
logic which says, “wait, Obama’s character is relevant” 166.
He groups everything that hurts him politically, from his empty record
to his connections with Farakhan and Hamas, to his elitism, and all the
questions about his character and patriotism under his magical umbrella
of issues that “distractions” or what he calls “fear tactics.” The
rational part of one’s mind should realize that Obama’s connections to
these people, combined with how little we know about Obama disqualify
him from the Presidency, but as emotional beings, many are driven by
simply wanting him as President.
Obama’s speech on race March 18, 2008
Philadelphia – hypnotic storytelling throughout
This speech is symbolically in the “city of
brotherly love.” Notice how he carefully plans venues for such speeches,
Berlin to be like JFK, “Unity” when he and Clinton are trying to get
along. Has any candidate before ever paid this much attention to such
small symbolisms? Obama is using hypnotic storytelling techniques from
the start of the speech, when Obama is talking about a different time,
“221 years a hall that still stands across the, scholars” in his slow rhythm, through to the end. As
discussed above with regards to the California Convention 2007 Speech,
hypnotic storytelling is a fundamental of hypnosis. The stories in
this speech are countless, practically throughout. Through much of
Obama’s speech, what is a story and what is not are completely blended
and intertwined. He takes you through a host of emotions starting with
guilt about slavery, to all types of stories about brotherly love and
togetherness, meanwhile using his thumb and forefinger anchoring
technique almost throughout, and implanting messages hidden within the
stories into your subconscious. He gets your imagination prevail over
your rationality, and you find yourself feeling the heartwarming tales
that the people in all these stories felt, and associating those with
him. He consistently paces throughout, “This presidential campaign” or
“I chose to run for president – at this moment (in history)” just two of
many pacing statements with anchors, and “this moment”, “this election”,
and “this time” (repeated nearly half a dozen times).
He builds warm emotions with generic
statements like “We all want to move in the same direction...towards a
better future...for our children and grandchildren.” The way he
dismisses the whole Rev. Wright affair without discussing how he could
have not known Wright was racist and anti-American (which he denies) is
by saying he is “not the most conventional candidate.” Notice how you
have to agree with it because you do not have time to dissect what part
of nonconventional is due to his race, and what part is due to something
improper that he has done for twenty years. At 4:56 he says “A story
that has seared into my genetic makeup the idea that this nation is more
than the sum of its parts, that out of many, we are truly one”,
meanwhile pointing down as if to command almost the whole way through
that statement. Notice how many times he talks about being one with his
This is building and reinforcing a
subconscious connection with his audience, often by using his hypnotic
anchor hand gesture. In fact, such stories are designed to “sear” their
way into your subconscious with the message that he and you, the
subject, “are truly one.” More include “let us all find our common stake
in one-another”, and “we can come together.” He describes children of
different races getting along at multiple times throughout the speech.
He tells stories containing embedded all the warm feelings that he in
fact places into the subconscious minds of the audience, which warms, or
at least thaws the outrage over Wright167.
He beautifully plays the audience like a
violin taking positions on both sides, and criticizing from all angles
and perspectives. In the end, we forget that he fails to address what he
calls “nagging questions” because he cannot. They aren’t “questions”,
they are impossibilities for which there is no answer, but which he
dances around and dodges beautifully. It is impossible that he could not
have known his pastor’s true views and character for twenty years. It is
impossible that someone who says “God damn America” loves this country
in the same way as someone who is shocked by these words. It is
impossible that Obama had he good and strong character would have stayed
in that church. It is impossible, that had Obama possessed good
judgment, he would have stayed in that church. It is impossible; that
had Obama not agreed with such views, he would have stayed in that
church. In the end, he convinces many on emotion and warm feelings
driven through to the subconscious through continuous hypnotic
storytelling, telling hypnotic story after hypnotic story each with a
theme about how he wants the audience to feel. Obama ends up slipping
out of the consequences of a personal history what would rationally have
destroyed any candidate.
164 Hardball
College Tour interview Barack Obama, Chris Mathews,
165 As he said
it, in three weeks’ time, it was forgotten by most. Coincidentally,
Wright, happened to shortly thereafter come public with some more
extreme comments precisely giving Obama another chance to now denounce
him more concretely. This had the precise effect of Obama then
being able to say he did denounce Wright, after Obama initially refused
to, so that the story would die down, and Wright has been largely silent
since. -Another interesting coincidence nobody suspected.
166 Obama said
in his democratic convention acceptance speech that issues such as his
character are off limits.
167 The Power
of Conversational Hypnosis, Clifford Mee and Igor Ledochowski, How to
Destroy Resistance With Stories: Priming the Subconscious Mind,
Obama’s hypnotic logo
Obama adds to this by giving a visual point
of fixation – his logo. No doubt that one intended meaning, of many, is
that the circle is also an “O” for “O”bama. By itself that is not all
that significant. Obama’s logo is highly hypnotic, because unlike any
other logo in presidential history, you do not look at it, but
through it. One subconsciously looks though the circle to the
light inside, like the light at the end of the tunnel, without
consciously realizing it. This visual point of focus is helpful in
multiple ways to focus one’s attention, as well as to distract the
critical factor. Notice how it is always there on the podium – a
small one in the middle, just enough for your conscious mind to miss,
but for you to see subconsciously. Additionally, Obama’s logo looks very
much like a crystal ball. Notice how it looks like it is shining
brightly. Crystal balls are used by hypnotists as one of their favorite
focus points for aiding in trance induction168.
Also notice how Obama’s podium messages are
never something like “country first” like McCain has, which needs
conscious interpretation. Obama’s podium messages are always simplistic
hypnotic commands including the words “Need” or “Believe” or “Change.” A
common Obama podium message is the word in large letters “CHANGE”, and
beneath it “WE NEED.” The reason this is hypnotic, and part of his
hypnotic trance induction, is because the message is vague, and has two
meanings because it can be read both as “change we need”, and as “we
need change.” Per the discussion on trans-derivation in this document,
as your mind tries to figure out which meaning is intended (and cannot
resolve it because both are in fact intended) your mind is subject to
trance induction and distraction, while your subconscious mind becomes
more accepting of suggestion.
Obama’s strange hand gesture &
hand-holding conversation with Senator Lieberman
In a very unusual report, Obama is reported
to grab another Senator with whom he is in a disagreement with, Sen.
Joseph Lieberman, and lead him by the hand across the Senate floor and
then speak to Lieberman in a passionate manner with strange had gestures169.
The reason this is strange, is, besides the investigation of
Obama for use of hypnosis in his speeches and other aspects of his
campaign, is that the description of this “heated conversation” sounds
somewhat like some very specific hypnotic induction techniques,
including one hand and handshake instant induction
techniques.170 The article
states:“Obama In Heated Conversation With Lieberman, June 4, 2008 12:24
PM, Sam Stein, The Huffington Post: Furthermore, during a Senate
vote Wednesday, Obama dragged Lieberman by the hand to a far corner of
the Senate chamber and engaged in what appeared to reporters in the
gallery as an intense, three-minute conversation. While it was unclear
what the two were discussing, the body language suggested that Obama was
trying to convince Lieberman of something and his stance appeared
slightly intimidating. Using forceful, but not angry, hand gestures,
Obama literally backed up Lieberman against the wall, leaned in very
close at times, and appeared to be trying to dominate the conversation,
as the two talked over each other in a few instances. Still, Obama and
Lieberman seemed to be trying to keep the back-and-forth congenial as
they both patted each other on the back during and after the exchange.
Afterwards, Obama smiled and pointed up at reporters peering over the
edge of the press gallery for a better glimpse of their interaction.
Obama loyalists were quick to express their frustration with Lieberman’s
decision and warned that if he continues to take a lead role in
attacking Obama it could complicate his professional relationship with
the Caucus”171.
It sounds more unbelievable than to even
suggest seriously, but certain aspects of the “conversation” just have
hypnotist written all over it. This report is not inconsistent with the
absurd-sounding possibility that Obama tried to use hypnotic techniques
on Senator Lieberman right there on the Senate floor. This includes the
motive, Lieberman’s recent criticisms of Obama, and Obama’s alleged
method of grabbing Senator Lieberman by the hand and leading him by the
hand across the Senate floor (see handholding as part of instant
induction techniques), the forceful hand gestures, backing Lieberman up
against the wall, and leaning in very close, appearing to try to
dominate the conversation, the patting on the back, all until being
apparently interrupted by reporters172.
168 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p189 re
use of crystal balls in trance induction.
169 Obama in
heated Conversation with Lieberman
170 The
Handshake Induction (from Confusion is the basis
of Erickson's famous hypnotic handshake. Many actions are learned and
operate as a single "chunk" of behavior: shaking hands and tying
shoelaces being two classic examples. If the behavior is diverted or
frozen midway, the person literally has no mental space for this - he is
stopped in the middle of unconsciously executing a behavior that hasn't
got “a middle". The mind responds by suspending itself in trance until
either something happens to give a new direction, or it "snaps out". A
skilled hypnotist can often use that momentary confusion and suspension
of normal processes to induce trance quickly and easily. By interrupting
the pattern of a "normal" handshake in some way, the hypnotist causes
the subject to wonder what is going on. If the handshake continues to
develop in a way which is out-of-keeping with expectations, a simple,
non-verbal trance is created, which may then be reinforced or utilized
by the hypnotist. All these responses happen naturally and automatically
without telling the subject to consciously focus on an idea. The various
descriptions of Erickson's hypnotic handshake, including his own very
detailed accounts, indicate that a certain amount of improvisation is
involved, and that watching and acting upon the subject's responses is
key to a successful outcome. The most important thing is that the
"normal" handshake is subverted in such a way to cause puzzlement, which
may then be built upon. Richard Bandler was a keen proponent of the
handshake induction, and developed his own variant, which is commonly
taught in NLP workshops. Any habitual pattern which is interrupted
unexpectedly will cause sudden and light trance. The handshake is a
particularly good pattern to interrupt because the formality of a
handshake is a widely understood set of social rules. Since everyone
knows that it would be impolite to comment on the quality of a
handshake, regardless of how strange it may be, the subject is obliged
to embark on an inner search (known as a transderivational search, a
universal and compelling type of trance) to identify the meaning or
purpose of the subverted pattern (see also “instant induction
techniques” online, such as “one handed induction”).
171 Obama in
heated Conversation with Lieberman
172 See
previous footnote on instant induction and handshake induction.
Obama’s use of a fake presidential seal
Obama at one speech had on the front of his
podium a fake presidential seal which he created, which looked like the
Presidential Seal of the United States, except with a few modifications
such as “Obama” written on it, and his hypnotic logo in the center. This
was likely an attempt at another subconscious message looking
Presidential that, like the light shining down statement described
above, was caught and ridiculed because of its impropriety. Both
probably without went without anyone’s conscious awareness of their
small role in Obama’s broader hypnotic efforts. Both were simply
ridiculed because of their impropriety. This could be argued to simply
have been an effort by Obama to appear Presidential, but why the subtle
modifications then and why his logo in the middle?
Assorted other points:
Obama often uses a variety of other
subconscious verbal tricks. At 4:55 pm on September 24, 2008, in a
response to McCain suspending his campaign as a show of non-partisanship
to work on the economy, Obama made a statement about how in this crisis,
there are some immediate aspects, and also some long term aspects that
the net administration will have to deal with. Then he says in the
next few sentences “we”...”we” several times, and then follows up with
how “we” will have to deal with those long term issues down the road.
He separated it so he was not obviously saying that he will be the next
administration, but subconsciously, that is probably an intentionally
sent message. There are too many issues to
address, and too many hypnotic techniques
to look into even in a single speech.
However, here are a few miscellaneous points.
Notice how often he starts his turn speaking
with the words “Now look...” Not just once or twice, but repeatedly,
especially when he is in trouble in an interview or conversation. When
Obama first introduces Biden as his vice president to take the stage
with Obama for the first time, Obama announces Biden as, “the next
president of the United States” and then corrects himself to say vice
president, as if he misspoke. It is difficult to know whether Obama did
this on purpose to make people who are uncomfortable with him feel more
at ease as though Biden would be running the show. Perhaps he misspoke,
but then again, how often does Obama misspeak? ...As compared to his
proven prior acts of misspeaking purposely as part of subconscious
Notice Obama’s sparkling eye-shadow makeup.
On Hannity and Colmes, Mary Matalin said
Obama was “attacking McCain subliminally”, calling McCain “confused.” In
another Obama ad, when McCain was criticized for not knowing how many
houses he owned, the voice slowly paused before saying “he can’t
remember,” in a deep powerful voice. Clearly this was a similar tactic
to get people to be concerned about McCain’s age. When Hillary had lost
the nomination, Obama came to meet with her. As the story was relayed,
Obama had all journalists board his plane to cover him, and then, in an
unbelievable move, Obama sent his plane, without him, to another
city to intentionally do away with the press so Obama could talk to
Clinton privately without journalists there.
Regarding the lipstick on a pig comment, it
is hard to know whether Obama intended this to be subconscious or not.
However, on Wednesday September 10, 2008 in what appeared to be a small
library, Obama did try to cover it up. He said, “nobody actually
believes...” that the McCain camp is offended. Notice how much emphasis
he puts on his favorite programming word “believes” – and the huge pause
thereafter. That is not (supposedly) the end of the idea nor the
sentence. Why a huge pause and emphasis if that was not the end of
the idea? Notice how the whole statement is made as if it were a
command, “nobody actually believes!”
Notice how Obama copies and piggybacks the
popular points of every candidate he is going against. That is so
people will look at him as equal on every issue logically, and
differentiates Obama on the issues where he chooses to, where he is
strongest. It allows him to appropriate the best of the other
candidates without ever taking a position. Look at how he does this even
in debates. He would allow Hillary to answer a question with her
wealth of experience, and then he says that he would have given the same
answer, sometimes even using a metaphor like “dovetail” but he is also
Barack Obama. Remember how starkly different he was than John McCain?
What issues can one name where he is even describably different than
The effects of his hypnosis are undeniable
“The unconscious mind (where Obama is
implanting his hypnotic commands) is the source of our energy. No amount
of will power exerted by the conscious mind can override it.” Modern
Hypnosis Theory and Practice, Masud Ansari, Ph.D., p43. This is why many
people are so passionate about Obama. Nobody knows who, not even they.
It is difficult to know how many people have been affected and how much
until November 4th when people actually vote. Because of Obama’s
tactics, we can expect people to change their mind at the last minute,
feel entranced in the voting booth, vote for people other than they
intended, and other interesting reports. We can expect irregularities
because the lengths people will go to elect Obama to be unusual, as that
desire will supersede some people’s interest in democracy. We can expect
significant voter fraud, and other problems. We have already seen
such strange behavior, including many instanced of voter fraud, people
bending the rules as if Obama winning is more important than the rule,
the obviously biased positions of most journalists, and reports that a
respected journalist Gwen Ifill, who is moderating a debate, who may not
have properly disclosed that she is writing a book on Obama, which
should have been done even to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
Obama’s perceived greatness
Bill Richardson called him the “greatest
leader of a generation.” Nancy Pelosi called Obama “a leader that God
has blessed us with at this time.” Millions of people are worshipping a
man who has accomplished virtually nothing but given speeches. Obama is
drawing crowds like only John F. Kennedy could, except John F. Kennedy
was in the military as commander of a torpedo boat, a congressman for
six years, a senator for seven years, won the Pulitzer Prize, and was
President of the United States before he had such support. Obama now is
practically more popular than John F. Kennedy, except without any of the
accomplishments. Obama puts us in a trance where it doesn’t even
seem like it is the Presidency of the United States on the line – he
makes us feel like it is American Idol and we are kids who want the guy
we have a crush on to win.
The media admits Obama is so memorizing it is
difficult to remain objective, that they get chills and shivers from
watching him. The McCain web ads “Love”, as well as “The Road To Denver”
have examples of how people are spellbound by Obama174,
including media persons. Journalists admit how swept away they are, how
they have a crush on Obama like they haven’t had since grade school, and
feel sensations going through their bodies while listening to him175.
Journalists admit “it’s hard to remain objective,” describing the
sensations running up their legs as they listen to him speak. “I feel a
need to do this, I have to” one Obama supporter says.
“Regarding the “turn the page” speech, one
typical supporter comments online:
“I was there - I heard, I saw, I witnessed
what I had been hearing only over the media. This guy is a myth, a
legendary figure around who we must all assemble. He is the man to
remember, the tree to lean on, and the rock on which to build. Let
America give this guy a chance and it is obvious that it will not be a
regrettable decision. I am quite sure that that rustic Medical Doctor
who manifested a high degree of ignoramus when he naively spoke against
Barack the day after he announced his candidacy on C-Span must be
gnashing his teeth now. Barack has demonstrated that he is not only
eloquent, but he is savvy, apt, sound and good enough for this country,
so let's all endorse him, and work hard to ensure that we place him in
the White House. He has made it clear that this campaign is not about
him, and not about his family. It is about us, so let us take this whole
thing into our hands, get into every nook and cranny of this country and
win voters for our darling candidate. Barack, you are the man!!!!!!!!!!”
Another supporter shortly thereafter, writes, “I believe this wonderful
man is a gift from God.” Others compare him to John F. Kennedy.176
These above are just a small sample.
174 Obama spell
mesmerizing but empty - Candidate's appeal takes on cult quality,
Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post Writers Group, And now, in
the most amazing trick of all, a silver-tongued freshman senator has
found a way to sell hope. To get it, you need only give him your vote.
Barack Obama is getting millions. ..."We are the hope of the future,"
sayeth Obama. We can "remake this world as it should be." Believe in me
and I shall redeem not just you but your country -- nay, we can become
"a hymn that will heal this nation, repair this world, and make this
time different than all the rest.",0,7036639.story
Obama casts his spell – by Charles Krauthammer - ABC's Jake Tapper notes
the "Helter-Skelter cultish qualities" of "Obama worshipers," what Joel
Stein of the Los Angeles Times calls "the Cult of Obama." Obama's Super
Tuesday victory speech was a classic of the genre. Its effect was
electric, eliciting a rhythmic fervor in the audience -- to such
rhetorical nonsense as "We are the ones we've been waiting for. (Cheers,
applause.) We are the change that we seek."
175 Tucker
Carlson on the press’ early teenage crush for Obama being beyond love.
176 Tracy Smith
says Obama's "stoic eloquence, " with lines like, "WE are the ones we've
been waiting for," conjures up images of President Kennedy.
Obama’s trance
Mark Bergin of World Magazine writes:
Obama spell mesmerizing but empty -
Candidate's appeal takes on cult quality, Charles Krauthammer,
Washington Post Writers Group, And now, in the most amazing trick of
all, a silver-tongued freshman senator has found a way to sell hope. To
get it, you need only give him your vote. Barack Obama is getting
millions. ..."We are the hope of the future," sayeth Obama. We can
"remake this world as it should be." Believe in me and I shall redeem
not just you but your country -- nay, we can become "a hymn that will
heal this nation, repair this world, and make this time different than
all the rest." “In typical fashion, Obama roused the crowd with soaring
rhetoric: “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” With heads cocked,
many onlookers seemed to glaze over with trance-like admiration for the
man they believe will reinvent American politics177”.
Another Obama fan writes: “ I switched
to a video of Barack and within a few moments, I had faded and gone into
a drone like TRANCE! Like an altered state. Anyone else notice
this? What could it mean? 178”
Nicholas M. Guariglia describes Obama’s
effect on many as: _Everyone is telling me he’ll tickle my fancy. I’m
supposed to be endeared. Apparently he does all sorts of amazing
trance-like things to you: he’ll “look into your eyes,” “inspire” your
political senses, and when he speaks to his audiences, he bestows upon
you feelings you “haven’t felt in ages.””179
Daniel Zanoza writes: “It's as if a
significant portion of the American public is under some sort of ungodly
spell when it comes to Obama and someone needs to give me a good
explanation for it.”180
Another blogger writes: “It continues to stun
me that people are hypnotized by Obama's rhetoric given his lack of
substance. His only message is "I offer hope" followed by "trust me". He
offers no plan for change and becomes annoyed when asked directly for
details (hear his interview with Steve Inskeep on NPR 1/9/08). He
depends on young voters who- apparently - do not realize he stands for
One blogger on writes:
“Like 'vsign' I actually started out liking Obama and thinking that he
had a chance to make a difference. After listening to him and reading
about what he proposes to do as president, I no longer trust him. It's a
pity that so many people seem to be in a trance and believe that he is
some kind of a god. I hope that they will come to their senses before
it's too late”182.
As a final example, see Reverend James
Manning’s video, likening him to other world leaders, in which he says
“Barack ...has got you all in a trance”, “Paralyzed hypnotic people that
follow Barack” – essentially arguing that Obama with virtually no
accomplishments has more support than JFK did, and more that Martin
Luther King did, and that this is unnatural,, and this should be a
wakeup call that something is not right183.
We know the “Obama phenomenon” is occurring,
and that it is powerful. To many who see through it, it is a quite
creepy. Not only because his image does not match his complete lack of
accomplishments, and complete failure to bring any real change in his 46
years. People who follow Obama with sparkles in their eyes try to bring
you into what is a very intense and frightening cult-like following – a
childish trance-like religious experience wherein you give up all
resistance and submit to Obama love and it fulfills you completely184.
There are significant reports of even high level political people
breaking rules to support Obama. One narrator of a criticism of Obama
supporters’ improper voting tactics describes Obama followers as simply
not being able to see through it. The first question that no one really
wants to examine, that we must examine, is, what is the logical
explanation for the Obama phenomenon? As logical human beings,
everything has a logical explanation. The media writes it off as “he is
simply very charming and a great orator.” Does that suffice? His
popularity is historic already. Historically, with some of the
horrible leaders who have come to power through their guile, can we
presume such cannot happen in this case just because this is America,
and not even examine this phenomenon? Perhaps the best way to know
Obama’s hypnosis techniques are having an effect is because he is
continuing to use them. If these techniques weren’t working, he wouldn’t
continue to risk his entire political career.
The effects of Obama’s hypnosis on young
people, and more “educated” people
The effect Obama is clearly having on younger
people is undeniable and common knowledge that young people are one of
his primary bases of support. Polls, colleges and the internet are
flooded with young people raving about Obama. Obama also apparently has
an increased effect on people who read more, or are more intellectual.
In a recent article in Newsweek Magazine entitled, “Letter to the Obama
Generation”, author Jonathan Darman advises “cut the blind devotion.” In
hypnosis science terms, this is not surprising, as young people are
known in psychology to respond better to hypnosis.185
The critical factor is something that one is not born with, but is
something developed through life experiences.186
Dr. Erickson’s said of younger people’s
susceptibility to hypnosis: These two case reports have been presented
in considerable detail to illustrate the naturalistic hypnotic approach
to children. There is seldom, if ever, a need for formalized or
ritualistic technique. The eidetic imagery of a child, his readiness,
eagerness and actual need for new learning, his desire to understand and
to share in activities of the world about him, and the opportunities
offered by “pretend” and imitation games all serve to enable him to
respond competently and well to hypnotic suggestions187.
Also discussed on the radio program with Dr. Will Horton cited above,
was how young people under thirty don’t have reference base to compare
information with, and Obama is easily able to implant suggestions that
are unchallenged in people without developed life experiences because
they have nothing to draw from to compare and contrast such absolute
truths with. Younger people do not have prior experience with which to
compare such compelling speech. As adults, many of us have heard at some
point very compelling speech, and know it does not mean that anywhere
near the claimed results will follow.
Younger people are more subject to the
influence of hypnosis generally. The period from age 14 to age 21 is the
best period for both speed of induction and depth of hypnosis 188.
After age 20 there is a gradual decline. Younger people, and people with
more intellectual minds, like readers, are also more subject to the
influence of hypnosis techniques that work by distracting the conscious
mind in order to access the subconscious, non-dominant hemisphere.189
This is because the processing part of the mind in these people will be
more proactive in trying to solve the problems and chasing the
distractions thrown by the hypnotist, as intended, leaving the
subconscious more vulnerable to implanting of suggestion. It is
the same with younger people being more creative, for similar reasons.
Younger people have a general need to believe. Younger people have
internally a need to be imaginative, to do something different, to
change the world, by their nature. They have a compelling internal drive
to be part of something, and in a way, do something different to make
the world a better place. Obama makes very effective use of this about
young people. However, just because Obama passionately shouts, “it’s
time for change, new energy, and new ideas”, does not mean he really has
any new ideas. Unfortunately, in helping young people understand that
they are being unduly influenced, they may not want to believe it just
like many adults will not. Perhaps those people not convinced by
this document can explain who Obama sat in Rev. Wright’s church for 20
years but did not know Wright’s racist and anti-American views. You can
never get a hypnotist to admit he is wrong. When you ask him how he
didn’t know Wright’s views, he says he knew some of them but there were
also positive things about the guy. When you ask him how he stayed in
the church, he says he didn’t hear these particular statements. Obama
has played this dance successfully with every journalist until they gave
up and moved on.
185 Young
people often respond better to hypnosis than adults, and have the
imagination necessary to make the process work well.
186 Killer
Influence Secrets of Covert Hypnosis, by David X, Part 1
187 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p186,
Erickson 1967, p423.
188 Modern
Hypnosis, Theory and Practice, Masud Ansari, Ph.D., p31.
189 Patterns of
the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1, p13 –
“[Erickson’s] overall strategy while conducting trance inductions
appears to have these three dimensions. 1) pacing and distraction of the
dominant (language) hemisphere.” See also, p137, “The induction of
the altered state of consciousness called trance requires and implies
the distraction and/or utilization of what Milton calls the conscious
Conclusion and commentary
Obama is beguiling us. He is hypnotizing us
like sheep. Fooling us like children. The Obama phenomenon is
essentially idol worship, caused by the well-studied and well-rehearsed
mind control tricks of a man who is very clever, able to play the media,
and thinks he has the right take the Presidency of the United States
through such deceptive means. He takes it upon himself to decide he has
the right to do so, and manipulate us without our knowledge by
sidelining our rational judgment. What does such a person think of
Worse yet, his hypnosis probably has at least
some effect on millions. Jews voting for the candidate endorsed by
Iran, Hamas, Farakhan, and Khalidi should be a wake up signal that
something is not kosher. Obama could not have picked a worse list of
supporters than Wright, Ayers, the Black Panther Party, Farakhan, Iran,
Hamas, Khalidi, Rezko if he were the Anti-Christ himself. This unknown
man is trying to gain control of the world’s largest nuclear weapons
arsenal by knowingly and intentionally using a form of hypnosis on
America that is the most deceptive and manipulative form of
communication known to man.
We are being played like a violin by someone
very smooth, who knows he can just play his games dodging questions and
avoiding issues until the election. This document barely scratches the
surface of his use of hypnosis. He knows he can promise anything. If
questioned with skepticism, he downplays. Then, he goes right back
to promising everything again. He can take neutral positions
covering himself both ways, because what he is doing is never analyzed
closely enough. He easily makes audiences feel like he has
answered a question without having done so, simply by saying he has. If
caught with evidence of his hypnosis, first, he will surely deny it. He
will probably stop doing it. If it is prove, he will admit it, but say
it is not his fault. Then, he may say that all advertising is part
subliminal, and that everyone does it. Nobody has ever tried to gain the
Presidency like this. It literally doesn’t matter what he says, because
the conscious mind cannot override the subconscious, and he knows that.
Obama is an eloquent speaker, and very
clever, but the rest is hypnosis. He is able to tell us exactly
what the polls say, exactly what he knows we want to hear. Even if he
has to change positions from one day to the next 190. He
knows exactly how to manipulate us. And he is false. Obama’s use of
hypnosis and mind games gets you to make a different decision than you
logically would have, yet he makes you feel like you came to that
decision on your own rational reasoning. Our own feelings are false. If
a person is willing to be this deceptive and smile as broadly as Obama
smiles, there is not telling what else he may be lying about, and no
telling even who he really is. One must wonder why someone would risk
their entire political career, so certain that if America was given
another four years to find out who Obama really is, that we would never
elect him, and that he must get the Presidency now, or never. This is a
man we know nothing about, except that he has no virtually
accomplishments, many shady connections, and lacks the judgment and
character to disassociate such persons, and is an influential orator. We
as Americans have to be stronger than to be influenced by words alone,
even such powerful ones. The speaking style of frowning and angrily
pointing while speaking angrily as part of covert hypnosis in public
speeches is not used by Obama alone, but also was used by at least one
other hypnotist in history who got millions to follow him. 191 192
Obama is even taking away your ability to
rationally judge and scrutinize what he is putting into your
subconscious. One must wonder the true nature of a person who is willing
to literally hypnotize us like children, in order to try and manipulate
us into voting for him by sidelining our rational judgment. Obama
is effectively saying, “the voter cannot be trusted to make this a
logical decision, I will decide for them.” This is a frightening
character trait suggestive of someone who almost believes he is some
type of Messiah. Obama’s hyper-confidence alone is frightening. He
is neither simply confident nor overconfident nor even simply arrogant.
Obama’s aura almost suggests he believes himself to be Messianic, and
his right to the Presidency long overdue and unquestionable. Not to
mention his right to hypnotize millions to get that Presidency absolute.
There was a moment during the Clinton primaries, where Bill Clinton made
some strong statements against Obama, and Obama’s reaction to the former
President was clearly one of being annoyed. It is questionable
what type of psychological g-d complex or other abnormality would make
Obama look down upon a former President as annoying.
Obama’s insulting hand gestures provide more
insight into his disturbing true nature that he successfully hides 99%
of the time, that of someone who uses psychologically manipulative
subconscious techniques to implant second-grade school-yard insults in
the minds of unaware voters. Obama’s use of hypnosis on millions
of people without our knowledge nor permission is unparalleled
subterfuge. What kind of person presumes that they have the right to
hypnotize Americans like children, and use mind control techniques which
circumvent our rational judgment? But even more amazingly, what
type of person runs for President of the United States with such
behavior? - repeatedly flashing such insulting hand gestures at his
opponents, trying to send subconscious messages?
It is beyond obnoxious. Only a disturbed
individual would think he is slippery enough to get away with something
like this. Only a disturbed person would think they should get away with
something like this, and with no accomplishments having never run
anything become leader of the free world. Only a disturbed
individual who thinks he can do absolutely anything would try, because
to any sane person running for President, the risks of being caught
would outweigh the potential rewards of such behavior. The hypnosis,
trying to fool an entire nation, the obscene hand gestures towards his
opponents again and again. Obama’s actions present the frightening
picture of a genuinely perverted man, an egomaniac hypnotist with a god
complex grown from his ability to get millions to eat out of his hand.
The fact that he refers to his own message as a light shining down from
above, the fact that he refers to himself as an epiphany, the fact that
he does hand gestures to make it look like he is parting the water like
Moses, the fact that he does all those other things to make people like
Nancy Pelosi come out and say he is ‘sent by God.”, one must also wonder
what would happen to this country if Obama won, and only afterwards was
it uncovered how he used hypnosis to gain the Presidency.
What if upon discovery, many said they would
not have voted for him otherwise? Those entrusted with protecting our
democracy must do a better job protecting it. Our entire nation was
almost lost to a con-man. The media may avoid this story for a number of
reasons. Maybe it is too complicated for them, doesn’t fit a sound byte
mold, or maybe cannot be delivered in a 60 second news story before
moving on. Then again, it may be the most watched news story from now
until the election. This story must break. People must know what is
happening and those who help spread this word may be looked back on as
heroic defenders of democracy. Let’s learn from history, not learn that
we can repeat it. Our democracy is on the line. The effects of his
hypnosis must be cancelled out by people starting to take a rational
look at who he is, including the media. It is certainly a concern that
this type of hypnosis is so effective that even after learning what
Obama is doing, many may still not believe and accept that Obama is
hypnotizing them and that they might not otherwise vote for him
194. It is my hope that the effects of all of Obama’s hypnotic
and subconscious tactics are wiped away and neutralized
completely...that everyone now be allowed to think and make logical and
rational decisions.
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