James Petras
James Petras Blog
James Petras Blog
Greece faces the
unenviable choice between accepting the terms of “the Troika” and facing
the continuation and deepening of a socio-economic crises, which
includes five years of negative growth, over 23% unemployment, an
astronomical rise in poverty (from less than 15% to over 40%) and
mounting suicides, or a rejection of the “memorandum”, and a likely
cut-off of Eurozone funding and capital markets with virtually few
reserves to cover salaries, pensions or public services.
While the immediate cost of a break with
catastrophic conditions imposed by Eurozone bankers may be high, it
opens up the possibility of transforming the internal and external
relations and structures which led Greece to ground zero.
Crises as Opportunity?
The prolonged and unending downward spiral of the
Greek economy and living standards, the disastrous and destructive
policies pursued by the formerly dominant two parties (PASOK and New
Democracy) has conclusively demonstrated that Greek “capitalism” and EEC
integration has been an unmitigated disaster; tried tested and failed
to meet the minimum standards of human existence. Only dogmatic true
believers in the innate virtues of ‘capitalism’ and the EEC can continue
to prattle about the “need” to continue the same “austerity” policies
which have devastated the lives of 80% of the people, closed half the
business establishments in the country and fails to provide jobs for
half of the young labor force (under 30 years of age).
The profound crises demonstrates the need for basic
changes in the organization of the economy, the urgency for new
political leadership and the desire for a new political system
responsive to the vast majority.
The old ruling oligarchies are totally discredited.
The existing links to the EEC only bleed the economy: providing loans
which deepen debt and which pass through the economy to overseas
bankers. EEC ‘integration’ is in fact a great suction pump which
depresses the economy and living standards in order to extract wealth
for overseas bondholders.
No capitalist or politician of the old order
provides any redeeming argument. In the past they plundered the economy;
in the present they extract and transfer wealth abroad; and for the
future they can only promise more of the same.
The basic challenge is not the abysmal conditions of
the present but the opportunity that exists for a fundamental
transformation. The problem is fashioning a transition from an
unmitigated disaster to an equitable, dynamic and participatory economy.
The problem facing a transition is the flawed structural and behavioral
features of contemporary Greek society, polity and economy. Greece is
deeply embedded with the legacy of a culture of pervasive state-party
corruption and kleptocracy and bloated expenditures for the military and
cliental bureaucracies. Most important, Greece is dominated by
rent-seeking economic elites who pretend to be capitalists, but profit
from state and overseas handouts from the Eurozone bankers and states.
To effect a transition requires that we first face
the negative legacy of the past an order to see what proposals are
viable and necessary.
The Negative Legacy and Debt Default: Greece is not Argentina
Many radical critics of the ‘austerity’ and debt
crises in Greece cite the “Argentine example” of debt default (over $100
billion dollars) and its ability to fashion a successful recovery and
growth model based on ‘self-financing.’ The critical advocates ignore
the profound differences in the economic and social structures of the
two countries as well as their respective locations in the regional
Argentina, at the bottom of its crises, was actually
in a worse situation than Greece today. Unemployment hovered between
25%-30% and over 50% in many working class districts, compared to 24% in
Greece. Poverty levels in Argentina exceeded 45%; in Greece they exceed
35%. The depression in Argentina led to a negative growth rate of
approximately 20% over the 3 year duration, equal to the loss in Greece
over the past 5 years.
Despite starting from a more difficult and worse situation, Argentina had several strategic advantages.
In the first place, in Argentina the ouster from
power of the crises driven ruling elite was affected by a mass popular
uprising (December 2001-January 2002). In Greece, while mass
demonstrations have certainly politicized, mobilized and radicalized a
part of the electorate, the radical coalition vying for power (SYRIZA),
has taken the electoral route. Secondly, the Argentine upheaval was a
continuous process as mass unemployed picketers (piqueteros) blocked
roads and transport as a negotiating tool to ensure that resources were
transferred from debt payments to unemployed workers’ family allowances
and in reviving the economy. In Greece the vast army of unemployed has
neither the organized capacity to sustain constant transport blockage
nor can they count on neighborhood and trade union organizations for
anything more than repeated one day work stoppages and marches.
Argentina immediately drastically devaluated its
currency – eliminating the dollar peg – from one to one, to three to one
and vastly increased the competitiveness of Argentine export products.
The center-left regime encouraged the substitution of local products for
costly imports. Argentina, unlike Greece was not part of a currency
union and could set its own currency rate. Greece is bound to the euro
and will have to convert to the drachma in order to take control over
its finances, currency rate, and monetary and investment policy tools.
Argentina possessed a substantial
industrial-manufacturing sector, idled by the crises, but with the
worker-engineering-management capacity to respond to a new stimulus
program. In addition, Argentina had a dynamic highly competitive
agro-business sector, a world leader in beef, grains and soya, as well
as energy (oil) and mineral wealth, which the center-left regime could
Greece, during its 30 year membership in the
European Union actually saw its meager and backward manufacturing and
agricultural base shrink, in the face of cheap and better imports from
developed capitalist countries like Germany, France, Holland and
elsewhere. Unlike Argentina, Greece received billions of dollars in
“transfers,” compensation funds to upgrade its economy and
competitiveness and prepare it for full integration (lowering of tariff
barriers). However, the “transfers” were not channeled into productive
activity either by the two ruling parties or by the ‘capitalists’ and
‘farmers.’ The ruling parties used the transfers to build extensive
electoral patronage machines; they squandered funds for overpriced state
contracts to provide builders engaged in non-productive building
projects (including the multi-billion dollar swindle around the Olympic
Games). Tens of thousands of unemployed graduates and party loyalists
bloated the national, regional and local bureaucracy, increasing
consumption, blocking any meaningful productive activity.
Capitalists designed “productive projects and then
transferred EU loans and handouts to local and overseas real estate
investments and luxury purchases. The Greek elite transferred loans to
London, Swiss and Cypriot bank accounts – while the government signed
off as ultimate guarantor.
In the agriculture sector, many property holders
were doctors, dentists, lawyers and high officials who used the
ownership of a few dozen olive or orange trees to receive low interest
loans, import tax-free luxury 4 x 4 vehicles and to build second or
third vacation houses. Many farmers who received loans and grants,
purchased land for homes for their married children or for extra room to
rent to tourists or to send their sons and daughters to overseas
Most important, the economic elite – bankers, ship
owners, construction-real estate – politicians, speculators skimmed off
billions from the EEC transfers in the form of illicit loans to cronies
and in the form of fees, management charges for credit dealings and
pension funding.
The European bankers, government officials and
exporters were acutely aware that the “transfers” were being pillaged –
but they went along, for obvious reasons of economic and political gain:
lucrative interest payments flowed into their coffers; exporters took
over Greek consumer markets; bankers and investment houses found willing
pension fund managers ‘open’ to dubious investments. Even tourists
enjoyed the sun and imports which reminded them of home: wiener
schnitzel, English ale, Dutch feta. Moreover, Greece spent 15% of its
budget on the military, serving NATO goals and bases.
Contrary to superficial appearances, Greece was not
ruled by capitalists, small business people and farmers as some
political scientists claim. Greece was ruled by an extensive class of
kleptocrats, tax evaders and rentiers who pillaged, borrowed, consumed
and invested overseas. Technologically Greece was among the most
backward agro-manufacturing countries. Its overseas trained and educated
professionals, returned and ‘adapted’ to the kleptocratic-rentier
culture: most held several positions in public-private activities,
guaranteeing a mediocre performance and conflicts of interests.
In summary, Greece is not Argentina. A Greek default
is an absolute necessity to begin the process of transition toward a
productive and equitable economy. But the horrendous Greek legacy raises
a whole series of new problems and challenges with few economic
resources and in the absence of leading productive classes.
The Difficult Road Out of Crises
Any road map out of the Greek crises will be
difficult, complex, and arduous – given the “scorched earth” economy
which a left government (LG) will inherit. The first and most basic
concern of a LG is to end the policies and especially the agreements
with the “Troika” that demand further mass firings of public employees,
the reduction in social services, the cuts in minimum wages and
pensions. A new LG needs to impose a series of emergency measures to
avoid economic bankruptcy.
It is absolutely clear that European bankers and
regimes want to punish Greece for transgressions of their “austerity
pact.” If Greece should succeed in renouncing the austerity pact, the
Euro bankers fear that other countries – Spain, Portugal, Italy, Cyprus
and Ireland might follow suite.
Greece should suspend debt payments, impose tight
capital controls and freeze bank deposits to avoid capital flight, in
the face of the Troika cut-off of funding. The LG should convoke a
series of emergency commissions to (1) secure alternative sources of
emergency financing from several reserve funds with Euro holdings. They
must seek loans from Russia, Iran, Venezuela, China and other states not
beholden to the Troika and (2) make an inventory of available and
potential productive enterprises – bankrupt or troubled firms, indebted
enterprises – and convert them into state sponsored worker-employee
operated co-operatives (3) investigate public debt to determine what can
be classified as ‘legitimate’(loans channeled into productive
employment) or illegitimate (loans that enriched speculators, corrupt
contractors, political leaders) (4) investigate and attach overseas
holdings of wealthy Greeks who were engaged in multi-year multi-million
tax evasion and who accumulated illicit income via unpaid loans and
money laundering. Greek auditors should proceed to demand that Eurozone
creditors should collect debt payments from the bank accounts of wealth
Greeks who laundered and deposited in London, Zurich, Frankfurt, New
York and elsewhere.
The principle of the LG should be “those who
borrowed the loans and profited, should pay them.” The European bankers
who lent to corrupt politicians and business kleptocrats must assume the
loss, for failing to exercise “due diligence” – oversight into the
viability of the activity they were financing. After all, private
business ‘justifies’ its profits by the “risks” it takes. In the case of
Greece, Euro-bankers’ demands that private bank loans and repayments be
“guaranteed” by the state (no matter how badly they were managed) risk
‘moral hazard’: Guaranteeing bankers’ profits, irrespective of their
‘soundness,’ encourages a repetition of reckless speculation such as had
transpired in Greece over the past 30 years.
The LG should repudiate illegal debts (the vast
majority) and renegotiate and roll-over the rest over an extended time
frame, pending an economic recovery.
What should be recognized is that past Greek
governments (despite being formally elected) engaged in illegitimate
activity which prejudiced the sovereignty, productive capacity, and
livelihood of an entire people.
What is not acceptable is to force an entire people
to sacrifice their lives because a minority of Greeks borrowed and
didn’t invest or pay their debts to overseas creditors. Currently the
kleptocratic millionaires are given “cover,” and their illicit
multi-billion Euro bank accounts and real-estate holdings are protected
by the banks demanding payments from the Greek government. Their current
demands are based on a savage demolition of living standards for a
whole people. For outstanding obligations, the Greek LG can transfer tax
debts of Greek tax evaders to creditors, letting them attach the
overseas accounts of their Greek clients.
The LG can self-finance a recovery by drastically
changing budget priorities: mainly by slashing its military budgets.
Greece’s military expenditures as a percentage of its total budget, is
one of the highest in the European Union. By eliminating expenditures
for NATO operations, overseas military expedition and numerous military
bases, a LG can prioritize industrial and service investments.
Greece needs a (1) growth tax – a flat tax on the
self-employed – professions, shop keepers, hotels, etc. – to ensure that
they pay their share in financing the new economy. While the very rich
engaged in mega swindles and evasions, it was also the case that the 50%
self-employed sector imitated their behavior at the micro-level (2) a
tourist tax – at airports, ferry-docks, tour ships stops – with tight
oversight and or replacement of corrupt tax inspectors/collectors and
customs officials who take a big cut of proceeds. Incarceration of
corrupt officials should be mandatory. (3) A real estate tax which
reflects the real value of land and property, especially of unused or
uncultivated lands. (4) A tax on financial transactions and an end to
tax exemptions for major banks, corporations and so-called property
Exploiting Unused or Underutilized Human Resources
The new government has many sources of ‘human
capital’ – hundreds of thousands of unemployed young educated people who
can be mobilized for work in productive activity through selective
public investments in priority areas, especially outside of the “greater
Athens region.”
There are many regions and islands which have the
potential to provide income and employment, properly addressed. One of
the most salient is in food processing; one of the many perversities of
the Greek economy is the production and exports of apples and citrus
products to Germany and the import of juices. Another is the failure to
link local food and manufacturing to the 14 million tourist sector. Most
food and furniture is imported; most vacation packages benefit overseas
multi-nationals and foreign transport agencies.As a result the Greek
economy and labor force derives a small share of total income from its
“leading sector.” Greece with 300 days of sun is ideal for solar energy
The New Economy Cannot be Built with Kleptocrats of the Past
As mentioned above, Greece had few if any real
entrepreneurs, who invested their own profits, invested in research and
development and modernized their plant.
Public sector enterprises were overloaded with the
unemployed ‘party members,’ many virtually ‘no shows’; and many public
sector unions engaged in nepotism and multiple-employment at the expense
of efficient services, profitability and long-term development
strategies. Public sector enterprises require a kind of
re-nationalization, to generate revenues and income to finance new jobs
in new enterprises. Management of public enterprises should be
transferred from the hands of stagnant ‘life time job-holders’ to
dynamic workers – entrepreneurial – engineering management teams looking
to broaden the scope and quality of activity within the new economy.
Pension funds and other savings must be mobilized
alongside the billions retained by the state’s debt default to pay
current expenses (pensions, salaries, basic imports etc.), to stimulate
the revival of production among enterprises which show a willingness to
rebuild the economy and which show a willingness to collaborate in
activating production and employment. Public profits should finance
worker takeovers of factories and services abandoned by their previous
owners, of which there are thousands.
The public sector must take the lead in investing,
servicing and producing to create “confidence” among the small and
medium size producers. The public sector must take the lead in
negotiating with potential lenders and economic partners outside the
Eurozone: new markets and financial arrangements will be necessary if
the Eurozone cuts off all funding as a consequence of debt default or a
The danger is that SYRIZA follows through on the
default and has no alternative emergency plan in place to respond to a
Eurozone cut-off. In the face of an EU/IMF offensive and lacking an
alternative, a sector of SYRIZA (ex. PASOK public sector unionists) may
back-track and seek to accept some form of “renegotiated” pact … which
would divide and undermine the prospects for a truly viable and radical
transformation and condemn Greece to its catastrophic downward spiral.
SYRIZA has been raised to a serious contender for
state power by the most devastating capitalist crises to affect a
Western European country since WWII. It gained adherence through its
dynamic grass roots organizing and the relative cohesion of its
disparate components. It’s clear and forthright exposé of the corruption
and pillage of the dominant parties and its image as a party with
‘clean hands’ has propelled it forward among a broad spectrum of
classes, regions and generational groups. However, the very depth of the
crises, the total pillage and emptying of the treasury by the
kleptocratic political-business class and the dismantling of the entire
productive sector and the transfer of billions of Euros abroad by the
millionaire rentier class, has created an immensely difficult terrain
from which to launch the necessary transformation. The new government
can and must guarantee the sovereignty of the nation by rejecting
imperial dictates and end any further degradation (“austerity”) of the
Greek people. Emancipation requires that first and foremost the new
leadership takes the lead in making sacrifices: cutting out all the
perks of office, salaries and overseas commitments. The new social
priorities demand severe cuts in military budgets – bases, NATO, arms
purchases. The new leaders must tell the Euro-bankers to collect
payments from the accounts of the overseas billionaires who borrowed,
bled the country and are now sheltered in the same banks.
The Left must move from criticism to practical
deeds; from theorizing to creating jobs! Greece with a new government
can put an end to open-ended austerity and decay. It can and must change
its place in the international economy. In the final analysis, it is
Greece’s last best hope.
James Petras, a former Professor of
Sociology at Binghamton University, New York, owns a 50-year membership
in the class struggle, is an adviser to the landless and jobless in
Brazil and Argentina, and is co-author of Globalization Unmasked (Zed
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